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Thread: Love Life

  1. #161
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    wow, it seems like he answered truthfully rather than romantically

    i do both, but only by doing one

  2. #162
    Senior Member LunarCat's Avatar
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  3. #163
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    Originally posted by Lunarcat
    no flattery, please

    i hardly ever get chance to use my



  4. #164
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    aaww bless ya hunni poo!! "huggles Dan" love life is just...mad!!

    I hav had two boyfriends - Aaron and Chris. Aaron was two years younger than me wen we were going out and although i had my first kiss with him, i felt like a paedophile. He broke up with me after four weeks and i didnt recover well from it....
    Then he asked me out via txt again about three months ago, but we broke up again before we managed to see each other...
    The day after we broke up i saw him and also i met Chris for the first time. During this time i was really strained, having recently found a lump in my left breast..i was paranoid it was cancer. I had a blow up with Aaron, i said he didnt care about the fact i could hav cancer - which he obviously did but i was being thick..
    Chris and I got together and lets just say that things were going too fast too soon, so i broke up after a month and a half..

    The one boy i know i love is a guy at school who i hav known since we were 11...I used to fancy him like crazy for two years but it drove us apart. I got to know him better, as a good friend, and found that the fancying had left...but that i loved him.
    Don't believe me? Lets just say i would eagerly place myself infront of a gun rather than him take the bullet, because if anything happened to him my life would be over. Unfortunatly, but rather typically, he doesn't feel the same way..I'm his closest friend..its more of a sibling love i think he feels for me

    O cant hav it all

    "crawls back under stone"

  5. #165
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    Originally posted by Prince Simba
    My love life? Hahaha. *continues laughing*

    My love life sucks.

    Let's see... about a week, I kind of told my best friend that I'm in love with her. And it was definitely the wrong time to say that cause she broke up with her boyfriend about two weeks before that. She was all bummed cause she really liked him and he broke her heart and she was all "nobody cares" so I figured it might make her feel a bit better, but I kind of doubt it. I think maybe we've spoken about once or twice since then.

    Can you believe I took her to see TLKoB? Just kidding. She's really nice and for a long time we were just really good friends and I guess I'm just not strong enough to try and keep my feelings to myself.

    See? I'm pathetic.
    ah, dont be hard on yourself, dont start avoiding her and if she is avoiding you corner her and tell her that your sorry but its the way you feel and that you dont want that to be in the way of your friendship...

    and stop calling yourself pathetic :P

  6. #166
    Senior Member Amaryllis's Avatar
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    well if there is one thing i've learned in an relationship now, that is honesty

    there was this kinda thing that bugged me for weeks about Ragoom. And yesterday i talked with his friend about it, for the first time. He told me i had to tell Ragoom but i was too afraid that it would make a difference in our relationship, ore worse, that he would break up with me, again.
    And my friend nagged me and nagged me to tell Ragoom gently so he would understand. I was about to cry when Ragoom came online, but i was also thinking that if i wouldnt tell him, he wouldnt know, and i did wanted him to. So i asked if he was busy because i needed to talk to him. I explained everything and he understanded, and he explained lots to me and this sounds not too great, but it is for me. Because my relationship with him has grown because we're more honest to eachother now. And im so releaved about that ^^

    Prince Simba: you told the girl you fancy how you feel about her. it doesnt matter if she likes you immediately in return, have patience, and she'll get over her old love. And who knows, maybe she'll get to start liking you aswell. Love is mystery, you never know what might happen

  7. #167
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    Omg, the fair was AWESOME!!!! I got to go on the zipper and the ring of fire with chris and he's so cool. He completely ditched his friends just to hang out with me XD I had never been on the zipper so he encouraged me to go on it with him and we laughed on it sooo hard. And than he had to go hang with his friends but he wouldn't stop looking at me! My friends were constantly like, "He's staring at you again...psst there he is again." Yeah, it's weird but i like it, lol

  8. #168
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    Originally posted by Alli

    Omg, the fair was AWESOME!!!! I got to go on the zipper and the ring of fire with chris and he's so cool. He completely ditched his friends just to hang out with me XD I had never been on the zipper so he encouraged me to go on it with him and we laughed on it sooo hard. And than he had to go hang with his friends but he wouldn't stop looking at me! My friends were constantly like, "He's staring at you again...psst there he is again." Yeah, it's weird but i like it, lol
    eaaasy now take a deep breathe! x)

  9. #169
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    Well, I'm going to go out on a limb here.

    My love life has been nothing but crap since I started.

    Interesting: I was once dumped on Valentine's Day, and she sent me an elaborate anime picture she drew, along with a poem about how much she hated the relationship, and me, and everything.

    But my last experience was definitely the worst. I was holding it in until now, but I really don't see any point in it anymore. I've been depressed since it happened. I need to find love somewhere; anywhere.

    Here is the experience, transcribed from a conversation I had with MoS a while ago (edited for swear words, and legibility):

    JAZON: I think the worst part about the breakup was that, after everything was said and done she, being a pretty excellent liar, told all her friends I was some horrible abusive rapist type person, and she is currently loved throughout all cyberspace and thought to be a genuine, honest person (and a tremendous "victim")
    MoS: And none of 'em knew you?
    JAZON: only one, who believed everything Erin said about me
    JAZON: And is something of a liar, too
    JAZON: Let'sss...seee....she guilt-tripped me for complaining to her that my parents called me worthless and a failure all the time, saying "Shut up at least your parents are still together" because, you know, having parents who tell you you're an idiot and worthless is worlds better than having one parent who loves you
    JAZON: Another great thing about divorced parents: most of them don't fight and argue constantly, and only ONE of them can come down on you and call you a little s**t at a time.
    JAZON: Anyways, she played the "I'm a poor girl from the wrong side of town with a single mother, woe is me" card, and I'm sorry to say that because of her, I have no pity to anyone in her socioeconomic situation
    JAZON: She said, "I can't pay the phone bill, we're too poor," So I sent her $40 to help her foot the bill. I learned later that her job pays better than mine, that she DID have the money, and that she went and shopped for Anime DVDs every weekend with her friends. *shudders* my $40 of sympathy went to buying .Hack.
    JAZON: I found out 3 months into our relationship that she was still dating her real boyfriend
    JAZON: I asked her to make a decision-- not to break up with him, but just to make a decision
    JAZON: She told me she broke up with him and chose me, I was elated
    JAZON: Um, 2 months later, she confesses (after I pretty much corner her) that she's still with him
    JAZON: And then-- get this-- chews ME out for not trusting her enough
    JAZON: So she tells me she's broken it off with him, and this time it's true because I met him later and he told me about how she'd lied to HIM
    JAZON: Me, being a little pushover, totally overlooked the whole thing and accepted my chewing-out because I was in love with her (still am, in some ways, but mostly just who I thougth she was)
    JAZON: Well, I traveled to Wisconsin to visit her, and we fooled around and made out and kissed and it was one of the best times of my life
    JAZON: A week later, I've got a UTI, and I asked her to get checked for STDs, because she had told me her father had raped her, so I figured he might've given her something (also because I thought that she was a virgin, aside from this, when in reality she had given her REAL boyfriend sexual favors just two weeks before I came to visit her)
    JAZON: And when I say "I've got a UTI" I mean I was at work with diarrhea and nearly passing out under the lights and barely able to stand up straight
    JAZON: Not to mention the whole "strange discharge" symptom.
    JAZON: Well, I've got this little short-lived disease, but because of the symptoms it might've also been Gonorrhea or some awful thing, I forget, so I ask her to get checked. What does she say? "Oh my god, of course I will!" Weeks later, nothing. "Oh, I'll do it later." The final result? "How could you ask me to get checked for STDs??? You made me feel something DIRTY!!"
    JAZON: So I'm bawling and feeling like a horrid villain for DARING to suggest that she might've given me the STD I'm CURRENTLY SUFFERING FROM
    JAZON: Not that I'd ever made out with ANYONE before in my life; JUST HER...but STILL. THE NERVE.
    JAZON: It was pretty much then that she admitted, "Oh, my dad never raped me, he was just kind of a jerk and then walked out on the family"
    JAZON: I still can't believe that my only thoughts on it then were, "Gee I'm glad she wasn't raped"
    JAZON: I was in love. Stupidly, madly in love.
    JAZON: Well, she avoided me for 3 weeks, and I kept trying to get ahold of her because I was scheduled to work 6 days in a row and was really losing it
    JAZON: She only took my calls or unblocked me when she felt like talking to me
    JAZON: Turns out that, around this time, she had acquired a "f**k buddy", as she called him, because I wasn't enough for her
    JAZON: Did I mention I was online every night at 11pm, after I was supposed to be asleep, for nearly 8 months, waiting for her? And in this last month, she showed up about 1/3 of the time
    JAZON: Saying her mom wouldn't let her on, then later admitting she was avoiding me, and when I asked why, I didn't get an answer
    JAZON: So, totally freaked out because this is the girl I wanted to spend me LIFE with, I mean, marriage, kids, family, buried together
    JAZON: I finally asked her, "What can I do? What do you want? I want to fix everything that's wrong"
    JAZON: So she basically turns on me and says, "Everything in this relationship is horrible, I hate everything about it, I hate you, this is the most miserable relationship I've ever been in,"
    JAZON: A little stunned, I told her, "You said everything was fine. You disappear for 3 weeks, I ask what's wrong, suddenly it's not?" And she says, "Yeah, I lied about everything being fine, because I thought it would hurt you if I told you the truth" <-- classic b**ch maneuver, btw.
    JAZON: I mentioned that it was her fault she never told the truth, and thusly her fault I kept doing whatever I was doing that made her "so miserable", and she basically said I had abused her into subserviance, at which point I swear I was bleeding question marks
    JAZON: So basically it went like this-- Me: Everything ok? Her: Yes! More of it! Me: Ok *more* Her: OMG EVERYTHING SUCKS.
    JAZON: Ummm....long story short, one night, she said, "This is the real me" and listed all the things I had forgotten or never knew about her, things she suppressed for the relationship "to make me happy" and such, and you know what I said? "I love the real you. I am so glad you finally told me all of this, now we can live free of this festering hatred that grows under the surface,"
    JAZON: Next day? DUMP'D!!!
    JAZON: So I'm jumping around tearing my hair out, going "What the f**k did I do wrong here?? It looks like I totally did the right thing," so of course I can't get it through my head (being totally, I mean totally blinded by love) that she is the villain
    JAZON: Anyhoo, I called her and cried my eyes out and she said "don't worry, we'll always be friends, I promise you". Oh-ho. That was a hum-dinger. She also said, "I still talk to my other ex every day" (he later informed me that he hadn't spoken to her since, like, the time she dumped him a few months ago)
    JAZON: And thus pretty much ended my relationship.
    JAZON: I got so depressed I stopped dressing like a goth.
    JAZON: Cried every day for 3 months, and every few days for 2 more months, and then was just depressed for a long, long time.
    JAZON: which brings us to now-- a full year later, almost to the day
    JAZON: The End.

  10. #170
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    My love life may be kicking back into the swing of things...

    I have two crushes that may work out.

    Apparently, one of 'em is going around work. One of mauh favorite waitresses Jen walked past me and was like "I heard about the waitress you were flirtin' with!" I followed her into the back and was like "What, Alice? o-o" and she said no, and I realized she was talking about the girl I met at Paradisio when she was serving there and is now a bartender and it WAY TOO OLD FOR ME.

    Well, legally. *smiles sheepishly*

    So yeah, I'm gunna see where these go.

  11. #171
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    I have had lots of wierd things girls have asked me out but i rejected thier offer:P the only time i had a gf was when i was in nursary i had come outta hospital, and i met her then, but i had to move when i was 7 so i had to leave her behind... i not seen her fo 8 years god it has been so long....

    mind you my sister said that there is this girl who fancies me but i don't think i am redy for that...

  12. #172
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    Holy Crap Jazon, I just cried my eyes out. All the pain you must of gone thru, thinking it was your fault the entire time I'm so so so sorry to even read such a story, and even in more pity for the man that wrote that. I'll be praying for you, whether or not you think you need it, and I'm hoping that things get better for you. That story still hurts to read If ya ever want to talk, I'm usualy on MSN all day hahaha

  13. #173
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    god im sorry for you jazon, that must have completely (i cant describe it enough) suck! All that pain, well, Utora already said it so im not going to repeat. But to be honest i am glad that you lost that *censuur* woman. I hope you'll find a great girl someday, wich i am completely sure of.

    To get back on my lovelife, well its kinda normal atm. My boyfriend still lives in Wales, he hasnt come in holland yet... And since 3 days ago we are 8 months together. And still we're both working on our relationship as much as possible, including meeting and stuff.

  14. #174
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    Well, I thank you guys for your support, but I certainly didn't mean to get anyone -else- depressed. It's been a while and I've gained a lot of perspective on it. I thank my lucky stars that it's finally something I can consider to be "in the past" rather than something confronting me right now. I still can't believe she actually tried to use a line from TLK in order to consider herself absolved-- after the breakup, she spoke to me all of about 5 times via messages on DeviantArt, and in the last one, although I had told her I still loved her and that none of this made any sense to me (I still didn't know the whole truth about her cheating on me, or lying to me; just some of it), she was trying to tie up loose ends and make a "clean getaway" so to speak. She said to just leave it in the past and leave it behind us. I love that. She deliberately qouted some line in TLK and I am pretty sure she even attributed it the wrong character when she did. Leave it behind you, forget it ever happened. Easy for her to say!

  15. #175
    Super Moderator Sharifu's Avatar
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    Oh my gosh Jazon, that's really awful. I'm glad you have gotten over it now though.

    I'm sad today... STM left his morning... I was really sad the last time STM left, but I didn't cry. This time I was crying a lot. I even started to cry two nights before he left. I think I must love him even more then I did last time, for me to cry so much. I even slept most of the day after he left. I believe he'll be home in about 12 hours. I doubt I'll be awake, but I can't wait to get a message from him. We did get quite a few pictures taken, I'll try to develop the film soon.
    Thank you to the talented KanuTGL for my avatar!
    My Lion King Fan-Art

  16. #176
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    ahww Fu im so sorry for ya to hear that
    i bet it must feel horrible, and its very understanding you cried... i would have done that too if Ragoom would leave after a visit... but you'll see eachother again, just stick to that

  17. #177
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    Originally posted by Sharifu
    I'm glad you have gotten over it now though.
    Not to be even more depressing, but uh, the thing is, I haven't. I'm still not over it, even though it's been a year and a month. I don't -cry- over it anymore, but I'm definitely not over it.

  18. #178
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    Awww, Jazon that's so sad. That girl obviously didn't deserve someone as good as you. Don't worry, you'll find someone eventually. Nothing really new to report, my bf and I finally kissed a few weeks ago ^_^ (it only took about 3 months but it finally happened). I wish I had actually gotten some classes with him this year though. Go figure that we're taking all the same classes except for two and we didn't get any of them together. Oh well, I can still see him at lunch and after school on some days so that's good.

  19. #179
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    Yeah, it is sad, I agree. And yeah, I do deserve better than her. The fun part is that, no matter what I deserve and what she deserves, and what should and shouldn't be, I don't -get- any better than her. I don't get -anybody-. She gets whoever she wants. This is a really great example about how life is not necessarily fair, and how the ways in which it isn't fair aren't negligable. I'm miserable; I'm utterly miserable because of all this. I feel repulsed to love and girls in general. Optimists about love make me especially sick. I swear I'm going to tear a wall down the next time some smiling idiot tells me "Oh Jazon U will find some1 lol".

  20. #180
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    Dwelling on the past is only going to make you hurt more. Instead of thinking of this and getting depressed, think of how you can use the knowledge you've gained from this. Example, if a girl isn't honest with you from the beggining of a relationship odds are good it won't get much better unless something happens for her to prove her honesty to you. Try not to give up on girls/love because of this, I know some girls can be horrible, but not all of us are. Maybe I'm not the right person to give this kind of advice since I have yet to go through a break up and feel the kind of pain you must feel, I'm just trying to help (but if I'm just being one of those optimists about love that annoy you just let me know and I'll stop)...

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