Kijana gave Kovujin a glance now and then to make sure he was still running alongside him, or nearly so. He had slackened his pace, but not by very much, so that the younger lion could keep pace with him. All the while he searched around for a place where he could safely deposit the cub he was carrying. Part of him really wanted to turn back and help in dispersing the rogues, but he knew that his most important priority was to get Simbaji and Kovujin as far away from the fight as possible.

At last he came upon a spot where he felt comfortable enough to slow his pace and then pause to look back. He could still hear the din of battle and caught glimpses of the combatants. A maelstrom of leonine bodies striking and clawing at one another. He hadn't seen anything like this in years, in which the death of three family members had taken place.

Lowering his muzzle, he set Simbaji on the ground and then looked over to Kovujin to see how he had held up.