Originally posted by Sombolia
I don't think she was really *meant* to be so annoying, just bubbly and "fun", and.. er, that made her annoying. Another Mary-Sue trait.

But I'm not sure why, NTL, you said Vitani and Zira were annoying, because this is a thread about things that bug you in *TLK*. Not SP... yeah.
Oh i know but think about it Simba's Pride is the second part of the lion king and they are annoying

Originally posted by va-kasi
I don't like her, she's the kind of character who was made simply for chicks to admire and respect :nukawha: Everything she does is so perfect.

She's just a Mary-sue who's tolerated by most people

Now, what do you have against 'Tani?
I just don't like her, she ain't what you expect from a female lioness, she's just like Zira and even when she grows up she's still totally like her! Luckily she doesn't have an annoying voice like Zira though. and Nala ain't perfect she's just wise

EDIT: The Edit button is there for a reason ~Ravoc