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Thread: The Interrogation Game (aka The Hot Seat Game)

  1. #61
    Senior Member Wide Eyed Wanderer's Avatar
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    1. Rose or Amy?

    2. Do you believe in the Multiverse theory?

    3. If you could go back in time and meet one inspirational person, who would it be?

    4. What sort of a teacher are you? Cool and trendy or stern and strict?

    5. If you were a guy for a day...where would you go?
    ---< Stop Whispering And Start Shouting >---

    Team Night Sky Blue

  2. #62
    Your Ghost Host HasiraKali's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Safila View Post
    1.Can you do Origami ?
    2. what's the last 6 things you made with beads ?
    3. Do you like living at home with your family still ?
    4.steak with or without sauce ?
    5. 5 things in your wallet ?
    6. what do you do if you feeling down to make yourself happy again ?
    7. did you find milo and timtams yet ?
    1. I can make a cute little oragami whale. And those fortune teller things. I like to use those for vocabulary activities.

    2. I made a bunch of necklaces with some buttons. A mermaid one, and rainforest one, one with cowrie shells, and three ankle bracelets.

    3. I do for the most part. There are times when I'd like to have my own place so I could entertain, but then I remember I'm not very social in the first place. My family's pretty cool anyway, so it's like having three roomies instead of parents and sister at this point.

    4. When my dad makes it, without sauce. It doesn't need it. When we go out, I need a little bit of sauce.

    5. Driver's license, insurance card, bank card, social security card, Sea World pass.

    6. I don't usually get down anymore, but when I do, I go hug my Simba or cuddle with Kit-Kat and tell her all about it. I feel better most times after that.

    7. I've been able to find timtams for a few years now. I still haven't found milo. I asked at the World Market, but they didn't know if they could get it or not.

    Quote Originally Posted by Wide Eyed Wanderer View Post
    1. Rose or Amy?

    2. Do you believe in the Multiverse theory?

    3. If you could go back in time and meet one inspirational person, who would it be?

    4. What sort of a teacher are you? Cool and trendy or stern and strict?

    5. If you were a guy for a day...where would you go?
    1. Amy.

    2. I'm not sure how I think about Multiverse theory. Parts of it makes sense, but some of it doesn't. I've honestly not really thought about it too much past knowing what it is.

    3. Walt Disney.

    4. With these last kids I had to be stern and strict. I came in in the middle of the first semester and they were already pretty wild, so I had to be in order to get things done. This year, I'll get to be more of myself with the kids which I'm really looking forward to. I'm fun and nerdy.

    5. The restroom to find out just what is so fascinating about a penis.

    We are so much more complicated than our names.
    *Team Night Sky*
    Por favor, manténgase alejado de mi chocolate.
    If you're not here to party, get out of the teacup.

  3. #63
    Senior Member Safila's Avatar
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    1. Would you want to be packed away and stored like Walt Disney ?
    2. Snow white or Cinderella ?
    3. 5 things that females are better at than males ?
    4. do you like shabby chic ?
    5. 6 people dead/alive that you would like to have around your dinner table ?
    6. favourite flowers ?

  4. #64
    Super Moderator Azerane's Avatar
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    1. owls or eagles?
    2. snow leopards or tigers?
    3. what's your favourite thing that you've painted on your nails?
    4. do you have a favourite planet (or dwarf planet )?
    5. name your favourite Disney ride, just one
    6. if you could have any superpower, what would it be?
    7. the longest you've gone without a shower?
    That which you manifest is before you.

  5. #65
    Your Ghost Host HasiraKali's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Safila View Post
    1. Would you want to be packed away and stored like Walt Disney ?
    2. Snow white or Cinderella ?
    3. 5 things that females are better at than males ?
    4. do you like shabby chic ?
    5. 6 people dead/alive that you would like to have around your dinner table ?
    6. favourite flowers ?
    1. Only if the technology to bring people back from a cryogenic state is perfected BEFORE I die.

    2. Hmmm Cinderella.

    3. Birthing, observation, shopping, backstabbing, enjoying chocolate.

    4. Not really. I'm more of a comfortable chic person myself.

    5. Walt Disney, Josh Groban, David Tennent, Jane Goodall, Jim Henson, Daniel Radcliffe

    6. Tiger lily.

    Quote Originally Posted by Azerane View Post
    1. owls or eagles?
    2. snow leopards or tigers?
    3. what's your favourite thing that you've painted on your nails?
    4. do you have a favourite planet (or dwarf planet )?
    5. name your favourite Disney ride, just one
    6. if you could have any superpower, what would it be?
    7. the longest you've gone without a shower?
    1. Owls.

    2. Snow leopards.

    3. I did some really cool Lisa Frank style zebra stripes earlier this year. I really liked those.

    4. I don't really have a favorite.

    5. Expedition Everest.

    6. Flying.

    7. A few days. I usually fall asleep waiting for my sister to get out, and then I just don't get back up.

    We are so much more complicated than our names.
    *Team Night Sky*
    Por favor, manténgase alejado de mi chocolate.
    If you're not here to party, get out of the teacup.

  6. #66
    Senior Member Safila's Avatar
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    1. who was the best Doctor Who?
    2. Most crazy thing you have ever done ?
    3.Have you tried to get a full time job at disneyland ?
    4.what do you think should be done about animals that are getting near disapearing from our planet ?
    5. do you do anything for charities ?
    6. when do you start getting ready to decorate for xmas ?
    7. is there any noise you can't stand and makes you shiver ?
    8. five fav scoops of icecream would be ?
    9. would you want to go into space with Richard bransons new rocker/plane
    10. what would you want in a bf ?

  7. #67
    Senior Member lionloversam's Avatar
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    1. Favorite meal?

    2. Favorite soda?

    3. If TLK were a ice cream, what flavor would it be?

    4. If TLK 2 were a ice cream, what flavor would it be?

    5. Your honest and thorough opinion on global warming/climate change?

    Thanks for the banner, Sombolia.

  8. #68
    Your Ghost Host HasiraKali's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Safila View Post
    1. who was the best Doctor Who?
    2. Most crazy thing you have ever done ?
    3.Have you tried to get a full time job at disneyland ?
    4.what do you think should be done about animals that are getting near disapearing from our planet ?
    5. do you do anything for charities ?
    6. when do you start getting ready to decorate for xmas ?
    7. is there any noise you can't stand and makes you shiver ?
    8. five fav scoops of icecream would be ?
    9. would you want to go into space with Richard bransons new rocker/plane
    10. what would you want in a bf ?
    1. I don't know that there's a "best". All of the doctors have been different and they've all brought something new to the role. I think my favorite is David Tennant.

    2. I've never really done anything crazy. I'm pretty mellow. I guess I can say "teaching middle school".

    3. Nope. It's not really a place I'd want to work. I wouldn't want working there to compromise my love of the place.

    4. It depends on the species and the situation they are in. The key to saving endangered species is to protect the habitats as well as the animals themselves. If the habitat has restrictions on human activities allowed there (hunting, development, etc), the animals would be more protected in general. This is what has worked for many populations over the years.

    In situations where there are SO few individuals left, like the Amur leopard, I think the remaining individuals should be collected and relocated to a safer area. Breeding programs would need to be run VERY carefully since the organisms would be more susceptible to genetic disorders. If nothing else, moving them would give them a better chance at reestablishing themselves in a safer environment.

    5. I do some stuff in my district for charity. I played on the school's softball team to raise money and help with uniform donations. I donate every year to Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS. I haven't really had a chance to do a lot of volunteering lately because of school.

    6. We're actually working on Christmas right now. We're building a candy cane "forest" this year so we've been gathering materials for that. It's going to be awesome. We're also working on Halloween.

    7. I can't stand the sound teeth make when they slide along a metal fork. Just thinking about it is making me cringe.

    8. Strawberry, Pineapple-Coconut, Chocolate, Cherry, and Dolce de Leche.

    9. I would LOVE to go to space as long as the transport method is safe and reliable.

    10. I have to have a nerd. I decided that a few months back when I was sitting here and looked up and saw my human skeleton. The guy also needs to be as into Disney and especially the parks as much as I am. I don't think I can commit to someone who won't go to WDW or DL with me and have fun.

    Quote Originally Posted by lionloversam View Post
    1. Favorite meal?
    2. Favorite soda?
    3. If TLK were a ice cream, what flavor would it be?
    4. If TLK 2 were a ice cream, what flavor would it be?
    5. Your honest and thorough opinion on global warming/climate change?
    1. Tacos. I don't even need chips, just tacos is good enough.

    2. I don't drink soda.

    3. TLK would be pineapple-coconut.

    4. TLK 2 would be rocky road. I like the flavor, but not the nuts.

    5. Geez. I think that global warming and climate change are completely natural processes. There is plenty of evidence to suggest that our planet has gone through multiple changes in global climate over its 4.6 billion year history. I think we are speeding up those processes.

    The question is always posed as "Are we causing global warming?" when it really should be "What can we do to reduce our impact on global warming?" People get so caught up in the argument about who or what is to blame and fail to actually act on anything. We NEED to get away from oil. Not only will we no longer rely on foreign oil, it will be good for our planet. We NEED to be more environmentally conscious when we make big decisions about how to power our homes and factories and what to do with the waste whatever we decide on creates. It's going to come to a point where companies and consumers are just going to have to suck it up and spend the money to make these things more efficient. We have been so irresponsible with how we treat our planet and it's about making things right, not what is easy or cheapest. There's a bill on the table right now to ban traditional light bulbs. If passed it will save SO much money in energy costs and reduce energy waste substantially. It's a little thing we can do that will have a measurable impact. It's a small step, but one in the right direction if that bill is passed. We already use some energy efficient bulbs in my house and we save about $100 a year just from the few we use. If we used them in all of our house, I'm sure the savings would go up.

    Our current practices are just so destructive and we're speeding up something that we really can't afford to mess with. Basically, yes, I think there is global warming and think we're speeding it up.

    Sorry, I just get really pissed off about this topic. Clean energy should be a priority. It's up there with education and job creation.

    We are so much more complicated than our names.
    *Team Night Sky*
    Por favor, manténgase alejado de mi chocolate.
    If you're not here to party, get out of the teacup.

  9. #69
    Senior Member Safila's Avatar
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    1. Do you lick your lips when concentrating ? if not do you do anything ?
    2. are you a good public speaker ?
    3. what's your favourite breakfast hot and cold ?
    4. Are you a registered organ doner ?
    5. do you like fried rice, if so, what do you like in it ?
    6. Do you have any glow in the dark stickers/figures etc in your bedroom ?
    7. have you ever had a watermelon seed spitting contest ?
    8. have you kept any/all your old childhood toys and books ?
    9. Favourite kids books (not TLK)
    10. last thing you licked clean from a bowl/plate ?

  10. #70
    Super Moderator Azerane's Avatar
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    Why don't you drink soda?

    What are some bad habits that really annoy you?

    Your most memorable birthday? What did you get?

    Do you like trains?
    That which you manifest is before you.

  11. #71
    Senior Member lionloversam's Avatar
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    What is your favorite coffee drink?

    What are six things you can't live without?

    Do you have any tattoos?

    Thanks for the banner, Sombolia.

  12. #72
    Your Ghost Host HasiraKali's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Safila View Post
    1. Do you lick your lips when concentrating ? if not do you do anything ?
    2. are you a good public speaker ?
    3. what's your favourite breakfast hot and cold ?
    4. Are you a registered organ doner ?
    5. do you like fried rice, if so, what do you like in it ?
    6. Do you have any glow in the dark stickers/figures etc in your bedroom ?
    7. have you ever had a watermelon seed spitting contest ?
    8. have you kept any/all your old childhood toys and books ?
    9. Favourite kids books (not TLK)
    10. last thing you licked clean from a bowl/plate ?
    1. I bite them more than lick them.

    2. It depends. If I'm prepared, yes. If not, I am not good at BS.

    3. Not a fan of breakfast really. Hot I guess would be apple cinnamon pancakes. Cold is totally Apple Crunchies cereal.

    4. Yes.

    5. I do like fried rice. I like carrots and fried eggs in mine.

    6. I have some glow in the dark stars on my ceiling.

    7. Yes haha. I was never very good.

    8. I have most of my childhood toys in storage. I want to go through them and donate some of them though.

    9. I really like The Lorax by Dr. Seuss.

    10. Melted chocolate from the last s'more I had.

    Quote Originally Posted by Azerane View Post
    Why don't you drink soda?
    What are some bad habits that really annoy you?
    Your most memorable birthday? What did you get?
    Do you like trains?
    1. I don't drink it because I had a really bad kidney infection my freshman year of high school. It was SO painful. The doctor suggested laying off soda and I did and haven't looked back.

    2. Belching. I can understand the occasional burp, but I know people that belch all the time and you know there is something medically wrong with them, but they refuse to do anything about it. it's annoying hearing and smelling burp all the time.

    3. I'm not sure what would be most memorable. This year was awesome. I got a bunch of things I can use which is always good.

    4. I love trains. In middle school, we were OBSESSED with trains because of Starlight Express. We even rode an old steam train from Austin to just outside of Dallas once just because we were all into trains. I'd like to do that again, but the price has gone WAY up since we did it.

    Quote Originally Posted by lionloversam View Post
    What is your favorite coffee drink?
    What are six things you can't live without?
    Do you have any tattoos?
    1. Caramel Frappucino. NOM.

    2. Family, music, Simba, water, chapstick, tacos

    3. Not yet. I'm going to get a TLK one this fall.

    I guess my time is up? I'll go ahead and pass the torch to Safila.

    We are so much more complicated than our names.
    *Team Night Sky*
    Por favor, manténgase alejado de mi chocolate.
    If you're not here to party, get out of the teacup.

  13. #73
    Senior Member lionloversam's Avatar
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    Questions for Safila:

    1. Favorite color?

    2. Favorite sea animal?

    3. Favorite land animal?

    4. Favorite bird?

    5. Favorite plant?

    6. Favorite beverage?

    7. Favorite food?

    8. If you woke up as a male, what is the first thing you would do?

    9. What is the most awkward question you have ever been asked?

    10. What are the six things you can't live without?

    11. If you were shipwrecked on a island, what five items would you want to have with you?

    Thanks for the banner, Sombolia.

  14. #74
    Senior Member Safila's Avatar
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    1. Favorite color?

    at the moment apricot and black

    2. Favorite sea animal?

    whales are pretty cool

    3. Favorite land animal?


    4. Favorite bird?

    sparrows cute

    5. Favorite plant?

    ones that have a smell to them

    6. Favorite beverage?


    7. Favorite food?

    Meat lovers pizza.. nom nom nom

    8. If you woke up as a male, what is the first thing you would do?

    see how you pee standing up and aiming properly

    9. What is the most awkward question you have ever been asked?

    About my so called sex life

    10. What are the six things you can't live without?

    Daisy, my guitar, ipod, computer, my mum, lip gloss

    11. If you were shipwrecked on a island, what five items would you want to have with you?

    endless supply of food, cold drink, books, ipod, guitar

  15. #75
    Senior Member Wide Eyed Wanderer's Avatar
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    1. Is it true that you're actually a lesbian?

    2. What was your first appearance on stage?

    3. Were you confident when you were younger?

    4. Who are your greatest influences?

    5. What age range would you consider dating?

    6. Do you have a lucky pair of pants?
    ---< Stop Whispering And Start Shouting >---

    Team Night Sky Blue

  16. #76
    Senior Member Safila's Avatar
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    1. Is it true that you're actually a lesbian?

    idiot..but it seems to some that I am, seeing I hang with a couple of friends alot that are girls and not guys.

    2. What was your first appearance on stage?

    hmm .4yr with preschool christmas carols, but with dad when I was about 8-9yr singing for the preschool xmas carols end of year.

    3. Were you confident when you were younger?

    no was really shy, I still am with some things

    4. Who are your greatest influences?

    This questions always makes me think and think..mainly my mum.. different musicians when it comes to music

    5. What age range would you consider dating?

    maybe 1-2 yr younger than me, depends how mature they are, maybe 8yr older depends how easy going they are.

    6. Do you have a lucky pair of pants?

    haha no.. have a lucky crystal I put in my pocket when doing a gig sometimes

  17. #77
    Senior Member Wide Eyed Wanderer's Avatar
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    Right, some new questions...

    1. Do you prefer guys that play the guitar or guys that play piano?

    2. What exactly can you do with your tongue?

    3. If you were the last human alive, what would you do?

    4. Have you ever seen someone who wasn't a member of your family naked?

    5. Is there anything you wish you could say to the Lea community?

    6. Have you ever been drunk?

    7. What's the most disturbing thing you've ever seen?

    8. If you were offered a world tour, where would you head first?

    9. Does size matter?

    10. Do ya do ya do ya love me?

    ---< Stop Whispering And Start Shouting >---

    Team Night Sky Blue

  18. #78
    Senior Member Revo's Avatar
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    1. *In a bouncer voice* You want me to get rid of this Adam guy for ya? He seems to be coming on pretty strong .

    2. What swimming style do you usually use?

    3. Have you ever jumped off a high platform to water? If so, how high?

    4. If you had to choose, would you rather try skydiving or bungee jumping?

    5. At what temperature do you think it's too cold to be wearing just a t-shirt and shorts?

    6. If you had the opportunity to have one skill planted into your brain without any training effort whatsoever, what skill would you like to learn?

    7. Two options, you have to choose one. And why did you choose that one?
    A) You will be forever unable to eat or drink anything, but you also never get hungry or thirsty.
    B) You will be forever unable to sleep or dream, but you also never get tired or sleepy.

    8. If you woke up one day and you were a pony, what would be the first thing you would do? Aside from freaking out.

    9. If you could change bodies with Daisy for a week, would you? What would you do in Daisy's body? What do you think Daisy would do in yours?

    10. Have you ever considered a short hair style?

  19. #79
    Senior Member Safila's Avatar
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    Peco questions ~

    1. Do you prefer guys that play the guitar or guys that play piano?

    I don't think I know any guys that play piano (except Rev) they all seem to be drummers or guitarists.

    2. What exactly can you do with your tongue?

    bad Peco.. it licks all the chocolate/food/drink that gathers around/on my lips.And helps me when I blow bubbles with hbbabubba bubblegum.

    3. If you were the last human alive, what would you do?

    Come look for me in all the shops trying out clothes/toys/games/electronics/music gear and then get me some more pets for friends.

    4. Have you ever seen someone who wasn't a member of your family naked?

    haha. some idiot guy streaking at a footy match, wasn't a pretty sight, but was funny when a dog started chasing him.

    5. Is there anything you wish you could say to the Lea community?

    Peco, Peco, peco, you and your dares.. you really want Manda to use her ban hammer on me big time don't you. WELL the first thing that comes to mind is.. EVERYONE start looking in all the different threads on Lea, not just you couples in the love life thread.It's really depressing when you post something and maybe only one or no one comments on something you love enough to actually post on Lea.. EXAMPLE.. Revo has a music thread, he is an awesome musician and his songs sounds amazing... But NO ONE has bothered to go and listen and comment.. It makes you not want to bother to share with you guys..
    I'll leave some other comments for another time =)

    6. Have you ever been drunk?

    No and I don't think I ever will.To me it's a total waste of money and time. Why do you have to drink to have a good time.

    7. What's the most disturbing thing you've ever seen?

    In real life.. a man kicking his dog and mum went over and ripped into him and said if she had a baseball bat it would be whacking him back and see how he feels and she called the cops, poor puppy. On tv a programe from UK called Most embarrassing bodies.. was gross, why peeps go on tv showing private parts that are weird and deformed or germed, beats me.

    8. If you were offered a world tour, where would you head first?

    hmm. Probably UK, as it seems to be the next market that musicians seem to crack, well from this part of the world anyway, and then if you lucky to get a hit in asian countries. usa seems the hardest.

    9. Does size matter?

    Size always matter with chocolate

    10. Do ya do ya do ya love me?

    If you're holding a whisper..of course.. and I wish they would release a new album

  20. #80
    Senior Member Safila's Avatar
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    REV'S questions ~

    1. *In a bouncer voice* You want me to get rid of this Adam guy for ya? He seems to be coming on pretty strong .

    He's a Grand Prix groupie.. what more can I say.. Just threaten to take away his olive oil and he'll behave.

    2. What swimming style do you usually use?

    when I'm not to lazy and get in the pool and do some laps , usually half normal/half doggie paddle

    3. Have you ever jumped off a high platform to water? If so, how high?

    No I haven't actually, if not at home swimming I go to the beach. I love roller coasters/dreamworld/movie world rides, but I think to stand at the end of a board and make myself jump I'd have to be pushed.

    4. If you had to choose, would you rather try skydiving or bungee jumping?

    Skydiving, cause when you're a beginner you have to tandem jump for a little, so I don't mind being strapped onto someone stepping out of a plane and falling.

    5. At what temperature do you think it's too cold to be wearing just a t-shirt and shorts?

    lol. everyone is different, and if you've been bought up in the snow/ice like you have, you probably wouldn't feel the cold, where as here I'm a wooss sometimes with the cold. Other morning it was 10 degrees and I was wrapped up with my beanie. So please yourself as long as body parts don't turn blue and start to drop off.

    6. If you had the opportunity to have one skill planted into your brain without any training effort whatsoever, what skill would you like to learn?

    Being able to talk to animals

    7. Two options, you have to choose one. And why did you choose that one?

    A) You will be forever unable to eat or drink anything, but you also never get hungry or thirsty.
    B) You will be forever unable to sleep or dream, but you also never get tired or sleepy.

    Choose A.. which is really the same as B.. but then I'll have more time to do other things and besides I love snuggling down in my bed and sleeping.Plus I can save money by not having to go supermarket shopping which again gives me more money for music and such.

    8. If you woke up one day and you were a pony, what would be the first thing you would do? Aside from freaking out.

    See how fast I could run, with the wind blowing thru my mane for as long as I wanted.

    9. If you could change bodies with Daisy for a week, would you? What would you do in Daisy's body? What do you think Daisy would do in yours?

    Rev the thinker.. Let's see.. a week of being sprawled all over the sofa and beds just snoozing until it's dinner time,with the daily scratching, brushing and hugs I think i could enjoy that.
    Daisy.. she would probably search thru the pantry and fridge and eat whatever she could till she felt sick.

    10. Have you ever considered a short hair style?

    I had my hair cut yesterday actually, up to my shoulders now, don't think I'd go any shorter, doesn't suit my round face. I'd love to be skinny with that little face like Emma Watson (harry Potter) and have her pixie haircut.

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