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Thread: Confusing Christianity?

  1. #21
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    Just a small one Dan

  2. #22
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    Evil and Good .. they're relative and non-static, also not appliable outside human species.

    You know.. back in the day, it was considered good and a wonderful a thing to do, if you slaughtered a person who you thought was a witch and burned him/her tied to a pole. Nowadays, that would be a deed of vile evil.

    So, can you say a person is Evil is he/she -thinks- is doing the right thing? Hitler, Stalin, etc could've thought that they were doing the right, good thing. They didn't seek to do evil, but something that they considered good. We just generally don't agree with that, but that's all relative.

  3. #23
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    Originally posted by IchLiebeNALA
    hmmmm, slight contrast there Ravoc
    And you Spelled "Gandhi" wrong...

    It seems that when someone commits and act of evil, it affects 10 times as many people as an act of good.

  4. #24
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    Originally posted by Tigris Of Gaul

    So, can you say a person is Evil is he/she -thinks- is doing the right thing? Hitler, Stalin, etc could've thought that they were doing the right, good thing. They didn't seek to do evil, but something that they considered good. We just generally don't agree with that, but that's all relative.
    And it mentions that sin is not an absolute in the Bible when it is mentioned that Man will be judged based on his concious. So, a man may commit murder, but if he truely believes he was not committing a sin in his concious...then he is not committing a sin.

  5. #25
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    I believe that's because we're born into sin, which is evil. Thus it's easier for us to see the evil. That's a theory of my own though.

    There's a difference between the false witches and Hitler though.. when the witches were tried it was because people of that day.. well.. they were stupid =P Someone could be called a witch for anything. Doctors might have even been considered witches.

    Now Hitler and Stalin.. they did what they did and they knew what they were doing. When you kill someone on purpose, you're not doing what is right,y ou're doing what you, yourself believe to be right. There's a difference if you live by the Bible. Otherwise, no, there's no difference and there would be no reason to get rid of Hitler if there was no code of conduct *shrugs*

    At leas tI think that is what you were speaking aobut

    (Roog, I almost spelled it the correct way, but it didn't seem correct, xD )

  6. #26
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    Christianity (and many other religions are quite confusing, especially Christianity; due to its volume...) .

    Religions are demanding, full of righteousness, and sometimes amoral. So much inconsistency and aspiring on consistency.

    Religions are based on theological virtue, that's true to themselves. They shouldn't be appalled, they should be appeased, on what they've accomplished. Whether their moral is right or wrong. Religions can bring the strongest inchoatives thought possible, and could conceive the end of the Earth at the same time.

    Religions are part of our balance, and their counterbalances as well. If we could all harmonize, just perhaps, a worldly unity just might form = ) .

  7. #27
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    I'm too burned out from bible this year, I think I'll take a break from religion for a while...

  8. #28
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    To Everyone:

    Who gives a damn what you believe? You're not faithful for someone else, you're religion or faith is up to you and belongs to you. So what if someone says they hate your beliefs? A good number of Christians say I'm going to Hell, even though I follow Christ. Well, good for them, I couldn't care less what they think, as long as they don't try to start something over it. (Which, by the way, usually happens).

  9. #29
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    I've been born and raised Catholic by a Catholic dad. My mom is Protestant so I've also seen their side of things. I believe that as long as you truly believe in God and know that he's there for you then you can go to Heaven. In my opinion, it doesn't matter if you're Catholic, Protestant, Lutheran, Orthodox, etc. Like I said before, as long as you believe, and try to make up for all of the sins that you have commited, then you can go to Heaven.

    But then again, that's just my opinion.

  10. #30
    Super Moderator Azerane's Avatar
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    I was born into a Lutheran family so I was raised that way. My whole family is Lutheran. I almost find that to be a bit of a problem though, because lets just say that I wanted to change my denomination (not that I do, just using myself as an example) because I didn't agree with what the lutheran church stood for, it'd be hard because I'd have my whole lutheran family not being able to understand why and possibly not supporting me in my decision, even though they should value my opinion. Does is make sense what I'm trying to say? I'm not sure if it does or not.

    I don't really understand why different christian demoninations argue so much over things, I mean yes, people believe slightly different things but we still believe in the same god so there's not really anything to argue about. And you can't mush all the different denominations together because then not everybody would be getting their needs met, which is why there are different denominations to support that.

    I think Tigris of Gaul mentioned something about calling a person evil even if they think they're doing the right thing... People believe different things, everybody has been brought up differently so that influences their opinion on what is wrong and what is right. So basically a person who disagrees with what Hitler did could call him evil for everything that he did, but there may be another person out there who understands the reasons why he was doing it and agree with him, and he wouldn't think him evil. It is all a matter of opinion and how you view it. But because most people disagreed with what hitler did it was classed as being wrong and he was labled evil.
    That which you manifest is before you.

  11. #31
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    I think it doesn't matter what someone belives in but there will always be more good than bad. Unless of course we are bad compared to some alien species and we haven't realized it yet...:P

  12. #32
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    Originally posted by Azerane
    So basically a person who disagrees with what Hitler did could call him evil for everything that he did, but there may be another person out there who understands the reasons why he was doing it and agree with him, and he wouldn't think him evil.
    Yeah, I guess killing countless people would be a Breakfast at Tiffinay's Psychoville for someone to coincide with Adolf Hitler's sovereign power.

  13. #33
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    *Sigh* I wish we'd just stop with all the religious threads. We all have our own religions and we all have our own beliefs, i don't any of us really feel like changing our views so why argue about it...

  14. #34
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    Originally posted by pntbll248
    To Everyone:

    Who gives a damn what you believe? You're not faithful for someone else, you're religion or faith is up to you and belongs to you. So what if someone says they hate your beliefs? A good number of Christians say I'm going to Hell, even though I follow Christ. Well, good for them, I couldn't care less what they think, as long as they don't try to start something over it. (Which, by the way, usually happens).
    Because if you don't give a damn, then you don't care...and if you don't care, then you can't learn. Discussion is the first step to understanding each other in the learning process.

  15. #35
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    I get people questioning my christianity all the time and I always say the best thing to do if you have questions is ask a minister or similar. A couple of the questions I've read in this thread are ones that I and many people wonder about. A few that I have some knowledge of are... God is definitely more powerful than Satan. Satan was originally an angel but turned away from God and became evil. He always tries to tempt us but God is ultimately more powerful. God doesn't make us do anything, he gives us free will to make our own decisions. Cos if he didn't give us that choice we would just become robots and all the same which is not what he wants, he's being pretty nice if you think about it! And someone was asking about Jesus and why God made him die on a cross. Jesus was born on the earth and told people about God while he was here, but by the time he was around 30, people started to question him, saying that it was wrong for him to say that he was the Son of God. So they crucified him horribly, God knew this was going to happen and it was a horrible experience for both (the Bible goes into detail about all this) but the reason it happened is because of you, and me. Jesus died on the cross, carried the weight of all the world's (our) sins so that after that, we could have the opportunity to ask for and receive forgiveness for those sins. If Jesus hadn't died on the cross we would never even have the option to turn to God and accept him then have eternal life in Heaven. It was a terrible price to pay but it just goes to show how much Jesus and God loved/do love us.

    This is what I believe, and I know some people don't and that's ok, everyone is different. But if you have questions and I know there are so many! Its really good to ask a minister or church figure about it. I'm from a Baptist Church and the minister at my church is really great and explains things so well.

    Anyway, I hope you don't think I was trying to preach here! I just thought I would give a shot at answering some questions I saw above...

  16. #36
    Senior Member Lweek's Avatar
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    I belive in power which can be and is called as God, but I don't belive he's a human and I don't belive he prefer humans, it don't prefer probably anything.

    Things which I don't like on religions are quite unlogical behaves and views to some aspects of life. Actualy Bible was wrote in time when plp needed a guide for help them solve their problems, but plp. didn't understand function of this book and use it as reason to start conflicts and wars. In my opinion, religion is useless and dangerous. Most important is open mind, be respectfull and help other beens to live their happy life. God do not want us be his slaves. He don't desire us going to church (if you don't visit church you are still it's child), he don't want for us deny sexual life because it's unnatural etc. There are many aspects which many religionists don't think about really deep. Bad needn't be bad and good needn't be good. Space don't include absolute truth. What is good for you couldn't be good for others .. Jin-Yang.

  17. #37
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    --Thread Closed?

    Sorry people were not meant to argue and debate about religion here. This thread has been found inappropriate by a few moderators.

    If you want to continue to discuss this please use a chat client. Thank you, and sorry agian.

  18. #38
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    --Thread Opened?

    Lea has no policy agianst debates, but has one about
    ", put-downs or harassment of other Pride Members."

    put-downs can be, in this case, talking bad about ones religion.. thats what the people who complained saw, and unpon investiagtion... its what i saw..

    People take religion very serious, as for me, either way I don't care what anyone has to say about religion, simply because I'm not religious.. so dont mistake the fact that I closed the threads as something personal..

    However, some good points have been brought up that i cannot ignore and the threads are to be opened immedelity.. however the "and now I hate christianity" thread is going to be renamed to "christianity viewpoint".

  19. #39
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    Originally posted by simba's girl
    This is what I believe, and I know some people don't and that's ok, everyone is different. But if you have questions and I know there are so many! Its really good to ask a minister or church figure about it. I'm from a Baptist Church and the minister at my church is really great and explains things so well.
    In my personal beliefs, I consider a minister/priest/monk/whoever at the same level as any other Christian and thus it is up to the individual to make decisions for themselves. I do realize that many priests go to college and study theology, and should be given a bit of credence for that, but not for religious reasons. That's just me though.

  20. #40
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    Well, if there are any other questions I or one of the others i'ms ure would be happy to answer them =) After all, that is what this thread is about. ^^

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