Okay okay....guess who this guy is.
The guy on the left that is. then I shall tell you who is on the right.
If yall wanna scratch this thread...np
Okay okay....guess who this guy is.
The guy on the left that is. then I shall tell you who is on the right.
If yall wanna scratch this thread...np
oooh.... I know this, well I think I should know this anyway!!! Gah... can't think... *whacks head on desk multiple times*
That which you manifest is before you.
mwuahahaha...use the force. JK Well, not many peeps know him, but I loooooooooooooooove his acting. The guy on the left that is. Keep er guessin'! [slaps master yoda] YEAHAHAS! I slapped you! Finaly.
Hmm the guy on the left looks like a younger Russell Crowe but I'm not sure about that.
Yeah, the left guy looks like Russel Crow, but I have no idea who the other dude is :E
Is Russell Crowe for sure.
True enough, it's Russel Crowe. The man beside him...... though...are they both Russel is the question....
Okay, so...yer right XX. The guy on the left is Russel. and the guy on the right is my brother in law, Brian. He is extreamly angry now because he wanted this to reamain "Family Joke Only" kinda thing .
Bad Utora! Aziri, you can close this thread now! JK