Malaika paced back and forth sizing up the situation. part of him thought that he should seek out the danger and neutralize it while the other thought but what about simbaji? He had to make a quick decision. perhaps it was best that he actually take control of the situation and seek out that trouble since simbaji may be in danger.

"Mizani, if simbaji shows up keep him here while I search the tall grass for anything suspicious. When I come back and ONLY only when I com back may you hunt for food. in the mean time watch for simbaji and help this poor lion."

With that he leapt into the tall grass and stopped a few meters away. He closed his eyes and listened to the sound of the world around him hoping the earth would give him some hint as to where, if there were, any danger might be. Listening intently he heard the sound of a heartbeat. Not his own but of anothers. It was calm and smooth, the sound of your heart beat when hiding silently waiting to strike your prey. In a deep menacing voice he spoke.

"I know your out there. I can feel your heartbeat. I'm not here to tell you what's going to happen. You already know the out come. I leave you with a choice. Either come out of hiding or I hunt YOU down and we'll take things from there. I leave this choice to you."