lawlz, I know EXACTLY how you feel. Not to give the wrong impression of my abode, but... once in a while a bug sneaks in (I do not know how, but they do, if I knew how, they would not, ahem!). I'll be sitting in bed and for some reason spot this bug crawling around. My gaze COULD have fallen anywhere, anywhere at all, but it chooses to land smack dab right on this strange creature of ancient evil who skulks and sneaks in the shadows of children's nightmares... yeah, it's that big of a deal people. See, if I had NOT seen the bug, it would have killed me in my sleep for sure, BUT since I DID see the bug, it now watches me with glee and will NOT in fact attack, but revel in the fear it knows it has created just by its mere show of bravado by saying "Yeah, I'm here, you gonna do something about it?". Bugs in general are evil, spiders are the masters of evil. 'nuff said