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Thread: New Poem Inspired by TLK: Serengeti Storm

  1. #21
    Super Moderator Azerane's Avatar
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    I think you should definetly enter, you have so much talent when it comes to poetry. Please enter, I think you've got a good chance of winning! *waves a flag* GO 2 Die FR!!!!
    That which you manifest is before you.

  2. #22
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    Cash prizes for the winners, too!
    Oh.:woeisme: Not saying that I'll win or anything, that'd be a cocky attitude

  3. #23
    Senior Member LunarCat's Avatar
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    you should definitely enter it 2 Die Fr. your poem is absolutely fabulous!!!!!!!

  4. #24
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    Thanks, hehe.
    I think I'll remove the TLK references before I submit it though. I wouldn't want to be accused of 'presenting a non-original idea.'

    So I'll just switch 'pridelands' with 'homeland,' and so on...just make it sound like a non-specific short narrative poem based in Africa

  5. #25
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    Originally posted by 2 Die FR
    With a stroke of coincidence and a little encouragement (stay kenyi! ) there is a district teen poetry contest and I'm seriously considering entering.
    Haha, 2DR. I was afraid I was going to have to attack you! But I'm sure you've heard of me already. I'm already said all there is to say about my opinion on you entering that contest. Honestly, you really do have an exquisite talent, and I'm not just saying that as one of those cheap 'one-liners', seriously...I sort of *want* you to join, and I know you'll win because I have faith in you 2DR, despite your public speaking phobia *ahem ahem* XD, but you know what exactly what I mean dude, lol. I know you'll win...and even if you don't, you're still a winner to me, no matter what man, win or lose, so's a win-win situation. *Hugs to ya* Don't be afraid to express you thoughts and feelings to the world (or the school, lol), I know it's scary at first, but...once you keep going, it'll be a piece of cake. Trust me. I've done many public-speaking, in clubs, groups, audience, school, family, friends, classroom tell you the truth, it's scary at first, but...when you really get into it, the part where you're really focusing on your poem and ignoring the others, it's not so bad or scary. *Won't admit to the moments that he really was scared in front of an audience* but that was in the past! lol. Oh, I know a way (I told you already) just imagine in everybody in their undergarments doing the hokey-pokey. Works for me... *Ahem, not approved by the FD-Kenyi, btw* XD. *Will have more to say*

  6. #26
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    Originally posted by Kenyi
    just imagine in everybody in their undergarments doing the hokey-pokey. Works for me... *Ahem, not approved by the FD-Kenyi, btw* XD. *Will have more to say*
    I would love to try that but I'm afraid I'd start bursting out laughing in the middle of an oral presentation!

    EDIT: I am in the works of writing another poem, will probably take me awhile though...

  7. #27
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    Originally posted by 2 Die FR
    Cash prizes for the winners, too!
    Oh.:woeisme: Not saying that I'll win or anything, that'd be a cocky attitude
    Awesome Poem, Dude!!!!.

    And sometimes you need to be cocky, but ya gotta know when to show it....I mean, I don't just say I'll win, I expect to win......I just don't make a big deal out of it because other people will do that for ya.....

  8. #28
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    Okay, I promised I would post my poetry works in this thread, and so here is my latest piece. Completely un-TLK-related, for starters, and, well you'll see the tone and style is almost the exact opposite of the other one I wrote. It felt extremely satisfying to write this, it helped me express several emotions that have been accumulating inside of me for a very long time.
    btw- this poem refers to no one in particular, no one at Lea, no one else. I addressed the idea, not a person.

    Free At Last

    By 2DieFR

    Go ahead, read this,
    See if I care!
    For once,
    I am right
    And you are wrong.
    And I don?t care
    What you say,
    Because this time
    There is nothing
    You can do
    To stop me.

    A thin, tender leaf, newly budded, still crumpled and crinkled
    Reaches out into the real world, unfurling its verdant face
    Held aloft high above by the reassuring grip of its mother tree
    Anxious and eager, optimistic for the possibilities.

    Then a vicious gust of wind rips the leaf clean off
    Sending it flying helplessly away into Oblivion
    Now it is at the mercy of an uncontrollable power
    Blowing back and forth to places it did not choose to go.

    Finally left alone to rest, the leaf, torn, withered, dying
    Just when it thought the worst was over, without warning
    Gets crushed under the sole of a stomping shoe, that grinds it
    Into a million tiny emerald shards, that lifelessly blow away.

    Am I getting my point across?
    You never were much of the analytical type.
    Maybe I?d better start speaking your language
    Just to make sure we see eye to eye.

    I?m sick and tired
    Of your nagging and ranting
    Holding everything against me
    Milking it for all its worth.
    I?m fed up with serving as
    Your source
    Of insensitive satisfaction
    Making yourself all high and mighty
    As though you are
    The paragon of perfection
    When in fact that very frame
    Of your perverted mind
    Makes you inferior.
    And I?ve known this all before,
    History tends to repeat itself
    But there comes a point
    Where the same old jokes
    Just aren?t funny anymore
    And it?s about time
    I take a stand
    For what I?ve known was right
    All along.

    I look in the mirror
    And I don?t see me.
    I see a stranger
    In my bodily reflection
    A figure sculpted from clay
    Molded at will
    By filthy hands
    Shaped to be
    No one
    Influenced to be
    No one
    Shunned from ability
    Smashed to a level so low
    There is nowhere left to go
    But flatten out
    Pounded into a pitiful pancake
    On the floor.

    I?ve had enough
    Of your manipulations.
    I want to be ME!

    I want to be the person I have always dreamed of being
    The personage I envisioned, but never realized.
    I want to do what I have always wanted to do
    With no restrictions whatsoever to get in my way.
    If that means breaking away from normality,
    If that means sacrificing some stupid social status,
    SO BE IT!
    Man, does that feel good to shout at the top of my lungs!
    Because you see, I don?t care anymore!
    I don?t care about what you think of me!
    Because you know what?
    That?s your problem, not mine!
    If I become the person I want to be,
    Why should I worry about what the critics say?
    I am free, at last.

    So go ahead, read this,
    See if I care!
    For once,
    I am right
    And you are wrong.
    And I don?t care
    What you say,
    Because this time
    There is nothing
    You can do
    To stop me.


  9. #29
    Super Moderator Azerane's Avatar
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    oh man.... that poem was awesome 2 Die FR and also for some reason, it made me really sad I dunno what it was... but you did a great job of that poem... keep it up.
    That which you manifest is before you.

  10. #30
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    More great work, 2 Die Fr!

    I especially enjoyed the free verse sections; they rolled with a good rhythm.

  11. #31
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    After nearly a month of idleness, a long-awaited bit of inspiration of mine finds itself written in poetry form.

    Once again, this poem is completely different than the others I have posted. This poem is on the topic of love, as it might be viewed from the eyes of a little girl trying to understand what love is all about.

    Do you remember in kindergarten when you and all the other girls and boys played the silliest games about being boyfriend and girlfriend, holding hands and getting cooties and all that? Looking back, it's so childish and pointless. But then again, the junior high/high school romance in my experience is pretty juvenile too, not that much more meaningful or enduring than in elementary school- just more serious if it doesn't work out. At least, that's my viewpoint on the matter. My girlfriend broke up with me two weeks ago. And now I think, maybe I still don't know what love is all about.

    I was disappointed in grade school when we didn't learn just what love was; I thought we were going to learn all about it. Well, I never was taught, so the question remains. I think I have yet to know/experience what true love is.

    Mommy, wat is luv?

    ~By 2 Die FR

    Somthin strange happend
    at skool today.
    i was playin on the playgrond
    and ten jonny cam up to me
    said i luv you and kised me
    on the chek rigt here, see rigt here!
    and ten my frends thot it was
    real funny cause he sed that
    i felt like crying but i dont no why.
    and ten cristy askd me if i luv him
    and she askd me if i was his girlfrend.
    Mommy, wat dus that mean?
    Mommy, wat is luv?
    i ges i don?t no wat luv is
    cause i don?t no wat she ment.

    Mommy, is it the same luv as the kind
    as when you tuk me in bed at nite
    and read stores and give me
    hugs and kises and say
    goodnight my little princess?
    dos that mean i need to kis jonny
    and tell him i love him ten?
    cause i think hes nice and cute boy
    but i dont no if thats luv.

    it must be speshul thoh cause
    cristy says shes jellus of me
    and she sed its not fair
    i want to have a boyfrend too.
    i said you can have mine i dont want it.
    i dont want my frends to make fun of me.
    but i want to no wat luv is about
    so that maybe when im older
    and i get an educashun and i get real smart
    maybe ill really undurstand wat luv is.

    jonny is a nice and cute boy
    but cristy sed i hafta hold hands
    with him and i sed eew gros cooties!
    and ten i ran away from her cause she said
    shes dun it and its lotsa fun
    but i no better, i may not no wat
    luv is but i do no wat cootes is and
    noting is worth that.

  12. #32
    Senior Member LunarCat's Avatar
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    very good 2 Die Fr

    *remembers her elementary school experience*....

  13. #33
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    Inspiration tugs me, even when I'm not really supposed to be here anymore...

    All at Once

    All at once
    I believe
    You can be

    At the pinnacle of joy
    At the deepest depths of sorrow
    At the woes of yesterday
    At the promise of tomorrow

    All at once

    Filled with bold self-confidence
    Filled with fear and doubt
    Filled with kind humility
    Filled with pride throughout

    I believe

    In a peaceful slumber
    In an anxious mess
    In a foolish failure
    In a shrewd success

    You can be

    Showing weakness, showing strength
    Showing health and pain
    Showing patience, showing pique,
    Showing ease and strain

    All at once

    As weightless as a feather
    As heavy as a stone
    Feel popular and wanted
    Feel lost and all alone

    I believe

    Living nightmares, living dreams
    Living at home and astray
    Living fullest, living sparse
    Living your best through today

    You can be

    Ending all your beginnings
    Beginning all your ends
    Hated by all your enemies
    Loved by all your friends

    All at once
    I believe
    You can be
    All those things


    That's okay
    So you see
    Live who you
    Want to be


  14. #34
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    very good poems how long does it take ya to like think of them and write

  15. #35
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    It depends. Sometimes a few hours, sometimes weeks.

  16. #36
    Senior Member LunarCat's Avatar
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    yay! more fantasticness 2DFR!!!!!!

  17. #37
    Senior Member Kovu The Lion's Avatar
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    Although you are gone, I didn't get to reply cause I wasnt on this Forums I'd still like to say, Good Job, that was awesome.

    It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice.

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