I've been having some really weird dreams lately. It's not that the things that happen are out there, because they're not, it's just that there's no explanation as to why I'm there etc with the people that I'm with.

The first sequence was basically me hanging out with groups of friends in random locations, first we'd all be watching some go kart racing, then it would jump to a different location and there would be different friends there, though some would be the same. And they were places that I've been to, but they were different. You know how you know you're at a certain place even though it looks nothing like the real thing. So it jumped places about three times and then I was helping another friend move his music equipment out of his car or something, I don't know. It's not a weird thing to happen, it just had a weird feeling to it.

Then the other night, I dreamt that I was driving the Uni's mini-bus with the trailer on it, except I don't really know how to drive manual so I was just driving along in the one gear until I had to slow down to let the other people catch up that had stopped for some reason, so I had to change gears down once so I could stop. And then I pulled over on some sort of highway, except I was parked in the wrong spot so I had to push the bus along a little bit until it was in the right spot. So that was a little odd.

Then a couple weeks ago (in real life) when I went away on a camp, I met a whole bunch of current students from the Uni I used to go to. One lives in a town sort of near here. So in my dream, I went to that town (again, it looked nothing like the actual place) and I saw one of the students riding past on a bicycle and we said hi and she kept going. And I was walking along and throwing one old piece of clothing of mine into every store on the street (for charity kind of thing, even though the stores were like a bakery and a newsagent etc) and then I was going to throw a baseball cap when this other student that I met on the camp appears by my side and he takes the hat from my hand and dumps it on his head. We have a chat and go back to his place, which is some kind of crazy house, because each room is long and is only accesible by the previous room, but the next door is always at the opposite end of the room so you have to zig-zag back and forth through every room in the house. So I met his parents in their room on the way through to his room. I remember it had wooden floorboards and a huge wooden bookshelf filled with fantasy novels and I was just marvelling at them, and there were a couple of redwall books which I thought was funny. But all the books were hardcover editions. I think he lent me some of his books, then we went and had tea with his family and he had a sister (even though I know he doesn't actually have one). And that was it.