I love horror, and splatter movies so to speak, but the later part is kind of varied, if its done right its " holy god wow..."
but most of the times its " I CALLED THAT SHE LOST HER SHOE LOL!

however Horror to me that really gets to me is the psycolagical horror, ya know the ring, the forth "something" , things that get to your head or is just so horrebul that ewww..."situation wise not effects" i remember this one movie where people where in amazon and basicly trapped on a temple, and the plant there was well eating them.

thats a part of real horror to me, the situation your in, murders and rapist and blah blarh is so done, but a horror thats not human/monster right down is scary for me

though as a gamer, i can say, Silent hill. iv played every single Silent hill game there is out there "even the arcades" and im a huge Silent hill fan. though the experience have varried, Silent hill 3, is the scariest one for me, playing it today il still crap my pants.

though nothing NOTHING scares me as much as Amnesia the dark decent, not a single million billion over the top company like EA and Dead space, comes even CLOSE! to scare me so much as Amnesia did...that game was the only game that i 21 year old horror gore loving fan, would say " F(#"! this!, im quitting now and putting on all the lights in the house!".

im somewhat of an horror expert actually when i think about it, you know as far as how to build up a horror game/movie,

cuse no "horror" games scare me today as Silent hill..or those psychological flicks, Resident evil a fan of that series too but that hardly scares me thats just "horror action" witch is not horror at all

but yeah Silent hill, though the experince has been varied throwout the series, no Silent hill game has been right down "BAD" not even the last one, sure it was the worst of the bunch, but it still deliverd a nice (not so scary) experience, with an AWSOME story to go along with it, the setting is just so very silent hill.

Silent hill have lots of stuff i like, its horror thats somewhat un-known, it has ALOT of symbolism (witch i really love) and its pretty much the only Survival horror game out there today. but the history, story and just general Lore of Silent hill is fantastic!.

the movie sucked .......it didnt follow the Lore of the Silent hill at all...it was just a fan service movie...and as a fan i enjoyed it YES. but i hate it too sense it dont stay to the source matrial for example.

The main charecter is supose to be a father not a mother, and Pyramid head is not supose to be in that movie at all...

but love the series and i recomend all to play em for a good scare or atleast mood hehe

and for those who loved the movie " shame on you!" there making a Silent hill 2 movie right now, based on the third game YES (no D right now, so gona be intressting to see how they destro-i mean interpretative that game

OH and the absulute best with Silent hill "related to symbolism" is that the monsters that appear, is an incargnation twisted version of your own memories/experiences/pain/suffering/self loathing/happynes/ego/ "etc etc etc"
simply everything that is you, just twisted horribly in a negative way. example.


""The figures that compose the monster at first represent Angela Orosco's sexual abuse by her father and her overwhelming guilt surrounding her murder of her father, as it looks like a man towering over a child on a bed. It is noted the figure beneath screams in torment, which is likely another representation of Angela's abuse. Their "mouths" resemble a vaginal orifice, also symbolizing sexual abuse. ""

this is PURE LOVE!.

its often made me wonder what "my" monsters would look like.