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Thread: Gay marriage?

  1. #61
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    Originally posted by Xinithian
    The only thing wrong about them adopting is that I think it could be difficult for the kids dealing with the criticism and such... it might be a lot harder for them to deal with it socially.

    Same for children of Middle Eastern heritage, doesn't mean we're banning that. (Although we may be on the brink o.o )

  2. #62
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    Doesn't the child choose to whom they go with?

  3. #63
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    Originally posted by nafklt
    Doesn't the child choose to whom they go with?

  4. #64
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    Originally posted by nafklt
    Doesn't the child choose to whom they go with?

    What, when they're adopted? Only if they're 12 or over, I think. Below that they are adopted out to any family deemed appropriate, stable, and loving. The adoption agency decides, basically.

  5. #65
    Administrator Vidan's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Sonique21837?
    Woes of Folly, said it BEST! XD
    Cool, you read it^^. People usually only respond when I use shorter sentences.

  6. #66
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    Originally posted by Woes of Folly
    Cool, you read it^^. People usually only respond when I use shorter sentences.
    It took the longest time to eradicate my short attention span. So, no matter the longevity of a post, I can adapt.

  7. #67
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    Do I even have to say what I was voting for?

    Ofcourse I have nothing against gay marrige, I mean what whould possibly go wrong? A person don't choose to become gay, and you can't make a person become gay, bi or hetero, the person wont feel good in the end. The relationship doesn't make other peoples gay. I can't find any reason to discust it even if it is a fun thing to talk about, thought with adoption I wasn't sure untill I read that thing about that girl, it doesn't affect kids. I think that should be legal to.

  8. #68
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    Usually, I just read the first couple of words....then I respond......

  9. #69
    Aka STM (Administrator ) Sadiki's Avatar
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    Hmm.. interesting subject... well first of all.. what we are to judge? what says that bibel is right or neither what says that it is wrong? Adoubtion is not right at least even I am ok with gays and if they wanna marry each others, because when Child come old enough he/she will reallise that he/she have too same sex parent and that would be shock.
    And what comes in that is there any point with getting marrage if you are gay? well is there really point to get marrage at all then? when people go marrage they uselly just wanna proof how much they love each others ( even in these days so many rush with it ) So what makes us say that they have lesser rights to do so?
    Hmm getting marrage with an animal.. that is not possible... I think animal can't say nothing to it so it would be forceing so is not possible. Like if you would want to marrage your dog.. how she would say. "I do" or "no I don't want to" when priest ask: " (What ever it is in english, I can't remember right now") so there is no way that it would be ok.
    I personally know few gay people and they are ok. there is nothing wrong to be gay, you don't have to accept it, but at least give their right to live their rights to live like they want.

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  10. #70
    Senior Member Shadow's Avatar
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    exsektly my point Mighty

    marriage ok 100% ok and i suport it

    Adoption.....thats not fair for the child

  11. #71
    You have your orders, soldier. Dare's Avatar
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    I know two kids who have same-sex parents, and they're fine with it because their parents were honest about their relationship from the beginning.
    That's very important.
    Trust is a big factor between parent and child.
    If you're going to lie to your children about whether you're gay or not, then I personally don't think you're really ready for children.

    However, if we're going to talk about what's fair and not fair for the child, then why do we not ban homosexuals from reproducing? After all, they could simply go to a sperm bank or a surrogate mother (kudos to surrogate mothers, you're stronger than I ever could be).
    That way, they still get a child.

    Now, my point is that the child they just created could be in for the same shock an adopted child could be in for... it wrong to let gay couples produce offspring? Do we take their children away to be raised by heterosexual couples?

    Thus far I haven't heard of such a case, but if you want to dance with moral issues and legalities, it wouldn't surprise me if a lawsuit like that pops up sooner or later...they sue handicapped couples for child custody all the time.

    Providing Lea with quality curmudgeon and lurking services since 2004.
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  12. #72
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    Originally posted by Kippy
    "All Men Are Created Equal, but All Straight, White, Rich Males are Created More Equal"*
    Now, I can really go on with a long post explaining in detail how this is utterly false... if anything whites are way below the spectrum...

    all-in-all: nobody cares if someone's racial to a white person... especially if you're on the poor side

    yet if their black: oh no, you better not even yell at them

    I'm hoping that this is mainly due to where I live... but who knows

  13. #73
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    Being gay, I'm inclined to vote for this being legal

    Basically, I look at marriage as a social construct for a couple to announce their love for each other, and for various institutions to respect that (hospital visitation rights, for example). To deny gay marriage would be denying that gays cannot feel love.

    I've also never really understood why some people refuse to tell who they voted for (not that anyone here did, AFAIK, you all seem to have voted and now are defending your votes, which is a good thing.) If you aren't prepared to defend your vote, then why are you voting?

  14. #74
    You have your orders, soldier. Dare's Avatar
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    Originally posted by A-non-a-mus
    Now, I can really go on with a long post explaining in detail how this is utterly false... if anything whites are way below the spectrum...

    all-in-all: nobody cares if someone's racial to a white person... especially if you're on the poor side

    yet if their black: oh no, you better not even yell at them

    I'm hoping that this is mainly due to where I live... but who knows
    Ugh, I know exactly what you mean. I mean, someone can call a white person a "cracker" and chances are no one will care. But ye gods forbid you call a black person the "N" word.

    Where'd the term "cracker" come from anyway?

    Providing Lea with quality curmudgeon and lurking services since 2004.
    Lea Felon: warned for the heinous crime of poking a badger with a spoon.

  15. #75
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    Originally posted by Wicked
    Ugh, I know exactly what you mean. I mean, someone can call a white person a "cracker" and chances are no one will care. But ye gods forbid you call a black person the "N" word.
    The reason why the African American people get mad because well... they take it as being 'ignorant'. But, if someone from the same race says that, normally, it's a sign of greetings. If someone calls me 'cracker' no matter whom the person is, it doesn't bother me, because I know they are not saying it out of hate, just as a funny commentary or what have you. My best friend is black, he calls me 'cracker' and I call him 'N', but we both know it's all just funnies and not racial slur. Even, if somebody hates me racially, I wouldn't care, because that shows that I'm not that way, and they are lower than me, for feeling that way. Anyways, We Are One, if we can't accept that, we're fudged. XD

  16. #76
    A new era Mod Lion King Stu's Avatar
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    i say they should be legal its a human right no matter wat sex they choose to love
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  17. #77
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    WHat if Bush was gay? Would he still forbid it?

  18. #78
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    Originally posted by Sonique21837?
    The reason why the African American people get mad because well... they take it as being 'ignorant'. But, if someone from the same race says that, normally, it's a sign of greetings. If someone calls me 'cracker' no matter whom the person is, it doesn't bother me, because I know they are not saying it out of hate, just as a funny commentary or what have you. My best friend is black, he calls me 'cracker' and I call him 'N', but we both know it's all just funnies and not racial slur. Even, if somebody hates me racially, I wouldn't care, because that shows that I'm not that way, and they are lower than me, for feeling that way. Anyways, We Are One, if we can't accept that, we're fudged. XD
    Also there's a difference between "deleted", which is more of a gangster-indicating term, and then "deleted" which is the racial slur.

  19. #79
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    Now, I'm straight, but that's how I was born. I didn't choose to be straight, I just am. Gays and lesbians, same deal. They were born that way. They didn't make a choice.

    I support gay and lesbian marriage.

    Marriage is defined in the dictionary as a spirtual bond between a man and a woman, but marriage has another meaning: to connect by way of love.

    If two people love each other, through and through, then I have nothing against marriage.

  20. #80
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    I must admit i'm not entirely comfortable with the thought of gay people being able to marry, BUT, i do think gay marriages should be legal because gay people should have every right to express love in the same way that everybody else can, and partners should be considered family in hospital situations etc. I don't think it's fair to discriminate against them, because i believe that your sexuality is something that is genetic and so it cannot be helped.

    However, the genetic makeup of a person is not all that effects what they will be like. The phenotype of a person is the result of both genetic makeup AND effects of environment...

    Society no doubt does have an effect on how one chooses to deal with their true feelings. In the past, homosexuals have been outrightly treated as lessers beings, 'freaks' (look at what Hitler was doing), and so there were rarely any people who were openly gay, because it was so unaccepted.

    But now, most people don't care if someone is gay, so today you constantly come across people who are obviously gay. Does this mean that gay people have always been rather common but have just hidden their true feelings, or that modern society is encouraging homosexual behaviour?

    I don't know that answer to this, but i think the reason that i'm uncomfortable with the thought of gay marriages is simply because i've grown up in an environment where homosexuality is simply not accepted - i used to spend a lot of time with my grandparents, who, being old fashioned, are completely against homosexuals. But, i am not at all against gay people, and i'm not against gay marriages either. All i'm saying is it just doesn't feel right - but for no logical reason.

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