Quote Originally Posted by Kossu View Post
@KanuTGL; That's great news! Congrats for moving in with your partner!
Thank you! It's going to be interesting for sure, since his flat is sliightly too small for our two workstations But I'm sure we'll manage. We're very alike in how we run our households otherwise, so I think we'll be alright

Currently I'm managing some theatre stuff that I've been putting off due to being insanely stressed followed by being so very very ill... This (unpaid) engagement is just no fun at the moment, and I've completely lost all my will and spark. I'm wondering how long it's going to stay this way. If I don't start enjoying it again soon I think I'm just gonna drop it *sigh* Which would be a tough blow to this crew since I'm the one handling all the money, hahahaa :') But I don't want to spend a huge amount of energy on something this hard if I'm not having fun with it any more. Eh. Decisions, decisions.