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Thread: Life in quarantine

  1. #21
    Super Moderator Sharifu's Avatar
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    San Francisco is now requiring everyone who goes out in public to wear a mask... Not medical masks like the N95, as those should be for medical staff, but just something to cover to your mouth and nose. I don't know how I feel about this. You hear so many conflicting things about whether wearing a mask helps. I do get a mask when I go to work, but it's a disposable one, and I throw it away after my shift is over. We are only allowed one mask per person too.

    You can't really buy any masks online, they seem to back ordered and you can't get any until months from now. I could try to get crafty and make something for us, but I don't have any bandanas, or old or extra clothes that I just want to destroy to make masks. But starting April 22, it is going to be required that you wear one when in public, that police might start fining you if you are not wearing one. I guess it's to help when you are in places that make social distancing difficult, like grocery stores and pharmacies.

    Nathalie, I'm sorry this is so stressful for you. Maybe Adam should handle all the shopping? I know that shouldn't be the answer, but maybe you two can just call each other while he is at the store, so you can talk to each other about what food you want to buy?
    Last edited by Sharifu; April 18th, 2020 at 09:08 PM.
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  2. #22
    Senior Member nathalie's Avatar
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    I don't know about the masks. Your eyes and forehead are still exposed.

    But while wearing it, you shouldn't be able to transfer the virus?
    I think that's what I read.

  3. #23
    Donut Face cleargreenwater's Avatar
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    Yeah I read something that it's more for in case you're carrying it and don't know it, that the mask will keep it off of other people a little more.

    The closest food store/supermarket around here is terrible with uncontrolled crowds, too. It's a Shoprite. Supposedly Wegmans is controlling how many people can go in the store at a time, but it's also farther away and I don't know where anything is there, so I would be wandering around for longer looking for everything if I went. I'm not sure what I"m going to do for my next shopping trip.

    I'm on the edge of a breakdown for an unexpected reason--my entire living space smells like pee, and while working from home in front of the window 2 weeks ago, I saw a rat walk across the front porch deck. There's an empty lot across the street and the neighbors throw food out for animals all the time, and it's attracting rodents and I think they've moved in under the front porch and it stinks in my apartment too I think they're in the wall and I'm about to loose it at the smell. I bought this mouse and rat stuff that supposedly only effects rodents and won't make other animals sick if they eat the rats, supposedly it dehydrates them too so they don't rot in the walls. I've found mice in here every once in a while, those don't bother me. I even caught one in a coffee can once and released it into the empty lot. I feel terrible about the poison because I kept mice as pets for years, and have friends who've kept pet rats, but I'm just so freaked out. And this urine smell? I want to cry. I've been constantly cleaning and you can't even tell there's this lingering smell of pee and everything feels filthy and I'm loosing my mind. :-(

    Anyway...that's my update. >_<

    Audra, that's terrible that Petteri lost his job and you guys are adrift on insurance, the health system in this country is absolute s--- and that should not happen. I get so mad when I think about how much this country forces people to be wage-slaves or literally die in some cases. That is really smart what your store is doing though, because then you guys can gather the online orders without having to dodge customers. It must make it a lot less stressful too, that's worth it right there if it means you don't get as run down and exhausted. I have to say, California as a whole has been really on top of this thing, I give your state a ton of credit.

    I'm just crabby today, lol.
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  4. #24
    The Yorkie Lioness King Simba's Avatar
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    Wearing a mask is a personal choice here. The government doesn’t advise on wearing a mask as apparently there is “no evidence” to support wearing one. We have masks here at my house, my mum found some fabric ones on Amazon. I don’t think they help much (unless you have the virus and to try and prevent passing it onto others) but they make me feel more comfortable (well they’re not so comfortable to wear, but it helps me feel less anxious when out). So I say if it helps you feel more comfortable wearing one, then why not?

    Today has been pretty boring to be honest. At least the weather is nice so I’ve been sitting outside a lot today. Might even go for a walk soon before dinner. We’ll see.

    Highlight of the week tomorrow will be going to pick up the weekly shop (Yay!) We’ve been lucky enough to get a click and collect slot for the last few weeks (constant checking for one is needed mind you) so we do our shopping online and it’s waiting for us to collect. Less contact with others then, and no need to join a queue to get in store. We’ll just be ready with the antibacterial wipes once we get home.

    It would be nice to get home delivery but even those are difficult to get. Some stores are prioritising elderly and vulnerable people, so chances of getting a home delivery slot are pretty much zero. But that’s fine because we’re not unable to go out and pick up our shopping so it’s better to leave the home delivery slots to those who really need them.

    I’m sorry to hear some of you guys are finding it tough. I am too, getting really fed up with it now. And I’m sorry to hear about Petteri losing his job. Hugs for you all.

    Lea members I've had the pleasure of meeting in person: Sharifu, Sadiki, This Land, Nathalie, Lucy, Lion King Stu, Taneli, KanuTGL, Shadow, Revo and Leorgathar

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  5. #25
    Senior Member Kossu's Avatar
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    Sharifu, Nathalie, CGW; I hope you guys will be ok.

    I have to say, I've been very shocked with the things I hear about healthcare in US the last years and especially the last months with Covid-19...Healthcare is free for everyone in Greece, especially if you are unemployed. The system there is far from perfect, but still, I've never had to worry about being without healthcare...Similarly for the Netherlands, if you are unemployed or otherwise unable, you can get support from the government. The stories I hear about US though, it's surreal. I just wish healthcare wasn't treated like a product and was more widely available to everyone in need.

    Hugs for everyone as well. Hold on to anything that makes you relaxed and happy. Things have been better and they will be better again.
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  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kossu View Post
    September is still a long way from now though, so here's to hoping that the situation will have improved to an extent until then...
    Yeah, there's still quite a bit of time until then for things to sort themselves out, and I've got my fingers crossed that things get back to some sort of normality by then, but I'm not holding my breath.

    I spent quite a few years working in a supermarket, so I know how hard you guys work. I worked through some fairly busy periods but nothing compared to what's going on at the moment, I can't imagine what's it's like now (and especially when everything kicked off) so you definitely have my sympathies.

  7. #27
    Administrator Vidan's Avatar
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    Since I moved to another state (from California to Colorado) and took my job full time remote less than 2 months before all the shelter-in-place orders started, not a ton has changed for me. I was already not going many places because I still barely know anyone here, and I was working from home anyway. So not a ton has changed for me -- it is just a lonelier version of what would have been the case otherwise. I'll consider myself lucky.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sharifu View Post
    You can't really buy any masks online, they seem to back ordered and you can't get any until months from now. I could try to get crafty and make something for us, but I don't have any bandanas, or old or extra clothes that I just want to destroy to make masks. But starting April 22, it is going to be required that you wear one when in public, that police might start fining you if you are not wearing one. I guess it's to help when you are in places that make social distancing difficult, like grocery stores and pharmacies.
    All of Colorado has that same mask requirement now. I think it's supposed to be a general rule anywhere you go outside the home but I've been to the park several times and seen plenty of people walking around without them.

    Audra, you might find some bandanas in one of the bags in the closet of my old room. I was looking for some when I was considering make my own mask, and realized they were probably in a bag I left behind. I managed to order some masks on Etsy just last week and they arrived in 2-3 days (from vendors located in the US, mind you), so that might be another option for the long term.

  8. #28
    !su nioJ Guntur's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vidan View Post
    Since I moved to another state (from California to Colorado) and took my job full time remote less than 2 months before all the shelter-in-place orders started, not a ton has changed for me. I was already not going many places because I still barely know anyone here, and I was working from home anyway. So not a ton has changed for me -- it is just a lonelier version of what would have been the case otherwise. I'll consider myself lucky.
    I'm glad that we on the same situation, just waiting for any on call work at the moment.

    Our situation on the lockdown and virus are on positive, less than 10 confirmed cases daily and someone we would go through with no death more than 3 days, for the past 3 days? Today was the "worst" due for 2 confirmed death. I'm really sure the lockdown going to be lifted in 28 according to plan.
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  9. #29
    And at last I see KanuTGL's Avatar
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    Hugs for everyone I think about you guys a lot right now and I'm so glad we can talk here. Aye, things will get better again and we'll get through this |
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  10. #30
    Senior Member nathalie's Avatar
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    My dad's been tested positive

    My mom said he's been sick for 2 weeks now.
    So hopefully that means he's not having it that bad.
    He's going to the hospital today, to have an xray of his lungs. That should show how bad it really is apparently.

    He's a heart patient and 60+.
    And I'm living in another country.
    I am near crashing.

  11. #31
    Senior Member Kossu's Avatar
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    Nathalie, I'm sorry to hear about your dad... I hope for the very best. Don't lose hope.
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  12. #32
    The Yorkie Lioness King Simba's Avatar
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    Aww, Nathalie. I’m sorry to hear about your dad. Here’s hoping he makes a full recovery and he’ll be ok. Stay strong.

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  13. #33
    Senior Member nathalie's Avatar
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    Well, he's been sick for 2 weeks, and apart from 1 day of real fever, and being exhausted by just moving an arm, he's 'fine'. So hopefully that means, he won't get it any worse.

    My mom and sister now need to take their own temperature 3 times a day.

    It just kind of hit me, my whole family could get sick.

  14. #34
    Senior Member Kossu's Avatar
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    I hope they will all be fine...hope your father recovers soon.
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  15. #35
    Senior Member nathalie's Avatar
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    He's in the ICU tonight.

    His long xray wasn't good at all, so the doctor send him to the ER.

    All corona patients are put in the ICU.

    Things were very unclear.
    My sister called me with updates, but not any news really of what really was happening.

    The hospital said we could call 24/7, so I did, as I just needed to hear for myself.

    His nurse sounded positive.
    That he had been going strong with this for 2 weeks already.
    He told me what they did to him, giving him oxygen, fluids.
    He doesn't have pneumonia.
    But, they can't say he may not get that at all. So he might still develop that.

    His lungs are damaged due to, to little oxygen in his blood.

    He was wide awake, and completely clear minded.
    So I got to talk to him.

    Please, take this advice, the first thing he said to me: STAY THE .... INSIDE!
    (If you can)
    As it was heartbreaking hearing him gasp for air after every word he said.
    You really don't want to hear your family members be in a state like this.

    If he manages the night fine, he could be moved to a normal room for the rest of his recovery.

    So yeah, hoping it won't get worse, that he already had that the past 2 weeks.

    His symptoms were some of the ones you hear less about: nausea and diarrhea.
    No cough, only a slight fever.
    He had an actual test, which was positive (through the nose).

    So be very careful when feeling sick, as people do get the symptoms that are lowest on the list.

  16. #36
    Donut Face cleargreenwater's Avatar
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    Oh no Nathalie, that's so scary. I hope they can get him out of the ICU very soon. It must mean something that he's been holding up for 2 weeks, it must.
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  17. #37
    The Yorkie Lioness King Simba's Avatar
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    Best wishes for you and your family Nathalie. I'll keep my fingers crossed for your dad.

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  18. #38
    And at last I see KanuTGL's Avatar
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    Oh no, hope he'll recover smoothly, Nathalie. It must be distressing to be so far away as well. Make sure Adam gives you lots of hugs while you wait for news |
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  19. #39
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    I tried calling about half an hour ago, but he was asleep.

    His nurse said he's doing good, and for now, he's definitely not worse since he was brought in, so that's good.

    It's also the other things once he's better.
    His lungs are damaged, and will probably never recover fully.
    But we won't know that until a lot further along the line.

    I've been even more carful now whatever I touch, and when we do go for a walk.

  20. #40
    Super Moderator Sharifu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vidan View Post
    So not a ton has changed for me -- it is just a lonelier version of what would have been the case otherwise.
    Lonelier version? Do you at times miss going to a place to work, and seeing your co-workers? I do hope you are enjoying your new life in Colorado.

    Quote Originally Posted by Vidan View Post
    Audra, you might find some bandanas in one of the bags in the closet of my old room. I was looking for some when I was considering make my own mask, and realized they were probably in a bag I left behind. I managed to order some masks on Etsy just last week and they arrived in 2-3 days (from vendors located in the US, mind you), so that might be another option for the long term.
    Thanks for letting me know. But I actually already made some masks with cutting up a pillow case. (I didn't think about using pillow cases before) But it felt so thick... But the last day I was at work, I found out we were selling masks. So I was able to buy some cotton masks, and they came in a pack of two. Perfect for us, since Petteri will need one too. They are a bit easier to breath out of then the ones I made with a pillow case. Too bad I destroyed a pillow case now. (But honestly, we have a lot of pillow cases)

    Nathalie, I'm glad to hear your dad seems to be doing well. That is too bad about his lungs though. But other than that, he sounds like he is strong and a fighter.

    I forgot to mention this, but my job makes us take our temperature (using an infrared forehead thermometer) when we arrive to work. We have been doing that for about a week and a half now. Another new thing going on at my job is that there is going to be only a few registers that will be able to accept cash, but most wont. I also have some good news, I got the full time position at my job. It will be effective this Monday. Although HR couldn't tell me if I would get health insurance by May 1st. She said I might be lucky enough for that to happen, but I would have to wait until I can see my first May paycheck. But at least I feel relived I got the full time position, and I didn't have to change departments or store locations.
    Last edited by Sharifu; April 24th, 2020 at 05:53 PM.
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