1. do you have any body piercings ?

I've had my ears pierced when I was 6 or 7, one on each side, a month later I hated them, even though I begged my mom to get them, lol.

2. Last book you read ?

I don't read books I'm afraid. I'm more of a comic person.
I've read only 2 books in my entire life. "Charmed life" and a book that I bought at the Walt Disney museum, it's a bio basically about Walt (many quotes you see in the museum, the book is a very very short version of the very long museum visit).

3. Favourite lolly/chocolate ?

I don't like lolly's, but I absolutely love Terry's Orange Chocolate!!
That's the only milk chocolate I like, I don't like any others basically, no dark chocolate either, but, I'd kill for decent white chocolate! (not cheap Aldi stuff)

4. Three of your top favourite TLK items ?

Very tough one ...
I have a statue that's extremely detailed, with scenes on 4 sides, it has lights (Mufasa lights up in the back, and on the side it lights up as fire with Scar and the hyena's). It's a limited edition piece for the movie's 15th anniversary.

I can't just really think of 2 other items ... I have too much stuff to just pick any, haha.

5. Do you like where you work ?

No. It's terrible. Working in an actual hospital, where sick people come (ok, DUH), handling the nurses files and such from people that have had malaria, and deseases I didn't think I'd see in Belgium, is making my anxiety go through the roof every single day.
The job itself is extremely boring, and a monkey could do it, but hey ... for what I do, the pay is alright, and that matters.