I've been to a few places!

In Europe...
- Sweden (where I come from There's still so much to see here though.)
- Denmark (Copenhagen and Helsingör mostly. Mainly have lovely ice cream memories from there xD)
- Norway (near the Swedish border, with grandparents, who have a summer house right on the border)
- Germany (I've passed through a lot on road trips with my family, but I went on a proper visit to Berlin. Lovely Christmas markets And me and my friend returned home the day before the market attack in 2016...)
- France (Paris, Normandy, Alsace. Beautiful, beautiful places <3 Normandy was a very powerful experience especially, as we made a point of visiting a lot of historical WW2 sites.)
- Switzerland (for skiing~ We used to get to borrow a small mountain chalet (cottage) from friends of my mum's, so we went there almost every winter when I was little.)
- Italy (Milano and Rome. Milano will always be a special place to me, I think. I went there on a weekend trip with my former student union colleagues and it was both fantastic and rather melancholic for me. Never done a trip like that before, probably never will again.)
- Greece (when I was very little, so I don't remember much. I'd like to see Athens someday!)
- England, of course (London is my favourite city in the world <3)
- Scotland (to Edinburgh! Amazing place, I need to go back there again)

I've also passed through Belgium and the Netherlands, but I don't really count them as I didn't exactly stop and see the sights

- Hong Kong (as a layover before we headed to Australia/NZ!)
- Australia (<3)
- New Zealand (<3 <3 <3)
- USA (New York City and Miami/Orlando, twice, so far. Managed to convince the family to go to Disney World the first time, at least )

Australia and New Zealand were always my dream destinations growing up, so I've checked the main goals off my list of where to go already :P After them came Scotland, and I've been there too now! But, I really, really, really want to revisit all three. Someday I will

Otherwise I think the north of Sweden is top of my list right now. I've been around the world (sorta), but I've barely explored my home country and the north seems so, so beautiful. I just need to find a companion to go with me and the money to make it there and I'll be off

I'd also really like to go to the US west coast, and a bunch of the US national parks, but I think that's a goal for further down the line. Someday when I have a decent job and pay xP