My opinion ? ill quote what i wrote on FB

"I knew this was going to happen sooner or later..... xD. I'm actually quite excited in a way, and before you hate me.

1. Jungle book was like 80% CGI and animals and was brilliant.
2. If the stage show never existed and someone told me "what if they made a stage show" I would of laughed in their face and said it would be terrible and no way they could pull it off, but yet they did.
3.I'm not saying its going to be better then the original. I'm not expecting it to be amazing in it self (though if it were to be, it would be a bonus) I'm excited in the sense of a different take on how the story is told and the visual effects capability (First ever Animated to full CGI "live action" film to be made). How the animators are going to portray lifelike versions of the characters and of course how the soundtrack is going to sound like.

I'm never a big fan of re-makes but i always give them a chance if they show effort and love for the film, not just a cheap production for quick cash. Im hoping this film wont be the latter"

May i also add that im sure that no matter what happens, nothing will change the original and that will stay exactly how it is, we can go back and enjoy any time we like cant we ?. Like jungle book they twisted it around, added things and taken stuff away and it worked very well. I will always see the animated and live action as 2 completely different films in different "universes".

As long as they do it with realistic looking lions (look how old Lion witch and the wardrobe is now and how amazing Aslan looked back then), set in realistic looking settings with its own unique charm then im looking forward to how they pull it off. Also if Hans Zimmer returns for the soundtrack i will most defiantly have a fanboy squeal moment xD