Quote Originally Posted by HasiraKali View Post
My dad had peanut M&Ms laying here and I just did a little test. Keep in mind I don't really like the peanut ones, so my results are slightly biased. I tried a green one and then a yellow and a yellow and then a green. I cleared my palate with water between each candy. From just that small test I am able to say that the yellow ones aren't nearly as sweet as the green. I don't like them, so I'm not really willing to do other tests. I did try a red one, which also tasted different. It tasted more like milk chocolate to me.
Thank you for your sacrifice, fellow scientist!
I didn't drink water before each M&M, because I'd be full halfway through testing >p<

Either way, those are some interesting finds!

Quote Originally Posted by Dare View Post
The only time I've frozen chocolate is during the summer, since it gets so hot here. This summer I've had 4 candy bar casualties because I forgot them on the kitchen counter. RIP, Butterfingers.

I've never considered taste testing frozen vs unfrozen chocolate, but I think I might have to now. FOR SCIENCE!!!
I used to never put chocolate in the freezer, until one day I simply ran out of room to put food, so I put it in the freezer.
Luckily, no 'chocasualties' here ^-^
(I shall consume some butterfingers to commemorate our lost comrades.)

Good luck with your research, though!
Make sure to post it in a new thread, so we can all join in and eat chocolate for science