I think it's time to revisit my depression topic, I think some of you guys knows that I have a severe case of depression. To be honest, it is Schizophrenic. for some people I may look like having Asperger, or even Autism symptom. But in my own code and life I remain optimistic and oblivious with my surrounding that irk few people online and offline. But they didn't know I am good at hiding my illness publicly. I even confessed to my mother that I was a stoner for 8 years, Yes I am good at hiding my own habits.
But mostly I managed to calm my self by smoking a pack of cigarettes everyday, just because the nicotine calm me down when I'm under stress and all. But once in a while I will get a panic attack, like last week and today. My doctor told me that my chemical in my brain are unbalance and I couldn't live without my medication which I take from 2008, I even quit smoking weed due for the side effect making me into paranoia and OCD. I'm not seeking attention or anything but if you see this as a scribbles I understand, I can't even understand what I'm typing some time but that's how words fall down from my brain to my fingers typing.