First Name: Emil
Screen Name (s): Shadow/ The Shadow of Light
Email: theshadowoflight89@gmail.com
Nicknames?: Shads or Shaddie
Birth date: 25/06-1989
Ethnic Background:Etnetic swedish
Eye Color: sea green
Hair Color: brownm( Till i colur it black ;3)
Freckles: nope
Moles: nope
Scars: a few very small ones, otherwise big emotional ones (ohh edgy right? )
Righty or Lefty?: Righty
Religion: Athiest
Political Party: Democrat
Country?: Sweden
State/Province?: Skåne
Marital Status?: Single and not loving it
Sexual Preference?: Straight!...xecpt for when im drunk...not bi though...long story...i just like partying kay
Parents Divorced?: Nah...
Siblings? How many?: 2 blood related and 3 not by blood
Children? How many?: none
Best Friend (s): Well...I got tons of friends specially from here that are really close , but well beyond that GB who is my Bromance :3
Pets (names and what they are) Irra, German shepard, Ville cat, Svinto cat, and Pepis Cat, though they are more" family" pets than actually mine
Job?: Retail WOHO! (hey i used to work at a pizzeria, this is heaven! )
Schooling?: Pre-collage.
Car?: nope, not even a licence, working on that.
Play an Instrument?: nope want to learn guitar though.
Glasses or Contacts?: Nope perfect vision.
Jewelry?: One earing in left ear and one in my right eyebrown.
Tattoo?: nope
Makeup?: nope
Zodiac Sign: Cancer
Chinese Zodiac Sign: whats that ? 0.o


Animal: Lion
Color: ...purple
Country: Sweden :3
State/Province: Stockholm
Automobile: ehh..dont have one fave
Shoe:...the ones on my feet?
Number: have none
Fast Food Place and Food there: Burger King, and...any cheese bacon burger?
Musical Instrument: ohh any classical instrument where its not supuse ot be :3
Drink (not just alcoholic): coder,absinte,xante, and any soda? like cola n pepsi ^^
Season: summer!
Actor: Alexander Karim (Swedish one)
Actress: eh....i dunno?
Music Genre:Any
Singer: Tarja who previously was a singer for nightwish
Band: Stiftelsen and Takida ^^
Movie Genre: Horror/ any
Movie: TLk
Hero/Heroine in Movie:I dunno lol
Villain in Movie: Frolo "swedish version"
Book Genre: Fantasy!
Book: The golden compas!
Author: dunno
Board Game: dunno
Game Console: The Playstation ones (only cause my fave game develiopers develop for them)
Computer/Console Game: The Kingdom hearts series, Silent Hill series, Resident evil series and Uncharted series.
Sport: hmmm Swimming and soccer
Activity (Besides Sports): Going to the gym , Party, hanging with friends gaming
Website: Ehh rather not say ^^:
Subject in School: Ohh English!
Store: Ebay ;3
Gum: ehhh...extra?
Candy: Marabo Creamy biscut chocolate...unhgg..god orgasmicly good.
IM Service: Skype
Flavor: Chocolate and Vanila!

-This or that?-

Email or IM: IM
Phone or in person: Person
TV or Radio or Internet: Internet
Cats or Dogs: Dogs
Day or Night: Day
And now some Lion King-related ones...
Simba or Nala: Nala
Kiara or Kovu: Kovu
Zira or Scar: Scar
Mufasa or Scar: Mufasa
Timon or Pumbaa: Pumbaa
Hyenas or Outsiders:Hyenas
Pride Rock or Elephant Graveyard: Pride rock ^^
Pride Lands or Outlands: Ohh, Pride lands
"Circle of Life" or "Can You Feel The Love Tonight": cant pick.

-Do you?.. Or.. Have You Ever?..-

Cigarettes/Cigars: Ehh..iv put em in my mouth..but i have never smoked for a period of time no.
Chew: Tobaco?...ehwww..gross..
Cuss/Swear: To much, though try not too :3
Lie:Havent we all?
Stole: When i was little.
Attempted Suicide: nahh, thought has crossed me, but hey again havent it everyone at least once?
Attempted Murder: Nope.
Broken/Fractured/Sprained a bone: My collar bone i broke first ( and last) Time skeeing, though i tried snowboards years later and that worked out fine, with the Lea folk actually :3
Got in a fight, did you win: Pysical one?...well no i never have actually, been close several times but nope, i never thought anyone
Been shot: Only in my dreams ^^
Want to go to college: oh god yes i wish.
Had an imaginary friend: Still do!...ok maybe not but it sounded cute =.=
Wanted to be the opposite sex: ...actually...yes, though i never "wish" to switch im perfectly content not bleeding out of my genetelia
Had Déjà Vu: yarp
Gone skinny dipping?: most defedently ;3
Walk around nude?: Am actually nude right now.
-Love Life-

Is Love real?: Sure it is!
Ever fallen in love?: yeah
If so, at what age?: 22 or so ?
How many times?: Once
Ever been dumped?: ......actually no 0.o
How many times?: Iv dumped several people..though its years and far between, and i always felt horrid afterwards...
Ever made out?: ohhh yeah ;3
Ever had Sex?: Sure had!
Looks or Personality?:....Ok im going to be THAT guy now..but Both, IF i am not pysically attracted to someone i could never be with them, BUT the same works the other way around, iv had SUPER HAWT girls out of my leage come up to me with the IQ of a gold fish...and i just couldnt bring myself try anything with em casue...well..there stupid
so both...but i guess if i have to pick, Looks
Are you attractive or ugly IYO?: I used to be a little chub chubby chub chubb, now...I actually dont look so bad
Believe in love at first sight?: Sure i guess havent thought much on it.
Do you want to get married?: sometime yeah ^^
Define marriage and what it means to you: 2 people who have been together for a really long time and will until death do them part
Do you want/have kids?: eh...maybe
Boys name: Lucifer!
Girls name:Pandora!

-The most-

Stupidest thing you’ve done: gawd theres so much...but I guess breaking up with people once it started to become real, cause im to afraid to properly open up and be vulnerable, and that leaves me just being alone.
Greatest thing you’ve done: Go to disneyland with Audra STM and a few others...traveling the world, and meeting up with people, memories i treasure very dearly
Funniest thing you’ve done: no idea actually...
Person/Place/Thing you hate: My home town, the past, and Moody *** people who wallow in self pitty and depression.
Person/Place/Thing you love: My friends...i guess i dont really have a fave place to be honest.
Country you hate besides your own: France! learn english god damnit your french disneyland sucks for us europians!
Country you love besides your own: England is pretty cool x3
Best feeling in the world: I dont know but...i hope it is being in love, its been so long and it didnt end well i would just love to fall in love, let all my worries go, spoil my love and just snuggle n watch a film and protect em from all evil in this world.

A bit more home to earth it is just spending time with your friends and having a good time
Worst feeling in the world: Feeling Alone.

-Politics & Religion-

Do you believe in God?: Nope
Do you believe in Abortion?: Well of course.
Do you believe in Cloning?: Eh..not sure...
Do you believe in Guns?: Nope ( I feel the defenition of Believe should have been more explored in these questions )
Do you believe in War?: Well...War is neccicary i guess...to keep our world from overpopulating..horrible horrible truth, but a truth none the less.
Do you believe in Hunting? Only if every part of the animal is used, or one uses tranqualiser darts.
Do you believe in Taxes?: Yeap.
Do you believe in Gay Marriage?: Yep, no one loves thier child more than a cupploe of gay folks
Do you believe in Plastic Surgery?: Hey i dont ned to belive nothing, whatever one do to thier body is thier bussnies
Was OJ Simpson guilty?: Dont know dont care.
Was Michael Jackson guilty?: Nope dont think so.
Do you believe in Heaven?: Nope
Do you believe in Hell?: Nope


Hobbies: Working out / Going to the gym, PARTYING gawd i love it so drinking with that , go to conventions, hang with friends, make rants and videos on youtube, play video games, stream, video editing like these!





And here is a trailer i cut together form a zombie Apocalypce Larp in Germany:
