Instead of just making a new thread ...

The movie has been out for quite some time now, what did you all think?

I think they did a great job, combining multiple comics together, so you get to see how TinTin meets Haddock.
The only "stupid" part was, in the end, you obviously want them to find the treasure, and it just stops there.

I've seen on IMDB there's going to be a 2nd one, but it doesn't seem to be "part 2" of the story, but a different one.
Which, I don't think is really a good move.
I'm pretty sure there's load of people who don't know anything about TinTin, and don't know the movie is based on a 2-part comic, and are being left hungry, as the movie basically didn't have an ending.

I also finally bought the animation series DVD box yesterday.