Twilight's call sounded over the thundering rain that was batting down on the Pridelands hard and consistant. He heard the Prince's voice alerting him of movement ahead before Twilight's call was swallowed up by a roar of thunder. FC studied him from his position on the ground near the back of Pride Rock. He looked to Iliana who was at his side, as always and then out to the horizon where he was beginning to see shadows slinking closer and closer toward them.

FC's heart sunk when he realized that this would be his first real battle. His whole body tingled with anxiety, especially now that he had Iliana to protect. He'd promised he wouldn't let anything happen to her, and it was a promise he intended to keep...even if it meant sacrificing his life.

He'd also promised Twilight he'd look out for the rest of the lioness since he was one of the only other males in the Pride, this was another task that'd make this battle more difficult. However, the young lion raised his head, sea-green gaze narrowed in concentration at the figures ahead.

When the young Prince's voice sounded again over the constant hum of precipitiation, FC knew it was time to get serious. He unsheathed his claws as a powerful gust of wind blew his bangs up. "Whatever happens," FC said to the tigress at his side, "just know I love you and I'll be right beside you..." he told her before roaring into the air--a warning cry to the lions and lioness approaching with rapid speed.

FC leapt ahead of Iliana so that he was standing in the front of his line. He noticed with growing fear that it seemed asthough the head hancho's of this pack were targeting him...which was not good, at ALL!

"Iliana, if anything happens, promise me you'll run to the cave." He stared straight ahead as the rogues were closing in. "Promise me!" he called back to her, his eyes clouded with fear, not for himself, but for the one true treasure in his life. He braced himself for any blow they had to give him, his body arched and tensed--ready for whatever came his way.