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Thread: Poems

  1. #221
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    Watchout for my warfare, beware
    there's war in the Middle east
    But here, the war's on the streets
    The heart beats cease
    When bullets split hearts like meat
    War on the streets
    Taking lives
    homicide and suicide
    gang violence
    gun fire breaks the silence
    War on the streets
    Never ending
    But always beginning and never seen
    They see green
    but you see red when they want your bread
    Bullet to your head and now you're dead
    War on the streets
    Living day to day
    Don't know when I'll get paid
    But that's just...The way it is
    Since we were was hit or miss
    Death's kiss taking those who are ignorant
    To the street's code
    War on the streets
    I see blood run red
    and the blood shed
    From guns and bullets
    Adults and kids
    Victims and the murderers
    My shoulder hurts
    From carrying the world
    of my neighborhood
    Where my friends lay buried in the dirt
    Victims of war on the streets

  2. #222
    Super Moderator Azerane's Avatar
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    really proud of this one despite the sombre mood...

    21st Feb 2007

    Out of Sight and Mind

    Be there ever a time to talk?
    When life's meanderings do not stalk?
    And silent as the heat of day
    Come mem'ries too long left at bay.

    Without or away I should not mind;
    Though I'd not wish to leave behind,
    The love that has me captive lead
    Into the wilderness ahead.

    Of gazing eyes and dire noise
    No life could live in simple poise,
    Among such deep depravity
    Of taste and touch and all we see.

    Give way among such life than norm
    Of all things sweet and all things warm,
    As loneliness does boundless stretch
    Too dark and deep to ever fetch.

    What comes when all is lost in sight?
    One's heart may not put up a fight
    In such the devil does delight,
    Fearful longing in the night.

    When reaching for the stars above
    One needn't do more than belove,
    Despite the reaching fingers' pound
    And figures drenched in grim surround.

    Yet with love itself comes enemy
    Toils of light and ebony,
    Confusion runs in blood so deep
    We must stay strong, one mustn't weep,

    To weep would be to throw away,
    Every night and lab'rous day
    Spent seeking for the out of view,
    Nearby there is so few, so few.

    Who knows when such things reach an end
    And none shall need to recommend,
    Solution found and so soon lost
    Such things do always steeply cost.

    Still even when a lesson learned
    One has found themselves returned
    To such a place where they began,
    When will it end, if e'er it can?
    That which you manifest is before you.

  3. #223
    Sonique Stormfury's Avatar
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    Wharm, Wind Glow...

    Sunset, seagulls
    Mindset, tranquility
    Purpose, wandering-wondering
    Warmth, glow
    Sand, soft

    ... Sleep.

    ♩ "Summer's going fast, nights growing colder.
    Children growing up, old friends growing older.
    Freeze this moment a little bit longer.
    Make each sensation a little bit stronger." ♩

  4. #224
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    *Also on my DeviantArt page...

    Savannah Days

    Sand beneath my feet
    The heat surrounds me
    in its loving yet stifling embrace as
    I tread into the grasses
    the stalks brushing my bare ankles
    Seeing ghosts of saber-toothed tigers
    Walking alongside their unseeing
    Lion brethren as they stalk their prey -- it's a herd of zebras grazing
    As the evening sun prepares to set
    the light turning all things to a
    beautiful golden hue
    the rays warming me as I
    breathe in rich air
    and spread my arms to
    greet a welcome breeze
    Just as my mother's ancestors once did long ago
    When they watched the stars
    slowly creep out
    from their navy black beds
    One by one.
    I thank the Lord above
    for His beautiful creation.

  5. #225
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    Sadde it makkes me to cnawn

    I under-giten poetry no ma;

    And hauen I a test!

    The Marchaunt's Tale

    So sone.

  6. #226
    Sonique Stormfury's Avatar
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    A Song-is-sung,
    At Night's Request,
    Lay in my nest;
    A meaningfully heart,
    A moon so rare,

    Good-bye to you!
    Stars at glare!
    Nightingale or silhouette.

    ♩ "Summer's going fast, nights growing colder.
    Children growing up, old friends growing older.
    Freeze this moment a little bit longer.
    Make each sensation a little bit stronger." ♩

  7. #227
    Super Moderator Azerane's Avatar
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    23rd May 2007
    The Windmill

    Shall I turn to meet the sun?
    I shan't, I shan't,
    But the wind will drive me on
    As I was made to do.

    And I'll turn to save the rain
    Though it seems I haven't turned a day,
    I do not turn nor feel the spray
    As gentle drops ease from the sky.

    It seems my time is over
    And this land where I do stand
    Shall remain so ever dry
    The rain it does deny,
    Yes, the rain does ever deny me.

    The earth is thirsty,
    I can feel it how I stand
    There is no movement down below.
    I stand in hardened surrounds
    And no life does dare abound.

    Scarce is the crow, I have not seen,
    His face eludes me so.
    I wonder where he?s gone
    And if he?s gone for long.

    Do I dare to think I die alone
    Out in the burning of the sun?
    Or shall I hope the rains will come?
    Streaming down upon such earth
    Wanting water for life's birth.

    Such clouds that pass above me,
    Always passing, never staying
    I see them drifting now
    And I do so wonder how, if ever,
    They will stay and bring me rain.
    That which you manifest is before you.

  8. #228
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    My last language arts assignment for the year is to write five original poems in the classic forms we have learned (elegy, sonnet, ode, etc). This villanelle is one of my favorites.


    Of all the many books that I have read
    From the half I believe, I now know this:
    Some phrases are better left unsaid.

    How many characters wound up dead
    Over tongues that uttered blasphemy in bliss
    In all the many books that I have read?

    The wise portray a far more cautious tread
    And whisper in the pages, ?Reminisce
    That some phrases are better left unsaid.?

    So bear in mind who gives you daily bread
    And never let your griping go amiss
    (Unlike the many books that I have read).

    And when she dons a queer hat upon her head
    Say, ?It?s lovely, Dear,? and seal with a kiss
    For some phrases are better left unsaid.

    Let not the blood our epic heroes shed
    Be lost in vain; Are we as dense as this?
    After all the many books that I have read,
    Remember ? some phrases are better left unsaid.

  9. #229
    Senior Member LunarCat's Avatar
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    i love it 2DieFr!!! as i love all of your writing seriously, it is extremely well written

    same goes for you Azzy!

  10. #230
    Senior Member This Land's Avatar
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    Great poem Azzy very niceley done, it brings the windmill a life of its own ^^

    and 2 DieFr Great Poem aswell, ^^

    I havent Written a Simgle Poem for Say About 6 years Oo.

    Special poem For Somone Special ^^


    Several Hundred miles Away
    One Dream to Hold You in My Arms
    Several Hallucinations in My Mind Stay
    To Hug You Finally One Day

    Reality Starts To Shine
    When the Opportunity Finally Comes
    We set a Month, Day and Time
    To Finally Hug, Kiss and Whisper
    "Your Mine"

    That Day Has Came That I Forever Dream of.
    There You Are, In front of me
    My head is spinning in the Clouds Above
    You Are In My Arms And One Forever Love.

    Several Hundred Miles and Your Here
    One Reality That You Are In My Arms
    Several Dreams in My Mind Stay
    Of Me Crying
    You Finally Will Have To Leave One Day.

  11. #231
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    Rabbit, Duck and Crackers

    Crackers thrown, ducks waddle
    Seen a hare - with a glare
    Moose-o sitting 'oh...
    A park bench, pebble
    Air 'n sun
    Fun. We're all done!

  12. #232
    !su nioJ Guntur's Avatar
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    Every time I close my eyes,
    I always think about you,
    where you been or where you are,
    because I still crazy about you,

    Every day and night I only wish for one thing,
    To be part of you,
    because I was to damn crazy about you.
    And all I ever wanted is you be with you forever and ever,

    One day with you are unforgettable,
    because it's what you are,
    you're my heart, my soul and my everything,
    falling in love with you are always unforgettable.

    I know nothing last forever,
    But nothing gonna keep you away from me
    because we gonna make it last forever
    I love you forever from my heart and my soul

    I miss you sweetheart wish you we're here with me at my side. Because there's no one like you in the universe .
    (12/16/2014 - 4/6/2006)

    (07/11/2011 - Current time)

    Join us in
    Lea Halalela Steam Group

  13. #233
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    Now I warn you, many, many times again and again. This is dark, evil and racist. Don't read it, scroll down, go to another thread. I'm warning you because I'm not out to make others stumble into such a situation they are forced to defend their bothered mind and violated morals. It entitles the darkness of Nationalism in the Third Reich. Nazis. So, you have been warned, please.
    Not entirely a poem. A collabortation fo thoughts intended to be a poem.


    What is a Nazi?

    Murder. Darkness.

    Yes, so I am. I lace myself in the black uniform, the skull on my cap and collar. My rank exclaimed by four silver dots. Lambskin gloves, and golden mane for hair. Can a lion be a lamb at once?


    What is a Nazi?

    I dream of walking down barb wired paths. The prisoners; the innocent, that which will die for my sins, looking up at my fair face and black uniform. A child, starved, and broken, shuddering at my image, the Angel of Death. I pull from my pocket, and break off a piece of dark chocolate. I slip it over to them, as it rests in the lambskin glove. It looks me first in the eyes, these silver eyes haloed with the deep and sorrowful shadow of my Nazi cap. He adverts to the chocolate and reaches out, grasping it, retracting quickly. He crowds himself in a ball and nibbles at it, pondering why I still stare. I like watching the hopeless cherish so little. So desperate. Yes. Now you know, what it feels like, to dwell on the outskirts of humanity. Kicked in the face, starved and beaten down. The Angel comes to you and hands you comfort. And when he walks away, you realize this fallen Angel, cares for you no more than his own well being.

    ?How could such men, like him?hurt my people??

    How indeed.

    There is a chaos inside my soul. It turns me in my sleep. It burns in my eye as the Jew passes me by. I sneer and look at him, looming in my own misery. Why does he walk by me as if life is good? Let me show you what it feels like.

    The Nazi suffers his own past. Always desperate to belong, he mounted with those who too sought shelter and purpose. They all hurt, and they all raged. They went after those who had no modes for defense and crushed them. It feels good. There hopeless eyes, your shadow over them. You burst into their homes, as they eat, as they sleep, as they make love. You tear them apart, children from mother?s, sons from fathers. You kill those who catch your eye. Sometimes you look and see this image, and it triggers you past. You are overwhelmed with past hurt, inferiority. They are threat. They must be eliminated.

    The terror. The shock. They won?t believe it. Good, they won?t have to. They?ll be gone before they know it. I hate you. You piece of ****.

    Weren?t you looking in a mirror just then Rayden?

    Yes Klaus, yes I was.

    How am I divine? I look it. Certainly if I wore my soul on the outside, I would not.

    But you do Rayden.

    Yes, the uniform. The Swastika and the TotenKopf. How does darkness and beauty go together? Does it deceive, create desire, birth shame for those that could never look so good? Why does it have to hide so much pain. What does that gain?

    Buy you don?t hide it.

    They see you in a frenzy. They see you rape and steal, beat and kill. No true man at peace, could ever rage in such manner. They know. They are low, but they definitely know. Desperate to bathe your dry and withered soul in blood. But it absorbs it too quick, ach?we must kill again. The frenzy becomes a tiresome task. Looking at them, begrudged and weary, snarling and shooting them right between the eyes, their brains against the wall and the blood upon your face as the people gasp, cry, shudder and whimper. You sigh and walk away. Another kill, different day. This is Germany? You look up at that banner, the waving flag that use to brew devotion and honor. Now? Just exhaustion, redundant and malicious contempt. Worthlessness. Her blood stained self, tattered, flapping with the smoke and the fire of your city in defeat behind her.

    Sieg Heil. What Victory? The only thing I?ll be conquering is my own shame.

    You sit there in your home, mounted between the camp you?ve been given. This is your empire. The Lord promised you the Kingdom of Heaven, and Lucifer? All the earth. This is what?s left. There is no hope left for the lost. You or the Jews.

    It?s dark and dreary. Muddy and wet. The stench of the bodies, the depression from seclusion. No interaction with anyone on your level. Just the dead and the soon to be. Anger costs you more, and you must sleep twice as you did last week. You eat less, you care even more less. You walk around your camp, jackboots once glossed now weather and muddy. Germany can?t afford shoe polish or new boots. You start to look like them. The only thing romantic is your lack of compassion and your silver eyes. The uniform hangs from you. You ache to walk around in it. Your holster pulls you down closer to the earth, closer to the chasm of Hell.

    All you have to do is take me out and put me to your head. Then it will all be better.

    You bite your lip, chew on your tongue. Drink your coffee. Yes, that?s all you drink. You?re almost insane with it. You grin and look around wild like, and other soldiers stare at you and ponder their own well being. They see you cracked up, gone, and soon to be sold out. It disturbs them. He was great. Now he?s only great by defeat.

    You walk about, growling, glaring, hunched, hands constantly busy to distract yourself. He ran! There goes the Jew. You stare. You pursue. You run, breath burning, clawing out as your holster whips out. You stop, aim and shoot thrice. The last two hit him; back of skull, and back of shoulder. He lunges and falls in a heap. They run for him, and drag him back.

    Oh Rayden. Did you forget about me. I love you more than anyone here, even Germany. Even more than coffee. You look at me and you can drink coffee all the time. No one to look at you and then turn away. That?s right. I see everything.

    Suddenly you don?t even think. The psychotic laugh, the shaking of the pistol as you load one more round, pull the toggle bolt and hold it to your head. The soldiers look on, silenced by shock as the sound cracks the silence wide open, and the blood flies as his body falls down, down, miles below the ground.

    What is a Nazi?


  14. #234
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    Um, another?

    Yall don't post so, meh.


    Counting Time
    by engelvomtoten

    A million stars above my head.
    A thousand bodies on the road ahead.

    A hundred bombs fall from the sky.
    But so few soldiers, who know how to die.

  15. #235
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    "Hidden Away"

    When I look into her eyes I see hurt days, the worst days
    Hoping to get past her word plays to cure things
    Into her heart my soul will seep
    And into the dark her whole will speak
    In words of a silent fashion
    Expressed connection, a covert action
    Not to mention, a hidden fraction
    Shunned from the light of day, led astray
    Looking for a new escape, to cure the pain
    Lurking callously, in the darkness
    Hidden from those, that are the heartless
    Never to be seen again, by a man
    Hoping to reach the end, and start amend

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