Not religious enough? Are you serious? It's pretty religious as-is despite our 1st Amendment. We're not supposed to have a State Religion, yet it often feels like we do.

Originally posted by Simba_2004
It seems as though America is turning into nothing but greedy and fleshy people and the only religion that seems to exist anymore is the religion of "Its all about me."
That's a pretty broad statement to make. Do you have specific examples? If anything, I think America has improved throughout its history. We banned slavery, ended segregation, gave women the right to vote, increased scientific progress, etc. When were these good old days exactly when you feel America was better and more moral?

Additionally, religion does not automatically equate to morality, nor does lack of religion equate to immorality. Do you believe atheists are inherently immoral and selfish?

I've heard quite a few people say that everyone is a Christian in the USA, but guess what? That statement is not true. Very few in the USA actually practice Christianity on a daily basis. Just because they say they are a Christian does not mean that they are actually indeed a Christian. I have met people that claim to be Christians but show absolutly no Christian qualities.
The majority of US citizens are Christian, and do actively practice their religion. Christian fundamentalism has enough power in this country to keep gay marriage banned in most states. That indicates that they make up the majority of voting US citizens.

Additionally, you are not the judge of who is or is not Christian.

It is sad that America is backsliding soo horribly right now. The end times are coming a lot sooner than we can all expect.
Backsliding into [i[what[/i] exactly? Can to put a name to this paranoid fear?

Man has no power to save, only God does. For example, if the entire city of New York caught on fire and only one person had a water bottle to put it out, would he be succesful? Obviously a water bottle could not put out a fire that huge, but if God came in, He could bring all the water in the world onto the fire to easily put it out.
Convenient that he never does such a thing though. Can you cite me the occurrence of such a miracle in the news? A fire just going out? I'm not sure what point you're trying to make here...if there is a God, he certainly seems to have no interest in saving us from natural disasters, seeing as they happen all the time.

If you have hate toward the Lord because of another person that you have met or a "opinion" that you have read, then I apologize for their actions.
Those who feel America is too religious typically do not feel that way because of "hate toward the Lord." They usually feel that way simply because they have different beliefs. I, for example, am an atheist. I don't like that as an atheist, religion still has so much influence over my life and my country. I feel religion should be a personal thing, and that's not at all what I'm seeing in this country.

Originally posted by Only-now
We have been a Christian nation for a long time. Nothing is wrong with that, and it sickens me when people attack Christianity from every angle. When they attack us with this bull**** political correctness.
No. This country was founded by Christians but it is not a Christian nation. It was founded under the idea that there would NOT be one State Religion.

They argue we are so prejudice against other religions and only represent Christianity...hmm...I wonder....THE MAJORITY IF OUR POPULATION THAT PRACTICES A RELIGION ARE CHRISTIANS! Then, they contradict themselves by attacking ONLY Chrisitianity. They do not yell at any other religious groups who happen to do the same things....they single out Christianity.
Who is "they?" Atheists? People who complain about the excessive presence of religion in our society as a public issue rather than a personal one? Well, as one of those people, I must say you've not done your background research. First of all, if I see other religions doing things that bother me, I do protest. However, in this country, there really is no radical movement amongst Jews, or Hindus, or Islamics, or any other religion to enforce religious teachings or practices in the government. It's Christians who are protesting gay marriage. Christians who are complaining about evolution being taught in science class. That religion is being singled out because they're the group that's so loudly pushing their religion upon other people.

And I know not all Christians do this, but there's a large enough number who do that give people like me reason to be frustrated.

To be honest, I can guess where this comes from. It comes from the left, the liberal side of the world...which at the moment makes up a large part of it...and the part that does not like the U.S (or is jealous of childish as that sounds, it's true). These people want to attack a besis of our nation simply because it is a basis of our nation. They want to pick and poke the United States in any way they can..and obviously since religion is important to many people, and many Americans are get the attacks.
This is absurd. You can have liberal Christians and conservative atheists. And you're speaking of liberal views like they're some petty evil thing. Jealous of what? Of who? You say "we." Who are us liberals supposedly jealous of and why? There are liberals in the US you know. Why would US liberals be trying to attack their own country?

There are probably plenty of other reasons as well why many people are straying from religion, or religious values...but I blame part of it on the rest of the world. It is what they want for us, because it is what they have. When I say the rest of the world, I mean the liberals.
Um, there's absolutely no logic behind this argument whatsoever. The rest of the world is not liberal. There are liberal and conservative countries, and countries with a mix of both. There are countries that are far stricter about enforcing a single religion than we are. How exactly is the rest of the world responsible for liberal or atheistic movements in the US? My movement towards atheism was a result of science, not influence from other countries.

This is what I call overzealous patriotism. Pride in one's country is a good thing, but so much pride that you refuse to acknowledge the possibility of an internal source of problems, and choose to blame them on everyone else instead on no real grounds, is not.

I mean England has an official State religion for crying out loud.

Originally posted by Tiikeri
However as Kiva pointed out, most Americans dislike Europe and the UK in particular, I have no idea why, but they do. Maybe one of you could explain to me why?
You guys sure do love making sweeping generalizations, don't you? What gave you the idea that most Americans dislike Europe? That sounds like an unfounded stereotype to me. I could just as easily say most Europeans hate America and then ask why.

Originally posted by Only-now
I know that Europe is not as openly religious like America...I don't really believe it is really a good thing.
Why? Why should more openness about religion be better? Like I asked the OP, do you think religion automatically equals morality and lack of religion automatically equals immorality?

Originally posted by Only-now
There have been PLENTY of Christian presidents...probably the majority...and I don't think that Bush is any different other than the fact that he mentions his faith in He tried to pass an amendment to ban gay marriage on a constitutional level. Which would be a violation of the 1st Amendment seeing as the only arguments against gay marriage are religious ones.
So yeah, I'd say he's a bit more forceful about his religious beliefs and working them into government than some of our past leaders have been.