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Thread: Amarica = over religus?

  1. #41
    Senior Member Shadow's Avatar
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    god Kiva ya just couldent drop it could you...well sprit show that you atleast understand what i say and dont answer to Kiva becues that will just keep this " off topic" discussion going...and Kiva i just cant understand why you just wouldent drop it becuse that disccusion shuldent really be why cant you two go and start an trhead abut this insted and continue there...

    anyhow Dyani thats exaktly what i mean why shuld they have there "own" laws baised on relegion ?

    but then again marrige is not a goverment our law thing its a relagius thing so il probebly lose on my point here and probebly very logic aswel

  2. #42
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    Originally posted by SpiritWolf77
    In one circumstance I simply compared Christianity to Greek mythology and someone was offended.
    Heh - I never really understood how someone could be all that offended by that. I mean, throw them a copy of the Metamorphoses, and it's quite clear to see that much of the OT is just based on Roman and Greek mythos. :3

  3. #43
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    You aren't going to reply to me, and then you directly reply to me...good method.

    Why am I being blamed for this? Spirit brought up something I disagree happens all the time. We already have two threads about this..and I believe they need to be merged or one deleted because it is pointless. I am not going to start a thread to answer someone's views I disagree with in one that already exists. I am not breaking any rules, and I do not have to drop anything. So...continue on with the subject here and we will talk about it. Answer me and I am going to reply.


  4. #44
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    Originally posted by shadow
    as we look on amarica they dont let gay marrige becuse of the relegion...acording to me and my thoughts the priest shuld be forced by law to marrige these two..why? becuse its a part of his job...

    example...if you work at a pizza delevery and are asked to deliver this pizza to a gay cupple you dont say" i refuse to deliver this pizza becuse you dont like gays" ya cant do that becuse acording to your job laws" and laws in general" you have to deliver this pizza to who ever pays for other words your personal opinion dose not matter when your working on who gets what and why...
    I know it's just an example, but by my understanding, non-vital businesses (hosptitals, electricity, etc... excluded) can choose not to sell a product or service at their sole discretion. I mean, just because I have the money doesn't mean Pizza Hut has to sell me a pizza; they can decide that they don't want to sell to me and there's not much I can do. Thus, if they don't want to sell to me because of my sexual orientation, that's ultimately their decision, if knowledge serves me well.

  5. #45
    Senior Member Shadow's Avatar
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    so what your saying is that in amarica ya can akshely refouse to deliver a pizza to a cupple ya dont like and have fully right to it ? 0.o...if you did my question kind of crash and burns sense the answer is obvies then xP

  6. #46
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    Yes, business owners can make their own decisions who to serve or not serve (but it's their own loss if they choose to exclude some class of people from their clientele).

  7. #47
    Senior Member Shadow's Avatar
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    holy 0.o so just to make it really plain and simple they can have a sigh going

    "we dont serve gay/black/asian/erupian folks" (those are exaples btw not that one bans them all"

    and acroding to amarican law they can do that legaly? ( i know all the folks around wouldent like it but acording to law they can?)

    wow thats an..other shock and suprise for me...

  8. #48
    Aka STM (Administrator ) Sadiki's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Darkslash
    Yes, business owners can make their own decisions who to serve or not serve (but it's their own loss if they choose to exclude some class of people from their clientele).
    Wow I didn't know that. I know over here people can't choose their client by sex/religion/ethic background/sexual prefrence

    And what comes to the offtopic thing, it's totally acceptable to quote someone's post even it would be part offtopic as long as you don't continue for more than a few post about it and that way carry the whole thread off the topic. So if you feel like you need more than 3-4 post to say what you want to say about the subject, take it to the PMs or instant messengers.

    ( and I don't want to hear anything like " that is exactly what I said", just keep on the subject )

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  9. #49
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    @Shadow: Personally, I think that's how the law should be (The way it is now). I mean, it's the private property of the businesses until they decide to sell it.

    Capitalism takes care of that, though, because people probably won't buy from a company that discriminates. Thus, companies won't do that, because it makes them lose money.

  10. #50
    Senior Member Shadow's Avatar
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    i know thats what i said in my previes post to but i couldnet find a good way to put it xP

    i mean its still odd that they akshely " can"...i mean if you dont whana serv a certan pizza or drink i can get that and quite obives theren ot hte kind that do that...

    how abut a bartender...can he refuse to serv a drink to a person?...i know the whole " i think youv had to mutch" but can he really just say " nha i dont whana serv you" ?

  11. #51
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    If the bartender owns the business, then he's allowed to refuse to serve anyone he chooses. Same goes with all other private businesses.

  12. #52
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    Originally posted by SimbaTheMighty
    Wow I didn't know that. I know over here people can't choose their client by sex/religion/ethic background/sexual prefrence
    That's perfectly right though, it's not fair to choose not to serve someone they don't like unless they fear for their safety or something similar, otherwise it's unfair discrimination.

    You should come to the UK more. This place has gone PC (political correctness) mad, you can't even sing nursery rhymes anymore without someone telling you off. For instance, there's a nursery rhyme that goes...

    "Baa baa black sheep, have you any wool?
    Yes sir, yes sir, three bags full.
    One for the master, one for the dame,
    and one for the little boy who lives down the lane"

    Didn't see anything wrong with that? Well neither do most people. But somehow the UK government have got it into their heads that black people will be offended by it.

    Now if that isn't mental then I don't know what is.

  13. #53
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    Actually, the Federal civil rights Act makes it illegal to deny someone service, facilities, etc based on race, color, religion, or national origin (and maybe a few other things). But owners of businesses have the right to deny service to customers in many aspects. For instance, a bar can deny service to a group of people if they are wearing "colors" to symbolize they belong to a particular group. This right of the business owner is protected because it is deemed detrimental to the conduct of the business...but that bar would not be allowed to deny service to a group of people because they happen to be from a certain country, because they are gay, etc...

  14. #54
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    Though I'm not positive, I'm pretty sure the Civil Rights Act only prohibits employers discriminating when hiring eomployees and discriminating against those employees after they've been hired. It also bans public-accomodations businesses from discriminating against customers (hospitals, some restuarants, most interstate hotel/motel chains, etc...). I can't say that's 100% correct, however.

  15. #55
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    Originally posted by pntbll248
    Though I'm not positive, I'm pretty sure the Civil Rights Act only prohibits employers discriminating when hiring eomployees and discriminating against those employees after they've been hired. It also bans public-accomodations businesses from discriminating against customers (hospitals, some restuarants, most interstate hotel/motel chains, etc...). I can't say that's 100% correct, however.
    That is correct. Any place that is considered a place of public-accommodation is subject to the Civil Rights Act. Public-Accommodation being any place that offers services, goods, etc for any fee to people who are not considered members of that particular place or organization. I believe this is why any organization deemed private does not have to abide by the Civil Rights Act, such as the Boy Scouts. But I do believe once a Private organization sells its services, goods, etc to non-members for a fee, it is considered to be a Public-Accommodation and thus subject to the Civil Rights Act.

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