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Thread: Kovu's Territory

  1. #661
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    Alex nodded in agreement.

    "Cova you would be suprised. For an average guy I do a lot of hunting and I have taken on lager game before alown. I have cubs to feed rember. " Alex said As his expretion turned to stone.

    By now his useral smile had gone and his face showed no hint of exprestion.

    His steps were silent as he blended into the tall grass.

    Alex keped an eye on Covas ears and tail for signals.

  2. #662
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    Rinoa sighed as she moved more towards Pride Rock and looked around, all of this area was where she spent her cubhood. Everywhere she looked she remembered playing near that tree, or that rock, or in the fields. And everywhere she looked she remembered her father.

    "Well there's always the memories. Those won't go away now will they?" Rinoa asked to nobody in particular as she headed down the path.

  3. #663
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    OOC. Hey Lt. Trevor, saw your name on the Char list, but no description can i have a short description of her? need it for mental image ^^


    A voice caught her ears far to the left..poking her head back to look at Alex.

    "Hey there IS someone...we can use the help"

    Jumping through the grass and peering round...the path that met the bank was clear but at its base she saw the back of The Lioness as she saw her making her way towards the looming figure of Pride rock.


    She called out across a corner of the water, now bounding around its edge towards her, reaching her and panting, coming to walking pace a few meters behind her.

  4. #664
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    OOC: Sure, but I have to go for tonight after this. Goldenish colour with blue eyes, and average weight. That's what I have for now I'll give you more next time.

    IC: Rinoa turned around to see the lion who was calling after her.

    "Oh, hello, I didn't see anybody over there. I'm Rinoa." Rinoa said semi-cheerful as she tried her best to smile despite what she has just been through in the past month.

  5. #665
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    OOC. Oh ok thanks


    She caught her breath and nodded in greeting to her, not helping to notice her made up smile, her muzzle definition clearly holding things back, but she would never pry into why.

    "Heh...s..sorry, if i bothered you, its just we were out to start a hunt..."

    Eyeing back to the spot where she left Alex, not seeing him so returning her gaze to Rinoa.

    "sorry, where are my manners, bowing, My name is Cova"

    Getting to up give a friendly smile...realising her bluntness and hoping it had caused no offence.

  6. #666
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    "Cova are we still hunting. Because I have one picked out." Alex whisperd keeping a eye on a old bull wilderbeast grazing under a boaba tree.

  7. #667
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    "Nice to meet you Cova, sorry if I seem down, my father passed on yesterday." Rinoa said as she followed Cova for a few steps before seeing Alex before nodding a hello to him.

  8. #668
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    OOC; Feal free to help in the chase.

    Alex accknolaged Rieana with a wave of his tail. While he keped his eye on his prize and Waiting untill the right moment.

    Alex's last hunt didn't go well so He was determoned to get this old Wilderbeast.

    The old wilderbest looked in Alex's direction. Then continued eating.

    At the right moment Alex raced and it was over.

    Now he had got his meal he introduced him self to Rianna.

    "Sorry about that. I was getting lunch for my cubs. Rieanna I herd what you said about your father. I am sorry to hear of your loss.

    I resontly lost my mate and with twins to rase it's a little harder." He said while his useral smile returned to his face.

  9. #669
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    OOC. err you finished the chase already...


    She could do nothing but watch on as she saw Alex dissapear away, dust flailing up in the air, as a chace was given, going to help but before she could run 3 steps, the beast was down, punctured wounds ripling its neck and blood a plenty to be seen clouded into the dirt beneath it.

    "oh..ok never mind"

    Smirking and loking back to Rinoa, supprised as she was.

    "heh, well...fancy a meal??"


  10. #670
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    Originally posted by Kovu The Lion
    Shadow yes you may, Just make sure you post on the "Character Signup Thread" Post in my Part of the Forums :3, Get accepted and you're ready to roll

    Sorry for the late response guys, been busy D:


    Kovu chuckled and looked to his son, smiling softly as though he had no care in the world, though there were many precautions he did infact have to worry about, but those could come later, Now was the time for him to spend some time with the things he held close to him in life, His two cubs, Though one.. Was supposively off elsewhere, where of course he had no clue, but Kiovu always had a way of popping in on people unexpectedly, as if he was a ghost or a ghoul stalking someone all the time.

    "Well I'm not quite sure yet, You've probably seen the entire lands from being bored and singing eh?" Kovu said with a smirk lookign to Kivo's humble face,

    His ears perked at a familiar sound and he turned his head to see his other cub rushing towards him, and like a lioness going for her prey, the cub jumped, landing on his head and he raised a brow looking to him as he nearly toppled over him.

    "Er, Kiovu, what exactly are you doing?" He said with a chuckle, looking down at the cub,

    "..We were just about to go somewhere, Want to tag along Kiovu?" The King humbly asked. Two cubs only meant for him, double the trouble and more for him to protect.

    "Back on topic though son.." Kovu said looking to Kivo, "I think we should just take a walk, nothing more you could ask for than feeling the breeze come at you while being surrounded by such beauty" He stated while looking about him, the green grasses shining from the dew on them from the morning, though it was now very well into the Afternoon and the lioness would certainly start there hunting sooner or later.

    "So what do you say?" He finally ended, showing a wink to the two.
    Kivo chuckled, "This is good, Papa doesn't know about me going to the elephant graveyard earlier." he whispered to himself.

    "Well I can't say I've seen all of the land, how about the valley, or that big river, or...or the Outlands." Kivoru quickly checked himself for what he said last, "Uhhh...I mean..the." The nervous cub cleared his throat, when out of nowhere comes his younger brother tumbling to meet them. "What the...Kio?" he laughed.

  11. #671
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    Originally posted by Cova_Lioness
    OOC. err you finished the chase already...


    She could do nothing but watch on as she saw Alex dissapear away, dust flailing up in the air, as a chace was given, going to help but before she could run 3 steps, the beast was down, punctured wounds ripling its neck and blood a plenty to be seen clouded into the dirt beneath it.

    "oh..ok never mind"

    Smirking and loking back to Rinoa, supprised as she was.

    "heh, well...fancy a meal??"

    "That would be nice." Rinoa said as she smiled at Cova.

  12. #672
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    Originally posted by Prince_Kivoru
    Kivo chuckled, "This is good, Papa doesn't know about me going to the elephant graveyard earlier." he whispered to himself.

    "Well I can't say I've seen all of the land, how about the valley, or that big river, or...or the Outlands." Kivoru quickly checked himself for what he said last, "Uhhh...I mean..the." The nervous cub cleared his throat, when out of nowhere comes his younger brother tumbling to meet them. "What the...Kio?" he laughed.
    *Kio got up from his back and jumped around in delight* "Where we going guys , where we going, huh huh, and i was trying to surprise you guys." *Kio said as jumped around in circles around his older brother and his dad*

  13. #673
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    Alex looked at pirde rock
    "Cova can you please mind the kill I need to get the pride." Alex said.

    Alex walked off to get his cubs and the rest of the pride. On the way he passed Kovu and his cubs.

    "Kovu lunch is over by the bobba tree over on that hill I'm ging to get the pride. I guess I'll see you soon."

  14. #674
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    Cova watched Alex drag The dismayed Kill to a shady spot and proclaim his intrests to go get the others.

    "me and Rinoa got it"

    Coming over to sniff across the back of the downed beast, shivering at its delightful smell, and looking about to check see no scavanger birds were looming around for it.

    "hurry starving!"

  15. #675
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    Alex retuned with his cubs and as meany members of the pride as he could.

    "Thanks Cova and Rinoa lets eat. I wander where Kovu is?

    Well no point in letting it go to waste. Ladys first. " Alex said waiting for the lonesses to start before unobtrusibly eating his lunch.

    John and Sarah howed into thier share noisaly.

    Sarah though a kidney at her brother.
    John though it back at her.

    "stop playing with your food you two." Alex said.

  16. #676
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    "Quite frankly I have no clue. These your cubs?" Rinoa asked as she walked over and began to eat with Cova. She felt happy for the first time in the past month, all of her old friends left the Pridelands a while ago and then her father began to grow old. It felt so good to have new friends again.

  17. #677
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    OOC. I appologize if my description of eating is a bit graphic


    Alex's return signaled the onslaught og the meal. Grinning seeing Alex had collected almost no-one.

    "oh..seems theres plenty for us then!"

    Smiling and turning her head back to the side of the greyed animal, licking a particual meaty part of its chest, and sinking both sets of upper and lower fangs into it. Piercing its flesh, blood seeping downwards to the floor and staining her muzzle, pulling back to tear dark flesh from pink muscle, leaving a gaping red hole in its side, raising her head back up to chew, savouring its unique flavour and looking around as everyone tucked in at diffrent parts.

  18. #678
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    (not far from priderock lay a black figure up in a tree)

    "Shadow sighs heavenly and watches out in the pridelands hanging in a tree upove the Waterhole "

    man nothing ever happens in this place....was exciting when the humans where romaing around...

    "he thought for himself...those humans only being there for a short while but it was fun to have something strange around...

    "meh i need something new to have fun with...our ...gha just being alone is borning..." he sighs heavenly and lies with his chin agesnt the bark hes lying on...Shadow bin around for pride rock for long now but latly it just seem ....boring...

    (soz am bored xP i can do better posts)

  19. #679
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    Alex ate his hind leg after pealing the skin back. His cubs ate and pulled faces at each other noisaly.

    He noticed Shaddow up a tree near by.

    "Hey shaddow why don't you join us there is plenty to go round." he said.

  20. #680
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    meh not hungry "

    Shadow answerd with a low tone....but not rude he was just ...well...truly and utterly bored....and eating was not ontop of his priorety list...

    he continued to gaze out on to the pridelands thinking something like "lifes to sleep sleep hunt...thats all we do..." he thought with a disapointed expresion " there gota be more to it..." he then said lowly to himself not chancing posotion our anything

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