mmmm...relationship is a wait that came out wrong xP for some...

il tell you abut an experinse i hade...

some guys from my old class " one of them being a friend of mine (cerently not close but still)

the other one is just one plain asshole /joker as i like to call em...

anyhow i met them while walking home just bin at a hang out place called " the basment" anyhow i meet these guys Dan and Lerhman "dan is my friend"

well anyhow they hadent heard from me for a while so they asked how things where going with Kanu (at this time wev broke up but clearly still are best friends and i wouldent want it any other way)

i told them i broke up with her but shes still my best friend...they give this shocking/grining look and says

"what?! why?"

i answer

"none of your damn bussnies...."

(belive me i know lerhman dont give him any detales our he will....well you know how assholes work..)

anyhow they both start laughing like hell and "taunt" me going like

Lerhman:"holy **** i never thought you would breakup with someone hahah"

Dan: yeah! i mean come on! you...

abut now am angrly crossing my arms and tilts my head slightly to the side looking at Dan....

i know Dan...hes the one taging along with the group...i know he can be quite anoyying but he dont mean to hurt....and hes quite the serius person when you talk to him alone...

anyhow Dans reaction shocked me...and made me really angry...i knew Lerhman would start taunting laughing and asking...but to Dan to tag along with it...made me really pissed...

anyhow they conitned to ask and taunt me abut how amazed they was that i broke up with i was some despretly lonley guy who couldent (do better) and would cling to the first best thing i got this in general they dont know kanu at all...

here Dan is laughing and joking along....a guy who litherly spends god knows how maney hours at day playing wow...he ditches parties we invate him to and ditches us becuse he reglary do "raids with his guild"

(no ditching wow btw)

anyhow the probebly most anti-sochal of my friends is laughing in my face and taunting me.....i mean come on if he would ever get a girl friend it must be someone with the same amount of wow playing and anti-sochal as him....and what would they do?...playing wow....

and Lerhman has a gf but its a typical " Lerhmans bad *** teasaing and buling attitude " so its never going to last....and not only that...he litherly " ditches" his own girl friend infrot of me and Dan and just laughs abut other words nothing serius...

now with this backround there in no real position to taunt and point fingers at me are they?....well anyhow

they kept going on and on and i only got mader and mader i did aruge with em but that only urged them i said

"what the hell is the mater with you two do you think am some missrebul lonly guy who clings on to the first best girl il come across?"

(now that was handing it to them on silver plate..)

predicebluy they laughed at me and noded and said yes.....this was the last straw for me i just turned around and walked away....

am still pissed as hell at Dan and Lerhman iv always hated so its nothing new...but dang i never thought Dan would go so far.....

"huggels Kanu tight" weeeeeeeeee

anyhow...anyone else got any serius abut talking with your friends abut break up and they taunt you for it?.....