Sweat ran down Katali's fur, running into his eyes and stinging them. It mingled with the thin trickle of blood from his clawed nose. That had hurt like fire.... He stared over at Takara, taking deep breaths, but relatively unhurt. This was so stupid, one part of his mind said, but the other urged him to keep going, to win. He had never lost before....

"Last chance, Takara -- just let it go and we'll call it quits." He honestly hoped the other would accept his offer, but didn't expect it.

He was right. Takara's lips curled in a sneer. "Are you kidding? I got nothing to lose." He started forward, rested.

Katali was not ready just yet. He rubbed a paw across his nose, trying to stop the blood from escaping -- it wasn't much, but the sooner it stopped the better. He took a step backward, wincing. Then Takara made his move...perfect. Katali dropped the facade of pain and jumped lightly to the side, clawing a bit of Takara's fur as he did.

Takara whirled, not expecting the trick. He lunged on Katali, intent on pummeling him, as again they struggled on the ground....

Katali bit into his adversary's leg, getting a loud cry of pain and fury in response. Takara fought like a devil then, gradually beating his defenses down; but Katali noticed that the attacks were weakening. He retreated a bit, then went on the offensive, head-butting the chest of the brown cub. He was getting tired fast....

Takara grimaced, trying to fight but knowing his leg wouldn't let him go hard much longer. Oh, how it hurt...Katali had strong teeth. He was nearly worn...this had to end soon. He faked a slash -- Katali jerked his head back -- then drove both claws into Katali's shoulder.

Katali nearly cried out again, but instead he gritted his teeth and clinched with Takara, going for a headlock. They went on, but it was becoming more and more painful. Finally, Katali collapsed, face down, hurting to bad to do anything else.

Takara raised his paws for a last blow, but his leg twisted awkwardly. He yelped and fell to the ground beside Katali, and they lay still, too exhausted and in pain to do or say anything.

(OOC: Whew! Fairly intense, but they'll both be okay now....)