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Thread: Debate: Gay Marriages

  1. #161
    Senior Member nathalie's Avatar
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    About what's normal and what is ...

    I don't even think it's normal to even judge someone on what they are, instead of who they are.

    "Hey, gay people might be / are fun too ..."

    So I've always wondered, that if you met someone, who you can really get along with, and after a year or so, he tells you "I'm gay", would you just drop him as a friend?

    Lea Members I've met...
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    avater = Sharifu

  2. #162
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    Hello once more.

    I don't even really know where to begin. Let's just say that you're fully correct in some points to make, and totally wrong on the conclusions to come to.

    I took the liberty to correct some mistakes in your post above and marked them in bold. I also added some bits and pieces to make it a little more obvious that this is meant to be taken as advice to:

    • Please don't make these kinds of ludicrous assumptions about what peoples intentions are. Those activists stand for equality.
    • Not put in lots of worthless big numbers (they are just that without any kind of further reference).
    • Remember that you cannot fully trust statistics unless they are your own (take everything with a grain of salt and look at where it's from, who paid for it or who conducted it for what reasion with or without a predetermined mindset).
    • Please take a little step back from "We want" "We will" "We must" and make them "I'd think" "I'd say" "I'd do", and all it's many variations thereof instead.

    But don't take this the wrong way. I know it is insanely rude of me as well to misquote you like this. Instead I could also simply have summed your posting up as "can't be taken seriously", but then it wouldn't be a discussion anymore.

    As a piece of opinion I respect your post, assuming you're talking about yourself and maybe your family. But as the facts sheet you made it out to be, and with the personal assumptions you claim it cannot be taken seriously. At all. If I would take it seriously it'd be simply put - an insult.

    So, please don't take the following as an insult. I'll discuss it some more in private messages with you if you like, and I apologize if this below is too inappropriate. You tell me to remove it, I'll remove it at once. (Removed)

  3. #163
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    Originally posted by Zaya
    And agreeing with Sharifu, why do you just oversee some posts that make a good point instead of answering, come, let us make a debate...
    The whole 'born gay' or 'not born gay' thing... it's been widespread... and has been answered many times differently by many different people...
    When we are born, we are born into sin... yet, we are also born with innosence, for you can't say a baby stole something or convict them of theft...
    As we grow we 'develop' things, especially during certain stages in life. We all will have our own unique way of seeing the world. Sometimes, it's confusing, othertimes it's clear it always seems hopeless at some point or other. Especially the later highschool years, to mid twenties... I mean, what's on their minds? Guys begin to see girls differently, as certain changes occur... it's all new to them and confusing... They somehow feel the need to be with another... then look at how many there are out there, how can I make a right choise, I'll never find one that's right for me, if there'sonlyone, howcantheyevenbeinthisplace? Things come and go at great speeds, some ask girls out, others don't. Most times, at that early an age the girl is not going to be the right one for them, a poor choise is made, they just can't connect... Some give up, it's hopeless... how can you find one in a group of billions? ... They throw in the towel early... wait... they do get along with their friends just fine don't they? ... Why do they find it so easy to get along with other guys, yet they find girls so confusing? ... thus they see 'oh, I'm gay then' ... when in fact it's neither a choise, nor are they born with it, rather it is a state of mind developed when they were going through puberty. so there, question answered, NO ONE is born gay, and also it is NOT a choice they make... Like a seed planted in the mind, the origin of this seed is Satan, and as we grow older, this seed will take root, causing a strong grasp of how we think ever after.

    if you need further proof that it isn't there in the beginning, then why is it that straight boys stay away from girls? (ew, a girl/boy, run! ... you know the stage I'm talking about right?) nor do young kids parade aroung saying 'I'm going to be gay' either, afterall, young kids know nothing of the later stages in their lives.

    Originally posted by Zaya
    Why is being gay sexually immoral - cause the Bibel says so?!?!?! Ok, no comment on that one anymore - seems like our own head doesn't stand there for thinking but for folowing rules.
    you speak of me not thinking yet you could be said the same to... rather you prefer to speak down to others, and keep yourself on high with no instances of what you say or why you say what you say... so tell me, why do you believe that being gay is right? ... what ressons, lessons have you for your support? answer me those two questions to get a debate going rather than a hurl insult contest... I tend to back my words with the reason why I see it that way... you have just said your thoughts without leaving why you come to such a conclution... For I say, in your post here, all you are doing, rather than 'debating' is resorting to you saying to me 'you don't see my point therefore you are stupid.' as that's how it comes across to me as.

    Originally posted by Zaya
    Gay people are called that way cause they either like or love people of the same can't we use gay and love together?
    well, can we mix God and Satan?...
    2 Corinthians 6:15
    What harmony is there between Christ and Belial (the devil)?
    is anyone perfect?... ... the answer to these all are 'No' or 'none' ... now, If God is Perfect, and without sin, can sin come from him? ...
    2 Corinthians 6:14
    For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness?
    God is love ... how can 'love' be put together with homosexuality(sin)

    Satan would love to confuse you, do not trust Satan though, he hates all, and his path leads to hell.

    Originally posted by Zaya
    Why, who told you homosexuality is a sin? Did God step down from his kingdom and tell you that?
    basically, yes, God did step out of his kingdom to tell us. As he spoke to moses, and he came down as Jesus too...

    Leviticus 18:22: 'Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman; that is detestable.'

    also the one I posted before:

    1 Corinthians 6:9
    Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders

    Originally posted by Zaya
    Btw, to the sex thing, goes to those who think it's only that special moment of love that is "used" for reproduction (I'm sorry but it just won't leave me alone); Have you ever experienced it at all?
    Have you've ever expirienced 'true love' before?
    I'm not saying that 'sex' is only used for reproduction, for it is also a strong show of passion and love felt for the other, (except when it comes to those who abuse it)

  4. #164
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    I will try to be short, first of all I did not got directly on to you or tried to offend you, but I am sorry if it sounded that way. I respect everyone's oppinions and beliefs and did not try to convince you into believing something you don't. I was only trying to make the point by letting you kow, that different people, have different views on what sin is, and for some people being gay isn't a sin. End of it...

    For me, having nothing against gay people, wasn't a conclusion, it is what i feel, I have nothing but my heart and my intellect to back it up, because I do not believe accepting people as they are has anything to do with statistics, books, etc. It's what's inside you.

    as to physical relationship again;...if you knew what I went through for my true love, you would know, asking me something like that is an insult So I appologize if I insulted you by questioning your experiences aswell.

  5. #165
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    I hate to butt in again, but I think we need to realize that this issue needs treated with compassion and dignity for both sides. A lot of members here, in this very thread, are of an alternate sexual orientation, and saying "They" are "Disgusting", "Sinful [and/or] Wrong", etc... is disrespectful. What this debate has turned into is a debate about homosexual people; we are now talking about living, breathing people. People that are here, right now.

    The vast majority of people want to be normal and accepted by their peers, and science and/or philosophy has demonstrated at the very least that homosexuality is not something that developes, or goes away, overnight. The scientific community, religious biases aside, generally believes that a person has at least some part of their sexual orientation decided before birth, and more likely than not almost completely decided before puberty, based on many factors. A person's sexual orientation is a core part of their being, and is much more than just sex; it makes up part of who they are, how they think, and what they experience. More importantly, a homosexual person*, as opposed to a person that has had a homosexual experience, can vouch that such an orientation is not a choice. In other words, this isn't something that going to be argued out of someone.

    Because sexuality is a core part of a person; because most homosexual people, as well as many scientific studies, vouch for not choosing their orientation; and because it is not something that just comes and goes overnight; this is not something to be treated with such disrespect as I've seen. Likewise, a person's religion need not be stepped on in such a way, as such a thing is also a core part of a person.

    *During puberty, a child may have fantasies or, rarely, even experiences about/with another person of the same sex. This is considered by psychologists to be a normal part of puberty that some, or many, people experience that most likely serves the role to allow the person to become fully aware of their own body. This does not make the person homosexual, as such fantasies/experiences only deal with sexual exploration and not such things as physical attraction (usually), emotional attrachment, relationship, etc...

    As for myself, well, I really don't care that someone thinks I'm "Wrong", as long as they don't try to harm me or my legal rights. If that's what your religion says, then follow your religion and leave me to mine; I cannot ask you to change your religion any more than you can ask me to change my sexual orientation, as long as you don't try to hurt me or my rights as a human being, or American. The homosexuality issue goes farther than marriage though, into things that shouldn't even be debated: Health care, military service, discrimination, adoption, hospital visitation rights, and immigration. The right to be healthy, the right to protect one's country and loved ones (though I am personally opposed to war), the right to be treated with equality, the right to raise a child, the right to see one's dying lover, and the right to build a better life in a better land. These are not rights of any one country, but of humanity itself. These are rights being debated, and gradually denied, or rarely, protected. I've always figured a human being is a human being, an American is an American, and that those two things should come first. But as we stand, that is not the case in society today. A homosexual human is no longer human, he or she is sub-human. A homosexual American is no longer American, he or she is second class. I don't think anyone here can blame a person for trying to better their condition in society.

  6. #166
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    Originally posted by Ashara
    My question is why would you be gay? "I'm going to be gay today!" What the heck? You aren't born gay. It's some immature kid that decided he wanted to be different thousands of years ago. Well, look what ya started, buddy! >_>
    Haha, yes, we all make that choice at some point in our lives. It's like the way I woke up one day and thought "I'm going to find white people more sexually attractive than blacks, but damn, Asian women are hot."

    Congratulations. You've succeeded in making yourself look foolish. Also, it's wonderful, all the evidence you're using to back up your statement. Bravo.

    How old are you? Are you experienced in sex? Because I don't know about you, but I don't look at my boyfriend and make a conscious decision to be sexually attracted to him when I feel like it. It's not something that we as humans have some sort of control over.

    I'm also tired of debating the religious side of this. I will openly admit I am against religion (thought not as far as to be anti-religious) so anything to do with your deities means... nothing to me, other than the odd bit of amusement. I'd like to discuss it with a person, not a scripture.

  7. #167
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    Originally posted by Ashara
    My question is why would you be gay? "I'm going to be gay today!" What the heck? You aren't born gay. It's some immature kid that decided he wanted to be different thousands of years ago. Well, look what ya started, buddy! >_>
    XD...Well done, you are now officially a loser, your medal is in the post.

    Seriously, just read what you said. Ok so you're not born gay, but you're also not born straight, you are born without a sexual orientation, giving you the chance to choose your own later in life.

    Also, your attitude towards homosexuality annoys me. I'm a bisexual and I'm quite open about that, I have absolutely nothing against gays whatsoever, in fact quite a few of my friends are gay/bi.

    And looking at your post, who is more immature? The person for deciding to go against conformity and choose their own path in life, or you for slating that person for it? I know who I think is the most immature, and it aint the person who chose his own way of life.

  8. #168
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    Originally posted by Ashara
    My question is why would you be gay? "I'm going to be gay today!" What the heck? You aren't born gay. It's some immature kid that decided he wanted to be different thousands of years ago. Well, look what ya started, buddy! >_>
    Yes, a few million people just woke up one morning, decided to have cereal for breakfast, go to the gym, oh, and live out their lives in one of the most discriminated-against groups in the world today.

    Yeah. ?_?

    What is it with this whole 'you're born straight, you choose to be gay' thing that homophobic people use to justify their opinion? You don't choose to be gay. I could say that you chose to be straight, the fact is you probably didn't. The fact is, you were probably straight the minute you were born, just like gay people were gay the minute they were born. If you're straight, you've always been straight. If you're gay, you've always been gay. You just won't have known it all your life. You don't just wake up and decide it one morning.

  9. #169
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    Originally posted by A-non-a-mus
    ... [snip] ... Guys begin to see girls differently, as certain changes occur... it's all new to them and confusing... They somehow feel the need to be with another... [snip]
    Hello there =).

    This works quite same way with gay people.

    As it written before, you are being born tipped in this way or another. Unnoticed by many; girls and boys begin to see people of the same sex quite differently as they grow up. In their first experience. And their second, third, and forth, too. When you become older your influence on these feelings slowly fades away and it will be hard for you to even attempt feeling any different about how much you're attracted to males or females. You have very little say in that in the end.

    Due to 'reasoning' not too far in style and theme from what was laid out by a few people in this thread who believe that being gay as an unnatural lifestyle choice, these girls and boys are going through great hardships. For no reason other than "You're different."

    Been there, done that.

  10. #170
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    ok... I know what Ashara said was wrong, but please don't resort to throwing insult after insult to him/her ... that's equaly immature as the post it's self... maturity is the knowledge of what's appropreate to show and not show...

    example, it is ok to inform politly: 'you are in the wrong for saying that.'
    ist is not ok to inform: 'how dare you put that, you pigion-footed-eggeater!' ... see what I mean? besides, you'd gain more respect in the eyes of another by keeping from hurling an insult...

    Proverbs 29:11
    A fool gives full vent to his anger, but a wise man keeps himself under control.

    Originally posted by Zaya
    as to physical relationship again;...if you knew what I went through for my true love, you would know, asking me something like that is an insult
    I didn't mean that as an insult, if you believe you've found true love, then that's great to hear...
    To test your surity, though, at a question, what's the absolute first thing that came to mind? ... a strong, clear answer, or a small amount of unsurity? To have expirienced in true love, always yeilds a strong and clear answer. To go so far as to be insulted by such a question, is strong enough an answer... I didn't mean to insult and/or overstep myself in anyway... because I have, I would like to apologise for that... it wasn't my intention.

    Originally posted by pntbll248
    I hate to butt in again, but I think we need to realize that this issue needs treated with compassion and dignity for both sides. A lot of members here, in this very thread, are of an alternate sexual orientation, and saying "They" are "Disgusting", "Sinful [and/or] Wrong", etc... is disrespectful. What this debate has turned into is a debate about homosexual people; we are now talking about living, breathing people. People that are here, right now.
    I am only talking from a christian standpoint in which the bible says the act of homosexuality is a sin... It is not the people, nor are they to blame... I'm not going to turn from my christian standpoint either, however, that doesn't mean I think homosexuals are any less human than anyone else... if that's what you get out of what I've been explaining, I guess I've failed at showing my point... I will openly say I'm not very good with my words... and I don't mean to degrade anyone, or anyone's belief...
    On the sub-human part... I have many more reasons to be labeled 'sub-human' than anyone homosexual... I can't even funtion normally, and if I've come across as saying anything to that effect (without intending to) then feel free to call me worse...

    Originally posted by Jammet
    Hello there =).

    This works quite same way with gay people.

    As it written before, you are being born tipped in this way or another. Unnoticed by many; girls and boys begin to see people of the same sex quite differently as they grow up. In their first experience. And their second, third, and forth, too. When you become older your influence on these feelings slowly fades away and it will be hard for you to even attempt feeling any different about how much you're attracted to males or females. You have very little say in that in the end.
    I wrote that from the view of BOTH hetero and homosexual...

    you're born neither gay nor straight, was what I was saying for I have yet to meet a five year-old gay peron nor a five year old straight, they just arn't in that stage of life yet... the scale is empty and balanced until that stage occurs, it is then that the scale tips one way or the other.

  11. #171
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    Originally posted by A-non-a-mus

    I am only talking from a christian standpoint in which the bible says the act of homosexuality is a sin... It is not the people, nor are they to blame... I'm not going to turn from my christian standpoint either, however, that doesn't mean I think homosexuals are any less human than anyone else... if that's what you get out of what I've been explaining, I guess I've failed at showing my point... I will openly say I'm not very good with my words... and I don't mean to degrade anyone, or anyone's belief...
    On the sub-human part... I have many more reasons to be labeled 'sub-human' than anyone homosexual... I can't even funtion normally, and if I've come across as saying anything to that effect (without intending to) then feel free to call me worse...
    Actually, I wasn't really referring to you or your comments. However, I am Christian and bisexual, and I have good reason to believe that the bible does not condemn all forms of homosexual activity based on the very translations and words used within the books of the bible, as well as other reasons. I don't really feel like getting into that here, though.

  12. #172
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    One, I want to say that all the reasons I come to are not because I am religious. I am NOT a christian...but marriage has a religious there is no way to get around those points.

    I never said that gay people were not NORMAL people. They can be perfectly normal..but their sexuality isn't. It doesn't matter how much they want it to be. The majority of the people in the world are straight for a reason...because that is the way NATURE (notice I didn't say GOD) intended it to be. Since that is what the majority of the people are in this is natural to also develop laws, rituals, and actions that suit them. That is why marriage has traditionally been between a man and a well as the fact that the heterosexual relationship results in new birth. Heterosexual people want the other (and majority) heterosexual people to recognize their bond, and relationship...but since gays are NOT the majority...we do not change our traditions and laws for them.

    I cannot honestly say that I know anything...but I do believe that if that occurs, it will cause problems within society.

    Also, it doesn't matter if a government knows about degradations against marriage, because allowing gays to do so would start the ball rolling. I mean honestly...after this is given..what is to stop people from saying that "love" plays a role in marrying more than one person? I mean, you CAN love more than one person right? It HAS happened I suppose those people...who can't help their feelings should be allowed marriage in the respect too? What about furry people..who love an animal...should they be allowed to marry it as well? How far will it go?

    I don't know what will happen if this is implemented, but I have my own FEELINGS that it will have a negative effect for the MAJORITY of society.

    PLEASE don't say that the marriage issue is for "equality". May I mention again, that marriage is NOT a is a privelage..and those can be taken away and even not given to certain people for certain reasons.

    Someone mentioned interracial relationships right? Well, those don't destroy a family image...there is still a father, a mother, children that can be born. NEVER try and compare slavery, or the way we treated blacks to how we treat gays. It isn't even CLOSE to as bad. There are no LAWS against gays, how they act, or what they are allowed to do. That even goes for the marriage thing. They aren't challenging a law..they are challenging a tradition..that MANY people have been for religious reasons..and that believe it or not..our fore fathers wouldnt have supported as far as I can tell.

    I got your PM Jammet..but to be honest...if you know that misquoting me is wrong...then please don't do it. I meant what I said..the WAY I said it. Thanks.

    Like I said before..I have heard this all before...and honestly at the moment it isn't even that important. Since I am losing interest in those reasons I mentioned before....I think I shall take my "vow of silence" even if something interests I don't intend to change people's minds really...but to be honest it is MUCH easier to understand your side, than it is for you to understand mine. Anyways, enjoy the "debate"....and remember that in the end this conversation doesn't matter (as a reminder for people not to get too upset).

    Here is a quote from something I just read on this issue...he used an example of traffic lights if you are wondering...but it is long, and I don't want to post about it anymore..since this is my last I will post the link in case you want to read more. Here though:

    "It was only three decades ago when the American Psychiatric Association and the American Psychological Association removed homosexuality from their respective lists of mental disorders. It sounds awfully utopian to believe that in the span of a generation a few judges, under popular pressure, can convince the rest of society to accept an unprecedentedly radical revision of an institution that existed millennia before traffic lights, and upon which far more depends."



  13. #173
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    Originally posted by A-non-a-mus
    I wrote that from the view of BOTH hetero and homosexual...
    Since there wasn't a clear reference other than "we" about males actually finding other males attractive or girls finding other girls attractive I've put it in there in the reply.

    Originally posted by A-non-a-mus
    you're born neither gay nor straight, was what I was saying for I have yet to meet a five year-old gay peron nor a five year old straight, they just arn't in that stage of life yet... the scale is empty and balanced until that stage occurs, it is then that the scale tips one way or the other.
    You wish to meet with a 5 year old gay? Meet the crowds. Go out on the street. But you're right in that you cannot ask them about this yet.

    It is fine by me if you'd even reject 'the scale' entirely, so let's assume for the sake of the argument that you are right about this for current paragraph and make one thing very clear: If it all - being gay - actually was a matter of choice and free will - nothing would change. Gay people would still be gay. And not just gay people would still stand up for everyones rights and the equality of homosexuals on the exact same terms as before.

    No human is exactly like another. We look, think, act and feel different. There are mechanisms at work within us that determine what we like to eat, smell, feel, down all the way to the very basics of 'who we like' or 'what we like most in someone else'. Including but not limited guys loving other guys as a direct result. At first just liking someone for something an awful lot. The smell perhaps. This defines who whe are. We cannot change very much of what or who we are, what're becoming. We can try to learn towards decisions to make as we a tad bit smarter than animals. But most of what we are is still predetermined by needs and drives.

    Originally posted by Only-now
    if you know that misquoting me is wrong...then please don't do it. I meant what I said..the WAY I said it. Thanks.
    It was an attempt to drive a point home. Wasn't sensible at all and definitely not the right way, and I'm sorry. If you meant everything as it still stands there though I'd like again to point out that some of this felt like an insult to me. But I won't go back to that and I cut the misquoted section out now.

    Originally posted by Only-now
    PLEASE don't say that the marriage issue is for "equality". May I mention again, that marriage is NOT a is a privelage..and those can be taken away and even not given to certain people for certain reasons.
    That is like asking everyone to please stop discussing valid arguments regardless if you're wrong or not the majority. Please don't take anything going on here personally in any way, and don't take it so much to heart. I'll probably stop discussing this soon anyway as it seems we're going in circles.

    "Marriage" doesn't go hand in hand with religion at all, for marriage is sure to date back to when the first humans lived together in something like a pack or a tribe. As such it's everyone's right, perfectly so. If you're thinking gay people want to get married "under God" that's probably wrong. Well there seem to be some that would want to, and they probably have a good reason to. But I wouldn't understand so if I ever meet one of those, I'll ask' em.

    Anyway this is it for me. Maybe I'll stop here. I see the same names repeating over and over and I can see a good deal of what I just wrote is going to put through the "No your not Yes I am No your not" routine and I don't want to waste my energy on this. I've got more to worry about.

  14. #174
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    Originally posted by Only-now
    Someone mentioned interracial relationships right? Well, those don't destroy a family image...there is still a father, a mother, children that can be born. NEVER try and compare slavery, or the way we treated blacks to how we treat gays. It isn't even CLOSE to as bad. There are no LAWS against gays, how they act, or what they are allowed to do.
    The hell there aren't. Sorry, but that made you sound like you suffer from rectal-cranial inversion. A decade ago, people were being thrown in prison for violating sodomy laws in the US (which, by the way, existed up until about four years ago). In some countries today, you can lined up against a wall and shot for being homosexual. Less extreme, though equally offensive, laws prohibit gay people from military service, discrimination protection, and hate crime protection, to name a few. Now I don't know about you, but that sounds like "LAWS against gays, how they act, or what they are allowed to do". What do you define as bad treatment? Discrimination? Imprisonment? Death? Those sound pretty bad to me.

  15. #175
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    Originally posted by Only-now
    What about furry people..who love an animal...should they be allowed to marry it as well?

    Marrying an animal is much different from marrying a person. A marriage is an agreement between two people.. tell me, how do you ask an animal to marry you? How do you know it's response? Comparing homosexual marriages to human/animal marriages is insane.

  16. #176
    Senior Member lionloversam's Avatar
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    Anyway furries don't actually have those kinds of 'relations' with animals.

    Thanks for the banner, Sombolia.

  17. #177
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    Originally posted by Only-now
    What about furry people..who love an animal...should they be allowed to marry it as well? How far will it go? ~Kiva
    I DEFINETLY think they should be able to. Can you imagine how many animals will sign a marriage contract?

  18. #178
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    Originally posted by Only-now
    Heterosexual people want the other (and majority) heterosexual people to recognize their bond, and relationship...but since gays are NOT the majority...we do not change our traditions and laws for them.

    Also, it doesn't matter if a government knows about degradations against marriage, because allowing gays to do so would start the ball rolling. I mean honestly...after this is given..what is to stop people from saying that "love" plays a role in marrying more than one person? I mean, you CAN love more than one person right? It HAS happened I suppose those people...who can't help their feelings should be allowed marriage in the respect too? What about furry people..who love an animal...should they be allowed to marry it as well? How far will it go?
    By that logic, it would have been inconcievable the idea to end the segregation laws in the mid-1900s...since people that were the target of those laws were a minority...not the majority.

    And the second paragraph is a Slippery-Slope Logical Fallacy accompanied with a Straw-man Arguement.

    What you are saying is that allowing marriage to Gay people will in turn allow marriage to multiple couples and animals after a while (slippery slope)...But since allowing marriage to animals and multiple couples is wrong, that makes allowing marriage to gay couples wrong too (straw man).

    Do you have any credible evidence or sources to back up this logic?...Because, if not, it remains a fallacy.

    Originally posted by A-non-a-mus

    As we grow we 'develop' things, especially during certain stages in life. We all will have our own unique way of seeing the world. Sometimes, it's confusing, othertimes it's clear it always seems hopeless at some point or other. Especially the later highschool years, to mid twenties... I mean, what's on their minds? Guys begin to see girls differently, as certain changes occur... it's all new to them and confusing... They somehow feel the need to be with another... then look at how many there are out there, how can I make a right choise, I'll never find one that's right for me, if there'sonlyone, howcantheyevenbeinthisplace? Things come and go at great speeds, some ask girls out, others don't. Most times, at that early an age the girl is not going to be the right one for them, a poor choise is made, they just can't connect... Some give up, it's hopeless... how can you find one in a group of billions? ... They throw in the towel early... wait... they do get along with their friends just fine don't they? ... Why do they find it so easy to get along with other guys, yet they find girls so confusing? ... thus they see 'oh, I'm gay then' ... when in fact it's neither a choise, nor are they born with it, rather it is a state of mind developed when they were going through puberty. so there, question answered, NO ONE is born gay, and also it is NOT a choice they make... Like a seed planted in the mind, the origin of this seed is Satan, and as we grow older, this seed will take root, causing a strong grasp of how we think ever after.
    Have any sources to back up this theory?

  19. #179
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    Originally posted by lion_roog
    Have any sources to back up this theory?
    well for one, my own studies when I was at the age of twelve, I was already sick of hearing so much talk from the older crowds about their relationships... and began to pick up the reasons one dumps another, the way they act, the ways they live, and why. By the time I was fifteen, I had already taken up reading extencivly on the subject of changes people go through during and after puberty. I also recall studying at church 'true love' what make love differ from true love and how to spot them... it became where I was saddened by the way things were around me in a lot of ways for I could pick out if guys and girls (gay or not) were prone to heartbreak. I wish I could remember the books I had read... I never just took what one book said or one indivisual said. Rather I took what everyone said and what every book had said, and sorted through common and differences... There's much one can learn from simply having an open mind to others' expiriences ... Anyways, I went through many things at that age, yet I made a promise to myself that I would wait patiently through that age, and beyond, making as many friends as I can along the way, but never anything more... For I chose the way of caution towards finding someone for me, I wanted the choices I make to be the right ones.

    Ok, so that was a longer answer than that I tried for, but the short version is, no I have no links and no knowledge of where I gathered this information from. However at the same time, yes, I do have information to back myself up, stored in my head...

  20. #180
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    I've read some pretty rude posts about my religion on here, so...sorry, but not caring. >_> What being gay is is being curious, really. We're all curious about sexuality. Gay people take it to the extent of thinking that there...well, gay. I never said I didn't like them. It just sort of annoys me when they get mad that I don't understand them. I've met...20 or so gay people. I can think of 14 off the top of my head that were rude to me the first time they met me because I'm not too thrilled about being around lesbians and I was still questioning gay people. Now I can hang out with them all day, and not care at all.

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