Bec, I know how you feel, I feel like I need some time before getting a new pet after one passes away. When our first cat, Buddy, passed away, I just moved in with my dad, and he said I could get another cat. All I told him is that I don't want another cat, at least not then... (I guess he thought saying that to me would make me feel better, he could tell I was upset and sad about Buddy) It feels like if I get a new pet that fast, it's like I am replacing the last pet. Getting a new pet so fast after one passes away, just does not feel right to me. I need some time. I'm not sure why, but I do. We have another cat now, Miss Kitty, and I know will never forget about Buddy. So I know that getting a new pet will not replace the old one, but I do feel like I need time after one passes away before getting a new pet, especially when it's same type of animal.

Bella, our dog, I miss her. No worries, she is alive, just living with my mom, since she is my mom's dog... But I just moved away from my mom, a 6 hour drive away. I've only been here for 10 days and I miss that cute, sweet little dog. I hope I can see her again soon. But that depends on if I get a job soon or not I guess. I could bring her to San Francisco for a visit too, my mom is ok for that, but I'm not sure for how long. I guess over a month is too long. But it's better if we get settled in first before I bring her for a visit, I still have a few boxes to go through and find places for the items that are inside the boxes.