Originally posted by Prince_Kivoru
Kivoru sighed and looked to his overly energetic friends, "ok ok let's do this..." he murmured getting alittle impatient. Like his father. The young cub pushed the long hair away from his right eye and and stared off into the distance. When Kivo heard the signal he didn't hesitate to start off as fast as he could, he dashed through the grass, leaped a rock, and flipped over a bush. He was very athletic for a cub his age.

He smiled to his little brother when he caught up to him, then stuck his tounge out, "Second born, second place!!" he taunted as he ran past.
"Hey no fair bro wait up!" *Kiovu ran faster catching up to his older brother* "Kivo I know your going to be King and i'm not, but do you think what happened to Granpa's Dad and Uncle will ever happen to us?"