I saw it with Adam on the 6th (on release day, woo! 8D) and... Well. I don't... know xP

Adam loved it and thought it was amazing. I think I need to see it a couple more times to really get the feel for it. I liked it, I did, but I wasn't blown away by it like I was after seeing Tangled for the first time. I wouldn't call it their best since The Lion King, but I think that if you're undecided on whether to see it or not, you should go. Sometimes I need to watch something a few times before I decide what I think and I'm pretty sure that I'll grow very fond of Frozen once I've seen it a couple more times, hehe.

Olaf wasn't the super annoying sidekick I feared and Sven was as much a reindeer as he was a "dog", so that was a relief :'D There were some plot twists I wish I hadn't known about before I saw it, but there are a fair few clever ones. Maybe if I hadn't known I would've been more "wowed" by the film straight away.

My main issues with the film are the animation and the character designs. There wasn't that much brilliant, shining animation going on and waay too many rubber faces :C There were so many shots that would have gained so much if they had been done in 2D. At the same time the effects work is incredible and they just wouldn't have been able to do that in 2D.

The character designs aren't a cohesive whole. Olaf and the big snow... creature work very well on their own, the people look okay on their own and the animals are fine on their own, but if you put them all in one shot they just don't... fit together. And that's a real shame.

Also, yes, in the credits it does actually say "Inspired by The Snow Queen"