How could anyone live here, let alone a pride? Abasi was not used to the drastic change in his surroundings and it felt very heavy and nearly suffocating. Perhaps when he spent some more time here he would get used to it. Stopping in his tracks, he momentarily coughed. The jungle was so warm and humid, nothing at all like the mountains he was so used to. In fact, as he resumed his walking of the new area, Abasi was coming to the conclusion that the jungle was... restricting. Sure it was beautiful but it was like walking into a place that was prepared to come alive and swallow you whole.

It wasn't long after he mused this, that a scent met his nose. Another lion. Actually, as Abasi glanced around him, the lion made his presence known in front of him. Stopping once more as the stranger approached, he noted the other was just somewhat younger than himself. Now, whether he belonged here or not was another thing. Observing the other there was no emotion or any readable sign upon his features to tell what he was thinking or how he felt. "I hope I'm not intruding?" he asked in a rather toneless voice. It was his usual manner.

Abasi did not know if the other male intended to chase him out or what, so he remained cautious for now. If this younger male wasn't a threat to him after all, Abasi wouldn't bother with needing to defend himself if the situation arised. "I'm merely passing through," he then said. "The jungle is I should say, new to me."