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Thread: Poems

  1. #181
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    I wrote this poem after seeing an anti-war demonstration I saw at school today. A bunch of them were holding up signs with pictures of soldiers on them with the word murderer underneath it. That really annoyed me, and so, here ya go.

    Our Soldier

    A million picket signs,
    And millions more chanting.
    This lack of patriotism, I swear,
    Is really quite disenchanting.

    Hate the war,
    Not the warrior.
    For he performs a noble civic duty,
    Yet some still call him a murderer.

    I?ve been to the buildings,
    At a time before they fell.
    And I?ve been to them afterwards,
    That place was worse than hell.

    This nation had to do something,
    And though many question why.
    I?d rather have half the nation hate the other,
    Than do nothing and watch thousands of more innocents die.

    Whether this fight is right or wrong,
    That is not my call to make.
    But to sit idly by and it happen again..
    That, my friend, would be a fatal mistake.

    Where the sun is hot,
    And the barrels are hotter.
    Brave men and women die,
    And become cannon fodder.

    But it takes a great deal of bravery and honor,
    To climb up over your dead brother.
    And continue to fight on,
    For they?re still protecting all our mothers.

    And so I feel I must plead,
    That whatever you do.
    Please, support your soldier,
    Cause he?ll die for you.

  2. #182
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    - _ - I feel ya, Kintaru. Commendable poem mate!

  3. #183
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    [QUOTE]Originally posted by Simbaspirit
    thats good! [/QUO

    Thank you!

  4. #184
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    Very nice poem, Kintaru...and I fully agree.

    "In the Verses"

    Days into the weeks of years in the centuries
    My soul has been around since the beginning
    Listening to the pains of man
    Caused by the hand of his brotheren
    Hoping to love again
    But instead there's even more that are dead
    Wars as each other are shot in the head
    Gone is the God that lead it all to this end
    The love, is it there or is it all just hidden
    War is just the beginning

    You got wars on the other side of the world
    Wars in your backyards
    War on drugs got the country swinging backwards
    Gang violence taking over our worlds
    Scarring the things we hold dear
    Killing family members
    taking friends that we've known for years
    Tears gone empty after the first pearce
    When your ears heard those famliar words
    "Shot in the head, didn't have a chance"
    Streaks across the land in a deadly silence
    Stabbing hearts a thousand times
    As it takes a thousand lives all in one night
    Gone and out of sight in a second
    Leaving behind a legacy of death
    And it lives in your head until one day it splits it open
    Breaking your brain and leaving nothing
    Soul bender taking and raping all hope all together
    As you wait to see the end of this bad weather
    In a land of the mild mannered, love hating slander
    Of a perivial mind bender silenced by the death of another
    Murder doesn't speak, it's thunderous
    Shaking the skins of all around in it's circumference
    Breaking the distance of the surrounding living citizens
    To see what they witness in the cities caressed in violence

    There's a message in the verses
    I so violently converse in this
    Can you hear it or are you deaf to it
    Listen up
    Before the words are lost
    Before you forget the cause
    In a second all could be gone
    And all you would have left is just your idol thoughts

    The streets are cracking from the heat
    Placed upon them in the wars that they breed
    The war is in our cities
    Not in countries that we can't speak the language
    The land of the rich is the land of the poverty
    Where streets are battle grounds to want and greed
    taking lives caught up in the middle of it
    The heat boiling blisters on the innocent
    In an instant, many lives could be ended
    Blown to pieces my the pieces that we carry with us
    taken to bed with us as we let it lie on our consciouses
    No innocence when there's no peace in the land that we live
    gone is the dream that we said we would give our kids
    When the violence pulls them in and corrupts the family unit
    That is suppost to be their net in such a cirumstance
    Instead we got kids living as gangstas
    Because that's the only place they can get some love from
    When Dad's gone and Mom's never home
    When the sound of guns is something you fall asleep to
    And in the morning "I see dead people" is said with some truth

    There's a message in the verses
    I so violently converse in this


    "I Spy"

    I see with my little eye
    Attempted Suicide
    Criminal minds
    Lurking to take a life
    Looking to make you cry
    Walking homocide
    Talking like you try
    But in a moments time
    You run and try to hide
    It's just like
    You afraid to confront what lies

    In my heart
    there's two enemies at war
    Tearing apart
    What was love before
    The good
    And the bad
    taking on the past
    Replaying all my wars
    And taking all I had
    From the roof to the floors
    Opening all my doors
    In my heart
    there's two enemies at war

    I spy with my little eye
    Domestic violence
    Noises in the silence
    Permanent mindset
    Like it's accepted
    She can't help it
    It's a head trip
    mind games
    Got your head ripped
    Hooked on the acid
    Of the romantic, two-faced addict

    I see with my perfect vision
    The anger inside me
    the things that i dream
    the things that i see
    The pain that it brings
    And it just ignites me
    Burns the fires inside me
    Hurts the love that guides me
    making life horrifying
    When the things that i dream
    Soon become what I see

    In my heart
    there's two enemies at war
    Tearing apart
    What was love before
    The good
    And the bad
    taking on the past
    Replaying all my wars
    And taking all I had
    From the roof to the floors
    Opening all my doors
    In my heart
    there's two enemies at war

    I lost my emotion
    Cost of the motion
    Violent ocean
    City of tucson
    Where there's two suns
    One in the morning
    And one looking for me
    Hoping to hook and hold me
    Took the old me
    Molded my soul sea
    to change what I should see
    And added the violently
    Disturbing acts that haunt my dreams
    Can't escape sleep
    And the sight of my enemies
    When they're inside me
    Sleeping and hiding
    Waiting to awake
    At the first sign I hide within me
    Sleeping, Waiting, to get inside my memory
    Until it's a part of me
    And that's the start of me
    No more love will be inside of me
    After the war with my enemies...

  5. #185
    Senior Member Simbaspirit's Avatar
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    wow. *is blown away*

    roog, send these to a publisher or a contest. like now.

    Avatar drawn by Azerane - thank you! :3

  6. #186
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    Thank you very much....I sent this to a poetry contest...

    Did you know that the light of your eyes
    Casts the perfect shade of light on my life
    From your brown eyes I couldn't sleep last night
    Because I imagined looking into them at all times
    When I see diamonds I am reminded
    that I have one in my life
    All the other gems are jealous
    of the beauty of my find
    Because your beauty is unimagined
    The work of the most romantic words
    Thought up in every romantic verse
    Cohersed into something so beautifully heard
    Causes me to utter the words
    left unspoken to any other girl
    I love you

  7. #187
    Senior Member Simbaspirit's Avatar
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    have they given you your results yet??? good luck! not that you need it

    Avatar drawn by Azerane - thank you! :3

  8. #188
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    And I have yet to hear anything back about the contest...

  9. #189
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    Good luck there, Roog!

    Just to add : ( ) A good site to remember by.

  10. #190
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    Hey...that's were I entered my poem...

  11. #191
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    wow, that will win an originality award hands down

  12. #192
    Super Moderator Azerane's Avatar
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    Sep 05 & 15/2/06

    The night has come
    but the stars are nowhere to be found
    and so the moon is lonely
    As am I

    To lay beneath the sky
    bathed in rays so soft and soothing
    my mind is at rest
    I wait

    A million miles
    a million stars I cannot see
    a place that?s home to you
    But not to me

    Just one breath
    and the night is forever
    an expanse of emptiness
    And loneliness

    Oh precious time
    whatever happened to those slow, lazy days
    when nothing ever mattered
    Save for him

    So goodnight
    the sweet moon will take care of me
    i?ll release my dreams for you
    And only you

    The moon and I
    we travel to worlds so distant
    yet the sky never changes
    Lost and gone

    I will return
    just as sure as the sun will rise
    so I will return to you
    My everything

    Do not cry for me
    my heart may seem so lifeless
    yet I still feel for you
    I live
    That which you manifest is before you.

  13. #193
    Super Moderator Azerane's Avatar
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    My love went to sea on a crimson boat
    Void of all wood and tar,
    He took with him my treasure
    At his own bold leisure
    Not seeing what we two are;

    On oceans salty and on oceans sweet
    He sailed all the earth,
    Swabbing pulsing decks dismay
    As lost hearts ran away
    A bleeding mess of his worth;

    The journey sailed was long and arduous
    One to be reckoned by,
    But my love did not achieve
    What wished my heart recieve
    Stole his crimson ship awry;

    An eternal curtain of red water
    Drip, dropping slowly down

    ...kinda got bored with it after that, just couldn't get it to work out the way I wanted it to. The stanza length I wanted just didn't want to work with the rhythm. So it's crappy, though I do like it as it is different from my other poems. Wanted to write something less straighfoward and more metaphorical, hehe... but it's kinda silly
    That which you manifest is before you.

  14. #194
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    I wrote this about WWI. Post what you like about it, or what you don't like. Or don't post anything. I dunno, I just hope you read it.

    At War

    I step onto the battlefield; my heart is beating fast
    My throat is tight because I know this day might be my last.
    My eyes are dark and weary; my face is caked in blood
    Several days will feel like months in trenches dug in mud.

    Although I?m only a young lad, I?m fighting here in France
    Will I ever make it back? Maybe there?s a chance.
    I?ve found it helps not to think of what I?ve left behind
    But I?ll never erase them; they?ll be always on my mind.

    I?m woken up by gunshots; they still ring as I rest
    But sometimes I must stay awake; it really is a test.
    I know just why I?m fighting, I know that I shall die
    Whether I shall be shot down or I?ll burn like a guy.

    I know I?m fighting for my king and my great country, yes
    But I really wish I was at home, where I won?t be shot to death.
    And then, armed with a rifle, came a stupid Fritz
    He aims straight for my best mate, and bloody hell, it hits.

    I then bring up my pistol and shoot him in the head
    He tries to duck but he?s too slow, I grin and he is dead.
    The grin then fades straight from my face as I realise what I?ve done
    I have killed an enemy, yes, I have killed a Hun.

    I?ve killed a man about my age, it?s like I?ve killed myself,
    And for the first time I witness a death.
    I go from pleasure to sorrow, I?m crying more and more,
    I really feel I know this now,
    This thing that we call war.

  15. #195
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    Wow Azerane and Monai awesome poems!!

  16. #196
    Super Moderator Azerane's Avatar
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    Something I just started writing today... it's called Afraid of the Dark, but I don't seem to have gotten to the fear part yet, lol.. anyway, here it is..

    Afraid of the Dark

    Shadows embracing the corners
    Where golden fingers dare not pry
    The light unable to reach so deep
    The darkness plays eye-spy

    Yet never do the shadows reach
    Beyond their corner lairs
    Blistering sunlight keeps them at bay
    Busy with life?s affairs

    Though as the sun turns a corner
    Shadows embrace the world,
    A blanket of chill darkness
    Around all objects curled
    That which you manifest is before you.

  17. #197
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    Azerane and Monai, very nice!

  18. #198
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    Very nice, Azerane and Monai. I like good poems about War and all. Azerane, when are you going to finish your Fear poem?..

    New one I wrote a few days ago...

    "Someday We'll Meet"

    A cure for my loneliness
    Lies in the arms of a woman
    But that woman is not present here at the moment
    And my loneliness conquers my enviroment
    Where is this woman meant to end all of this
    I want to meet her and thank her for giving me love
    And love her because that's what a real man does
    A real man doesn't love em and leave em and cheat on his Baby
    He stays true to her and loves her because she completes him unlike so many
    The final piece to the puzzle meant to endure this struggle
    My baby meant to cure and pop the bubble
    My life ain't nothin' but trouble and I try to come out on top
    But sometimes it becomes hard, when a friend is shot and killed on the Boulevard
    The life we live can leave so many scars, so many friends behind bars
    But I never got caught up in the game
    the struggle's enough to test my patients
    As long as I got my baby, I can endure and make it
    But that leaves me asking, where is she
    I hope that one day she reads this, and realizes
    that she's the one meant to be with me and live with no more loneliness
    Who knows, maybe she already knows me and she doesn't know it yet
    And fate conspires to make us one one day
    It can come out that way, maybe, I'll have to wait and see
    Wait for her, I'll wait for centuries, until history mentions me
    And I'm a figure of some inportance in society
    Instead of living trying to get by with my nine to five
    trying to live my life as my friends die, hoping to survive
    The struggle that takes over our lives
    And makes getting successful even more of a prize
    Because when you have nothing, everything is something to gain
    Love being the first thing, Got it down on my wish list
    Hoping to find a woman to make that list complete by saying yes
    When I ask to be married to her for life, for eternity
    Always loving, asking her for something as big as marriage and to stay true to me
    I'll give her the heart that I carry
    My life for hers any day, but always hoping that things never turn that way
    For me, because I never want to see my Baby in pain
    Please God, if someone has to die, please let it be me
    I have no fear of what the next life will bring
    Because I hope by then that the love of my Baby will bring the best out of me
    If it ever came down to something like this, My life to save hers
    I would take the gun and end mine in an instant, so please don't take hers
    Because that's how much she would mean to me
    So if you're out there, Baby, I hope that someday we'll get to meet...


    A newer one...I'm not too sure about it...

    *no title yet*

    I hear the children crying
    As I'm living in the time
    I am spending here on earth
    I have no idea why
    The children cry
    Maybe they need to be heard

    Baby boy born a bastard
    Father left last year
    After he heard his wife was pregnant and wanted to give birth
    He was too young to be a father or give a ****
    Because that's what happens when kids have kids
    Now what's a young mother to do
    No job, no education, and family wont help you
    Adoption's not an option
    Because you want to keep your son
    Two lives ended before they begun
    Poverty has claimed another one
    A mother and son
    Maybe the strength the father didn't have
    Will be in the creation of the fling you had
    And he'll be more of a man
    than the man he has never met

    I hear the children crying
    As I'm living in the time
    I am spending here on earth
    I have no idea why
    The children cry
    Maybe they need to be heard

    Gunfire fills the air we breathe
    Mommy and daddy something bad is happening
    But Daddy is gone now, he was shot dead on the streets
    Just like your older brother was last week
    And Mommy's addicted to cocain
    Things don't matter to her because she needs her fix
    And for that she'll do anything
    You both go shopping, but not for groceries
    That's where she makes her purchases
    But this time she was busted
    That's the last you'll ever see of her
    Because in jail she commited suicide
    Seven years old and this is your life
    You now belong to the state
    Because you ran out of parents and family

    I hear the children crying
    As I'm living in the time
    I am spending here on earth
    I have no idea why
    The children cry
    Maybe they need to be heard

    Twelve years old and your Mom just got a new man to hold
    One night things got a little heated
    arguements lead to a beating and it now happens weekly
    Her head is bleeding
    Doors kicked in and things are broken
    She's too afraid to call the cops because that may make his bubble pop
    Fear is non-stop
    One day things go a little too far
    He's standing over her with a crowbar
    And ready to swing and break things in her body
    Adrenaline runs through and you got to act quickly
    Knives in the second shelf of the kitchen
    Take the biggest one and stab him in the back before he swung
    Blood coming out his lungs and his life is done
    No one won because in the end the only thing gained is the results of the violence

  19. #199
    Senior Member Kovu The Lion's Avatar
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    Very very nice LR I liked both.. especially the last one... heres from me.. inspired by a special someone...

    my hand upon cheek,
    eyes burn passionately
    your body, soft, weak

    your breath washing me away,
    essence pouring over me
    losing me througout the day

    you, I embrace
    held close,
    face to face

    i speak from day, to night.. to day,
    but to you these words,
    I love you, I'd gladly say

    Hands begin to tremble
    eyes gazing still,
    my courage does assemble

    slowly i fall, down to kneel
    words clustered together in mind,
    to express, which ways I feel

    your hand held tight,
    words formed in mind,
    a small box.. appears in sight

    looking up to see your face,
    gazing in awe..
    opening up case..

    A smile now forming
    gently, inviting warming.

    Will you?
    Blushing, Smiling...
    Willingly, I do.

    It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice.

  20. #200
    Super Moderator Azerane's Avatar
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    Really nice poems Rood and KTL

    Originally posted by lion_roog
    Very nice, Azerane and Monai. I like good poems about War and all. Azerane, when are you going to finish your Fear poem?..
    Though I'm not so sure what you're talking about there Roog... which one is that?
    That which you manifest is before you.

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