Not gonna lie, I will see it. Just because I am a Disney fan. But I agree, the snowman design is so gross looking, I really don't want to have to look at it too much. It's just *too* ridiculous, I think. Though this is CERTAINLY better than the other preview I saw. Which was just the snowman and the caribou. e_e I guess we have to remember that they are still targeting these films at kids, as much as we want them to get on with it already and start making stuff for us big kids too. x3 You'd think they'd realize that there's a market for that by now....oh well.

Also, I think it's funny how they always try to use TLK as a way to get people to want to see the movie. Using our nostalgia and love of TLK to garner interest in these new films with promises of it being just as good. Oh Disney... x)