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Thread: Parents about TLK

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    Parents about TLK

    I heard some of us TLK nuts have evil parents when it comes to TLK things ... What are your parents thinking about your, if you have, big collection of TLK plushies and posters on the wall when you're around 20? Or 15? Or whatever, I'm quite surprised my grandma is like proud over my things actually ... (once she sended a newspaper reporter to interview me to the article "Big Collectors" in every paper xX) See, this week I went to my grandparents house and she was like "Well, we tried to be updated with your TLK world so we thought about buy this thing when we were out, do you have it?" Then she show me some plastic stick thing with Pride Rock and small TLK3 characters, and I said "Yea, I have two of them", and she said that it was so typical but they were taking a chanse if I didn't have it, so the bought it, but she 'know' that she can't buy me something 'cause I already have everything ... Anyway, her friend at work had some TLK textile she bought too and cut out small simba 'symbols' and put in frames for me (3 different textiles) and then this friend actually did a whole embroidered edging (think that's the word) picture with frame and all of him as well, and she was calling some company bosses for a TLK shirt and pencils ... xD Actually it's quite fun she's doing all this for me, I'm touched xP I'd have TLKoB tickets for my birthday too ... *wie*
    My mum on the other side is like "I can't even be in your room it's too much TLK things" but I think she only means it's too much 'things' everywhere, not 'cause it's TLK, I don't think she mind about that exactly My dad then doesn't care really, he's just going "look it's T??-mon running on animal planet, getting eated by whatever his name was". I remember what he said once when I just had become a TLK fan; "Jeez why all this TLK things all the time? Why do you buy TLK things this much so suddenly and watch the movie so much?" He doesn't like I put pictures and all on our new (ugly) wallpapers, but I don't really care, no, and in general he's not talking much about it except when TLK animals is on TV or if someone says something about TLK, then he starts blabbering some jokes about it ... Funny adults never remember the characters name either, sometimes they can come up with weird examples^^

    But anyway, in other words, my parents don't go all crazy on me 'cause I collect TLK things like I do and is 18. Thankfully ^^ So what is your parents or relateds reaction to your obsession (whether you have a big collection or not^^) though I've heard some of you must grow up and put TLK in your past now ... xD

  2. #2
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    My mum isnt that bad, but when we go into shops and she sees something TLK related, she'll point it out to me. but thats it

  3. #3
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    My parents don't actually know I'm that obssessed. About a year ago, I stocked up on some more plushies, and they thought it was sort of wierd. Other than that, they don't even know.

  4. #4
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    Well, im 17, Male, And my mum knows about my liking for the Lion King, At first she thought i was being a bit silly but after a month, she knew i proper liked it seriously, and she dont have any objection to it, all she is concerned about is that it wont get in the way of my education, which is fair enough.

    She has seen all the stuff on my computer, my drawings, the amount of music i have etc.

    She dont mind at all, nor does any of my close friends, but i wont go near what some of the collage students say, because they are [beep]

  5. #5
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    My parents tell me I need to grow up and stop obsessing over such childish things. They think it's totally unnatural for me to like TLK and Transformers and Bionicle, and not make-up and boys and gossip.

  6. #6
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    I'm in a similar situation to parents know I like TLK but I don't think they know how much...

    They see it the same way most of the people I meet do, perhaps a little unusual but nothing being wrong with it. I came to Uni in September and I was curious as to what reactions I would get from my hallmates. I put up a poster above my bed and all my figures, pictures and plushies etc. People's initial reaction is that it's weird but they quickly change...I find the girls tend to think it's really cute and the guys just don't mind.

    Sorry to wander off topic a bit but...well, it is in my name!

  7. #7
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    well, my parents maybe don't know HOW much I like TLK, I don't really know exactly I only have one close friend who knows I'm a TLK fan and have been here in my room, she doesn't mind at all, she buys TLK things for me all the time or call me as soon as she sees something I 'maybe' don't have She's obsessed with Tarzan so ... ^^

    My classmates don't 'know', but I think they can guess ... I have a lot of TLK things on my school book and bag, I play TLK music on the piano and do TLK things in art etc...^^ Only one guy knows I think, he sat with me at lunch with his girlfriend once and talked about TLK3 and then he said "Well, ask Ki if TLK3 is good or not, she should KNOW for sure" I think my classmates would be crazy and teas me if they found out ...

    Anyway, I'm kinda losing the love for TLK a bit, but I don't think it will disappear for ever, never TLK is something special and will always be

  8. #8
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    My parents don't care what I'm into, but they know I'm into TLK so they always point out TLK related stuff to me.

  9. #9
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    My parents think I should grow up since I love watching The Lion King, Brother Bear, Teen Titans or anything on Cartoon Network. They think I should be watching 7th Heaven or The OC. Actually I think those shows are really aren't that great.

    Though my parents did let me buy Lion King sheet music for my cello and the soundtrack to both the movie and broadway show. So I guess they really don't care.

  10. #10
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    they just think im weird... but oh well

    in school i was that weirdo who liked the lion king, it was different, but people respected it cause i defended it ^^

  11. #11
    Senior Member lionloversam's Avatar
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    My dad doesn't really talk about it. He will just roll his eyes if he gives any response. My mom doesn't talk about it all the time. When I am talking about buying more TLK stuff, she usually gives me a lecture saying that I 'lean towards the furry thing'. And that I should 'really consider it hard' before buying. My family as a whole tries to hide the fact that I am a TLK fan. I normally only tell people about my fandom after I known them for a while.

    Thanks for the banner, Sombolia.

  12. #12
    Your Ghost Host HasiraKali's Avatar
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    My parents are cool with it. It's better now that I can buy my own stuff. They won't fund my habit anymore. But that's ok. I have a certain amount I allow myself to spend on TLK stuff each month, unless sometimes super rare/cool pops up then I'll take it out of the next month's budget. Even people at work know about it. They tease me because Disney is one of our competitors but it's all in fun. If they find something even remotely TLK at their house or something, they'll bring it and give it to me. It's awesome. My manager even asked me what days I would need off to see TLKoT next month even though I didn't mention it to her. My parents are so used to it now that when I'm upset my mum'll say "Why don't you go watch TLK. It always helps." I always tell them it could be worse. I could be addicted to things much worse than a film. I could be taking drugs or just doing things I shouldn't. I get enough of a high off TLK, I don't need anything else.

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  13. #13
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    My Mom doesn't care...she knows I like lions and the movie the Lion King...but I'm not obsessive about it, so she doesn't really care...

    My Dad doesn't care, either...but that's because he's dead...

  14. #14
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    Well my mum might say something like,
    "Why do you draw Lion King lions, their so ugly. Why not draw real animals?"

    Well I do draw real animals (not that any of you have seen anyway), but thats basically all my mum says. She's pretty cool with it other than that, she even watches TLK 2 with me sometimes.

    My dad doesn't give a hoot what I watch and what I'm obsessed with, just as long as it isn't threatening my health, and I'm doing well in school.

    My brother makes a few jokes when I'm watching TLK, and he teases me a bit sometimes, but he admits TLK was a good movie, so thats enough for me^^

    As for my friends (I know this is bout peoples parents, but I thought I'd include this anyway) they know I like the Lion King, and they don't like it as much as me, but they compliment my drawings, and I don't talk about it all the time.

  15. #15
    Senior Member Kovu The Lion's Avatar
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    hmm. Not many people know I like lion king in the real world, outside of this internet world About the whole school thats about it *shrugs and snickers*

    My parents, they tease me about liking it, poke fun about me being the only 15 year old on the planet watching lion king rofl, till I show them this forums and just poke there face and say "ha" or something I guess lea is useful eh ;P

    And friends, dont have any so they don't know! Whaaahahahah >D!!! >3 =3

    I think I'm a lil obssessive with it >D Especially my Fursona.. he's all over me lol >P Cell phone back ground.. CPU back ground, yeah.. =3

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  16. #16
    Your Ghost Host HasiraKali's Avatar
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    *feels old amongst the teens* I know I'm not the oldest on here, but TLK has been my "thing" for almost 12 years.

    We are so much more complicated than our names.
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  17. #17
    Super Moderator Azerane's Avatar
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    My mum doesn't mind at all. She thinks it's funny. She likes the first movie as well, though obviously not as much as me And she found out about my account on TLKFAA and she thought it was really cool. She liked all my art and stuff and thought it was great that I was drawing that. So yeah, I guess there is much worse things I could have taken a liking to.
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  18. #18
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    Heh, I was just watching TLK 3, and it was at the scene where Timon and Pumbaa first take in Simba, and they let Simba sleep next to them.
    My mum and dad were watching with me, and than Simba puts his paw around Timon.

    Now normally, your meant to go 'awww' cause its a sweet moment, but what does my mum say?
    She says "It looks like he has a small snack in his paws"

    My mums very logical when it comes to these things, but it made me laugh. So as something to add to my previous post, my mum has a realistic view on the movie.

    When we're watching, she'll ask questions like, "if they were real, Simba would eat Timon and Pumbaa wouldn't he?"
    Its a horrible thought

  19. #19
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    They really couldn't care less. I'm hardly obsessive.

  20. #20
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    Seems like not many parents care about it ^^ I forgot to tell about my penfriend, I had a habbit to write a lot of TLK before, and she was going "Now we're back in this TLK thing again, you really are obsessed" bla bla, but I've succeed to not mention TLK at all in the latest letters. I said I'm kinda dropping it a bit about being a huge fan and then she had done a TLK picture for my birthday and she said "Well, I did a lion for you but now you say you don't like TLK anymore but I hope you like it 'cause it still is a lion", but that doesn't mean I'll hate TLK for everything in the world just because I'm not over obsessed all the time ^^ She was asking if I one day would woke up and feel I didn't like TLK anymore, what was I going to do? But how big is the chanse I'll do so??

    And as Hasira said, the ones who do know I like it use to give me their TLK things too, so there is coming things from little here and there, and that's great, then it is for free

    My brother is embarrassed over my obsession, just have to add it, he says he's teased in school because his big sister is so childish, but when they're coming over they're stucked in my room for at least one hour, all fascinated about everything in here, but of course they use to teas me a little, but it's never serious things, I usually gives them some stupid comentares about it ... ^^ They can say what they want, but my brother gets all crazy on me when I "steal his friends" xD But when I say I'll throw away all my stuffs he's like "NOOO!! WHAT ARE YOU SAYING, ARE YOU CRAZY?!" My sis just sighs on the other side, the others play with the TLK things, they don't care ... Different responds from everywhere ...

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