Originally posted by lolopimp
I'd say a 9, I love this movie! 10 would be for those who write fanfics or draw their own characters.
Does that make a 10 for me? (Draws TLK fanart) I don't know, I don't think I can really rate it for me. The movie means a lot to me so I'd say it's pretty high. I'm not the type of fan that buys every TLK thing I see in the store though. I even sold a lot of my TLK things that I didn't like that much on ebay a couple years ago. (I kept the TLK stuff I really liked obvivously) And of course I do buy TLK stuff if I really do like if I see it. But I love the music, the movie and TLKoB, and there are a lot more reasons why I like it. (It's animated, I love 2-D animated movies, it's about animals, I love animals, etc)