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Thread: Muslims starting boycot against Denmark.

  1. #81
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    @Huma: This most certainly involves freedom of speech, because it asks the question of whether you're allowed to say something that offends a bunch of people. That newspaper had something to say, they said it under the knowledge that they're entitled to say it, and then the rug was pulled out from under them. Whether they should have done it isn't an issue for freedom of speech, but whether they should be allowed to say something that offends quite a few people is. The KKK offends quite a few people, but they have every right to say what they have to say if they say it in a peaceful medium. Likewise, the people who hate the KKK have something to say, and they have the right to say it as long as they do so in a peaceful manner. This newspaper wanted to tell the world that it thought Islam was a religion of violence (not that I agree with that), and I don't think they should be silenced because people get angry. Lea has nothing to do with the US or EU, or their political system therein; I think a person has every right to insult my religion, and I have every right to argue against what they say when they do. But, with freedom comes responsibility; I think the newspaper made a very bad choice in publishing those images, I think it was wrong to insult the good muslim people of the world, and also I think they cannot have their right to publish such things taken away.

    And I do think this has to do with taking offense, at least to an extent. I would be offended, I wouldn't boycott Denmark, but yeah, i think there's definately some offense taken.

  2. #82
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    The Danish cartoons are nothing compared to the abundance of anti-Semitic ones put out daily by the Arab media (esp. Palestine):

  3. #83
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    @pnt: I partially agree, but see this: we're given the freedom of speech in the light of our willingness to uncover our common, objective truth(e.g science,fact,events in reality). This involves offence to some group if and only if some truth are obtained in the progress so that a better understanding may be attained at the end. Since now we all understand science and common truth, religion becomes a subject composed by subjective reality rather than objective, hence, publicly defying a religion raises none the truth other than the hatred. I can't deny that new paper's right to offend Islam, but they abused their right and make it all the worse for the people who are using the freedom of speech in good purpose. Again take a example here, one year ago, we HAD more freedom to speak of religion than now, why? the flaming caused by those religious-offensive posts shut us up, and I made one of them myself though unintentionally. That's so I learned that the only way to maintain our freedom is to have a control and take acton against any form of abuse. So as one of people enjoying jokes and freedom of speech, I really wanted to shut that news paper up, not by violence tho.

  4. #84
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    Unfortunately not la_reina, since this wasn't a war between religions in the first place, but a war between post-modern thought and religious taboos.

    It's getting very bad now, the cartoons are spreading more and more. They've now reached all the way into newspaper in South Africa where the reaction has been much the same as in Europe and the Middle East =/

    In Afghanistan a U.S. airport came under attack, said to be because of this even though the U.S. has no connection with this whole situation at all.. yet.

    BBC & CNN have both agreed not to show the cartoons and prevent further violence and hostilities.

  5. #85

  6. #86
    Senior Member Simbaspirit's Avatar
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    i know this is a little late, but i dont get it.

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  7. #87
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    Man...Imagine if this starts World war 3...and we're all speaking Portugese (because, I think the Portugal will come out of no where to win this war)...I could see the history books now...World War 3: Global destruction over cartoons...

  8. #88
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    Well I hope Saudi Arabia and other Muslim holy leaders can help stop these violent protests.

  9. #89
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    "If you want peace, prepare for war." ~The Punisher

    Good words to remember actually, because it's true. Anyway..

    Suadi Arabia hasn't done anything violent.. yet.. but they have pulled their diplomats out of Denmark, that much I know.

    The riots have now spread throughout Southern Asia (as Utora stated) and into Nigeria as well.

  10. #90
    Aka STM (Administrator ) Sadiki's Avatar
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    I don't really believe that war does bring peace, just because violance always causes only more violance and respect. I think Punisher ment more like peace for his mind and soul. War have never done anything good... and it neither seems that people never learn anything from wars... but I seriously am a bit worried about the whole situation and where it leads to.

    in fact thrid world war can be true in next 10 years... lets hope not tho.

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  11. #91
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    I guess I can agree with a few things that were already stated here. One, I think the muslims are using this as a way to attack the west, because the issue really isn't that big a deal. Secondly, I think that they beleive that the shock of such violence and outrage would get an apology, or a cowardly response...but instead, they are starting to piss off even Europe (no offesne, but Europe has been REALLY soft in my opinion).

    Obviously, the extremists, or anyone who is outraged over those cartoons, does not put enough faith in their religion..because they allow something so trivial to cause a response like this. They obviously must feel threatened by the cartoons (because there is truth in them) and that is why they feel the need to try and show this. They are WRONG once again, and I think that Europe and the world should take this, and turn it. We should use their attempt to intimidate us, to CRUSH them..and let them know that this is NOT what the world wants..and we will not stand by and let people step on us because of their own problems with the west (which also come from their religion, or so they claim).

    Denmark, or any other country should not have to deal with this, or give up their freedom of speech, etc. They have the right to speak what they want in their own, local newspaper. Whether it was a wise choice, is another issue...but they should be allowed to do so. Look at the Jewish religion? How long have they been persecuted, had jokes about them, the holocaust anyone? Do they go about rioting when they are made fun of in a movie? Not at all, because it is the Muslim religion that allows people to interpret it literally..and thus extract violence from it.

    Whether you like the religion or DOES state that all people who are not Muslim should be killed by having their head cut off. Thus, the extremists interpret it literally, and use it to jusitify their violence against us. Other religions do not allow the same widespread, accepted justicification. By accepted, I mean that it is valid to other muslims that actually make up a large portion. My personal view is that the Muslim religion really does have a much more harsh, violent state...and that even peaceful Muslims have a different view of Christians, than Christians of Muslims. Of course, that doesn't go for everyone..but the religion does have a much more violent, forceful nature. Most of the conflicts around the world involve Muslims, and that is no wonder.

    I hope this gets resolved in a way that weakens their cause..and maybe it will possibly show the Europeans that the US has the right view of the extremists, and that something should be done.

    My guess though, is that this will eventually die down, and it will be the same as before. In my opinion, that is not a healthy situation for the world....because some areas of the world need to realize the threat, and actually do something about it with people who already are (The United States). That is my view of the situation,and hopefully something good comes from this.

  12. #92
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    sorry about the double post, but I do not like when people say that war doesn't bring anything good. That just isn't true in so many aspects. You know the saying "Give peace a chance"?

    Well, why won't anyone ever actually give WAR a chance? I don't think it happens much, because everyone is so quick to jump and say "War is bad, lets all love each other". I'm sorry, but the world isn't that simple...and you have to realize that sometimes war DOES bring peace. The other side can't bring more violence, if they don't exist

  13. #93
    Senior Member nathalie's Avatar
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    Hmm, I wouldn't really like to re-live what my grandparents and many many others have lived during WW 1 + 2, and all the other wars.

    So I don't think I could give war a chance

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  14. #94
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    Well, you wouldn't have to because war is not fought the way it used to be. Those times were much different, but that is sort of a selfish viewpoint. I am not saying I would enjoy a war, or its effects. I don't enjoy the one I am in now...but it IS the right thing in my mind. It is for the greater good in the future...and sometimes you have to feel pain before you feel pleasure. You have to makes things worse, to make them better.

  15. #95
    Senior Member nathalie's Avatar
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    I can't really see much difference between those wars back then and the wars that goes on now: people keep dying / people still get shot/killed.

    I do agree with "sometimes you have to feel pain before you feel pleasure", but not in this matter, haha

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  16. #96
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    I didn't mean people getting shot..I meant the affects at home are not the same as before. People always die in war..and it is the inability of people to accept that (liberals) that leads to deaths in vain, and lost causes. The way in which the United States (since thats the only place I can speak for) fights wars, is MUCH more humane, and precise than WW1, or WW2. This current war is the most militarily successful ever, and thus..I think if the world wants peace from these terrorists..they have to be destroyed. This new style, or imporvement will allow us to do so without losing a large amount of men, property, or killing innocent civilians.

    Basically, you are saying that losing lives is not worth gaining much peace for the entire world?

  17. #97
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    Well, Iran has decided to retalliate against the West by making cartoons that mock... (not surprisingly) the Holocaust.

  18. #98
    Senior Member nathalie's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Only-now

    Basically, you are saying that losing lives is not worth gaining much peace for the entire world?
    In my opinion? Yes.

    It's not worth it to kill so many people.
    Or, it's not worth it that so many people have to die.

    Yet it happens, and I think it's just sad that it happens like that.

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  19. #99
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    You don't think saving the lives of hundreds of innocents in the future, and securing peace for the generations of children to come, so that they don't have to live in fear, is not worth people sacraficing their lives? Wow, that is VERY selfish..and I don't mean to make you mad...but it is true. I guess it depends on what you mean by "so many"...but in three years of being in Iraq...we have lost a little over 2000 troops. I think that is a vast improvement over the thousands lost in a day in WW1.

    All I am saying is that there are causes in this world worth dying for. Freedom and peace are both causes to die for...but that is only if you are the type of person that is willing to do so. Apparently that is not so for you (sorry to offend).

    I guess on the logical standpoint, that stance doesn't make sense either. You don't want people to die to make instead..people will continue to wage this battle (the terrorists against us, other evil powers) and kill INNOCENT people in the same amount if not more. For example..lets say we let Iran have nuclear weapons, and didnt go to war when they refused to give them up, etc. Then they decide to use one on...hmm..the US, or some country in Europe...and thousands of people die. Preventing that is not worth losing some soldiers to an attack that forcefully stops them?

  20. #100
    Senior Member nathalie's Avatar
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    Well first, that was my opinion.

    Second, I don't want *anyone* to die.
    I just don't believe in war.

    And we can go on and on and on about that, but it will still be my opinion on it.
    And luckely we all have different views and opinions in life

    Lea Members I've met...
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    avater = Sharifu

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