A light noise caused his ears to twitch a moment before he slowly opened his sharp green eyes and blinked slowly, the sun sinking low in the sky had momentarily blinded him. The jungle was bathed in a strange light. Yellow at first then changing to purples and reds within the passing minutes. He lifted his dark head and gazed upward to find it was nothing more than a passing monkey in the treetops. Not paying it much attention afterward Abasi slowly got up and stretched out his strong limbs. Slightly shaking his mane that matched his black fur, Abasi was just a little more alert.

Making his way toward the waterhole nearby, he went to take a long, cool, and deep drink. It was very refreshing that was certain. Sighing a little, he wondered how best to occupy his time. He hadn't been in this area for very long. In fact, it was but a mere two hours since Abasi came upon the lush green jungles. He had been travelling from quite a cold region in the mountains and as he descended lower the atmosphere, not to mention temperature changed greatly. Exploring the jungle was either a good idea to familiarize himself... or bad idea. Abasi heard tales of a pride that dwelled here, however he only dismissed them as local story.

Either way, he wasn't going to take this route lightly. After all, there had to be something more threatening in these jungles than a whole pride, right?