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Thread: Moderator Approval Ratings...

  1. #1
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    Question Moderator Approval Ratings...

    Before I begint his post, I want to say that I know there is already a thread just like this one. However since this is a question that can easily change people's opinions over time, it has been remade.

    What better time to state how one feels about the mods thent he beginning of a new year?

    So, by all means let us know what we're doing right and wrong in your opinion. Feel free to give suggestions for improvement on our part, and feel free to offer up any suggestions for improvement to the forum that we might be able to carry out.

    So.. without further blabbing from me.. how do you feel about the moderator, and administrator staff here at Lea Halalela?

  2. #2
    Senior Member Simbaspirit's Avatar
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    the "staff" are great!

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  3. #3
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    Great Job, No one perfect I suppose

  4. #4
    Senior Member Simbaspirit's Avatar
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    exept for me

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  5. #5
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    They're ok I guess

  6. #6
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    i think you do a good job:E

  7. #7
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    I've never been good with authority. It's just me. I'll say that things are doing well here, but I also know there is alot of things going on behind the cutrain that I don't want to know about.

    You asked for my opinion so I'll say it, and don't be afraid to strike back at me either.
    I don't know everything, I'm your average customer here at leahalalela.
    I do know some information that I'm not going to go blabbing about the world here as to brand everyone.

    I personaly do not prefer the administrative section here at lea. I've given it time, understanding, patience. Though they've done nothing to me, it's for other reasons I resent most of them.
    Not everyone is perfect, I truly understand that but for a moderation team you have to be good. I think it could be better, and with the same opinion, it could be worse.

    I'm not truly fond of leahalalela anymore. I've been offended by it so many times. Alot of the morals here just really make me think, is it really worth hanging around?

    No, it sure as hell is not.
    This has to do with the moderation staff as well as lea in itself.

    You may ask, Well you've certainly said we are wrong so what the hell is it that makes us wrong?

    Some of the MODS I feel were choosen in spite of other people here at this forum.
    Some have had their job for far too long.
    Some are biased in their decisions.

    Now I'll say it again NO ONE is perfect, and when I say some I am NOT branding the Moderation Team as a whole.
    I truly think bad things are going here.
    I do not trust the Moderation Team as a whole but there are individuals inside it I could remain sound on.

    Nobody need care that I'm dissappearing from LEA, it's the net. I do have a life, as do we all.
    This is just a forum but none the less there are real people here with real feelings. Above anything that's what matters.

    There's my 2 Cents, now fire in the hole comrades.

  8. #8
    Senior Member nathalie's Avatar
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    If people have problems with me, or any other mod, why can't it be solved in between those persons, or pointed out in some way.

    If Nuka didn't made this thread, the mod team would probably still be thinking they are doing a splendid job (ok, "splendid" is maybe a little over the top, but I think you know what I mean?), while (maybe) most of the people here think that we aren't doing it good.

    Lea Members I've met...
    LKD 1x, Sharifu 2x, STM 2x, This Land 8x, Lucy 11x, Amy 1x, LKS 2x, KanuTGL 1x, Dani 2x, Dan 2x
    Shadow 1x, King Simba 2x, Nephilim 1x, Naline 1x, jazzybbunny 3x, cleargreenwater 1x, HasiraKali 1x, Vidan 1x
    avater = Sharifu

  9. #9
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    In all honesty, I think a few of the staff members are not doing very well at all. A few, whom I will not mention because they know who they are (and if they don't, I would be happy to contact them in PM in a mature and non-aggressive manner), put their own personal agendas or biases against members before their job to keep order on the forum. It's no secret that I'm not liked too much by a select few of the higher-ups, whether they care to acknowledge that or not, for reasons that I think are completely unjustified. I think a few of the staff are too emotional, too quick to jump to conclusions, too easily swayed by bias, and unable to let things that happened in the past stay in the past.

    I have lost almost all hope for the situation with some of these staff members improving, so I asked Mufasa to delete this account; clearly that has not happened, though I think I may have been a bit... rushed... in coming to that decision and most likely would not have asked him in the first place having thought about it. Regardless, I think that the best way for this problem to be resolved would be to make the moderators' forum viewable, but not postable, by the public members so that we know what exactly goes on in times of... distress. If that is not possible, for whatever reason, then I think there should be a moderator and admin "log" that tells major conversations regarding the forum and major actions taken therein and that also tells who did what.

    I also think it's important to note that no one is perfect and can't be held to those standards, and that includes any of the moderating staff; there's going to be bad decisions at some point, that's an unavoidable fact of life. Thus, not a single staff member is either perfect or a complete failure, they're just people doing what people do; though I do think there's room for improvement for some of the staff.

    None of that is based off a personal grudge that I have against anyone in particular; I try as much as humanly possible to not hold grudges against people. I do not consider any of my comments to be an attack upon any individual but a constructive, though harsh, comment upon their performance as a staff member. I have been careful not to mention anyone in particular because I don't think that it is appropriate to be spewing out names in public. I do also realize that this may make a few people angry nontheless, which is I consider an unavoidable consequence of an honest opinion, and more importantly, an opinion that I think needs stated. So, in the event that I do offend someone, I do not apologize and I will not adjust my post, because I have done nothing to offend anyone but state an honest opinion as maturely as possible. All in all, I give the staff a rating of a two stars.

  10. #10
    The Alpha Wolf Returns Aurelian's Avatar
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    Well, I'm sorry to se you go, Tora. Sorry if I did anything to offend you, though I have no clue what...

    Originally posted by Utora

    Some of the MODS I feel were choosen in spite of other people here at this forum.
    Some have had their job for far too long.
    Some are biased in their decisions.
    As a forum member, and not a mod, I do agree with some of Utora's points. First off, I don't think it would be fair to hold Sharifu, Fuzzy, or Ghalati acountable for anything, as they are incapasitated beyond their controle. However, there are a few other now inactive mods that I have to question. I do not understand why Ngtuny and STM are still mods.

    In the whole time I have been in Lea, I have seen Ngt very little. His last appearence was over a month ago. If there is somthing I don't know about, then please let me know. Otherwise, I believe he needs to be removed. A person who doesn't want to do their job while they can doesn't deserve to keep it.

    This is somting that I believe the regs of Lea were not made aware of, but STM left Lea last month for his move, he said he might not come back because of how the forum has changed. He simply doesn't like it. I see no reason to believe that he even cares about careing for Lea anymore. This is not sombody I want to see in the mod staff.

    That is just my opinion, though. Beynd that, I feel the mod staff is doing a great job.

    Now I'll say it again NO ONE is perfect, and when I say some I am NOT branding the Moderation Team as a whole.I truly think bad things are going here.
    I do not trust the Moderation Team as a whole but there are individuals inside it I could remain sound on.
    I would honestly be surprised if sombody was actually happy with every single mod in Lea. That would be a long shot, though. There is always going to be the one or two athourity figures you don't like. Somtimes, you just have to learn to get along with them.

    but I also know there is alot of things going on behind the cutrain that I don't want to know about.
    If you are talking about The Promontory, you would be surprised. That forum gets less traffic then The Timone & Pumba forum. In fact, I don't think anybody has been in there since well before Christmas. If there is anything going on "beyond the scenes", then I don't know anything about it.

    Lastly, if ANYBODY has a problem with me, don't hesitate to PM me, or even catch me on IM.(All of which can be found in my profile). I want to know what mistakes I make, so I can learn to do better.
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  11. #11
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    I guess if the mods or member have problem with each other they need to chat Privately like pntbll said. I mean just don't spark the flame to the others when the mods and member have a problem.

    I don't have any problem with the mods right now if the mods do have a problem with me just try to Private me and we try to work things out.

  12. #12
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    I don't think this should be held privately, I do think that naming people off isn't appropriate though, not until they've been given a non-aggressive chance to be giving some advice and hopefully improve in areas that they're lacking in.

    I think this is definately a chance for a member to voice an opinion about the moderating staff's performance though, whether they (the person giving the opinion) approve or disapprove and by all means those opinions should not be kept private.

  13. #13
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    I guess my answer is on above post.^

  14. #14
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    I made this post because I remembered a similar thread being made around the same time last year (at least i think it was around the same time).

    And the moderating staff should always listen to what the members are saying, after all we are working ont heir behalf, it would be illogical and just plain silly to pay no attention to them.

    That said, as Utora stated there are real people behind these screens with real feelings. And while I personally and I believe the other mods as well accept constructive criticism, please leave it at that, as we have feelings as well. The active mods do their best, that much I do know.

    I believe there is always room for improvement and would like to know exactly what we can do to make it better.

    Though I count Ngatuny and STM as good dear friends of mine, I must agree that they haven't really been active lately, not that a good mod is a person who is constantly active. A good mod is a person who is responsible, not afraid to take action when needed, doesn't think themselves higher than anyone else in the forum, but also doesn't abuse the priviledge they've been offered. At least that's my definition..

    I personally am very happy that members have come forward to say what the mods and admins need to know. I am sorry to see you go though Utora. The whole point of this thread is to help make Lea a better place to be in. I wish you farewell though if you have decided to leave, and hope that I have not offended you, for I haven't meant to. If so I wish you'd tell me what I did so we could sort it out.

    And with that said.. any other suggestions?

  15. #15
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    I agree that non active Mods should be replaced...except those who have mentioned their absence for these extended periods of time, or the ones who we know must deal with things outside this forum. Maybe a temporary mod for those people?

  16. #16
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    It is not because of this thread I leave. I have been withdrawing myself for quite the time now.

    I am now announcing it, so to say, at this moment.
    I know the MODS have feelings, as we do, but I feel that sometimes that doesn't always matter to them but instead it is their job that comes first. The point of their job it so maintain order and peace here at Lea.

    I think now those two words have been twisted alltogether into a COMPLETE different meaning.

    For that and many many other reasons do I go.
    I will not point out names, that is not my intention.
    I will point out my intentions though. My intention for posting my opinion, is to make known that something here is not right. Some are hurting because of things going on that we do not know about. Some of it may be personal between friends, but I don't think it's that anymore.
    However, it does have to do with the Moderation Team of this forum.

  17. #17
    The Alpha Wolf Returns Aurelian's Avatar
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    Though I count Ngatuny and STM as good dear friends of mine, I must agree that they haven't really been active lately, not that a good mod is a person who is constantly active. A good mod is a person who is responsible, not afraid to take action when needed, doesn't think themselves higher than anyone else in the forum, but also doesn't abuse the priviledge they've been offered. At least that's my definition..
    And how does one take respocibility for somthing they are unaware of because of there coninueing absence? Nothing personal against STM or Ngatuny, since I really don't know them, but you can't do a job if your not present. Quite frankly, I know that people will say to just leave them, and they can do what they can when they pop in. I personally think it makes the whole administrative group, and Lea as a whole, look bad, when we don't keep the leadesr up-to-date. Also, I'm not sure they really need replacing. We have Nathalie, Sonique, Vidan, Simba 04', Nuka, myself, Azerane, and Nephilim who are quite active. This group pretty much covers all the grounds. Some mods may seem more active on a daily basis, but some just do their work quietly. I take a more active approach, and sometimes even do things without consulting anybody else, although never anything that would effect any person. I know that another mod confessed that he is more comfortable watching passivly, and alerting other mods when somting is up, so they can take action instead.

    I know the MODS have feelings, as we do, but I feel that sometimes that doesn't always matter to them but instead it is their job that comes first. The point of their job it so maintain order and peace here at Lea.
    Quite true, Utora. If I have to hurt the feelings of someone who randomly joins Lea and falames people, to keep them from doing again, I will. However, I will always put my freinds before a webpage. Unlike the members of the forum, the forum itself does not have feelings.
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  18. #18
    Senior Member This Land's Avatar
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    Overall i think the Mods etc, are pretty good. There are somtimes where i think they have been to harsh or unfair but as with every has said , i dont want to name and shame people.

    What i think the problem is that since people are mods, they think they are bigger and better (thats the only way i could put it), Than other Lea members, so hence their attitude towards other people have changed ever so slightly but you do notice it.

    But hey, thats what i think. Overall the mods do try their best to keep things under control and do a great job, all im pionting out is they somtimes go over the top a little. Most Mods on Lea are great and cant do a better job.

    I rate ***

  19. #19
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    I believe they should be replaced Roq, since Vidan and I can get busy and not be able to check Lea as much as we should sometimes. I also think that Boos needs someone to replace his now vacant spot as well.

    To answer your question though Roq. When bad things happen at the forum and I haven't been very active, I would receive emails from concerned members. For the most part, not to brag but it's the truth, I was the one who responded to these emails. So a less active mod could in fact still be effective.

    However, that shouldn't be the case, the mod staff should be generally active, and I do apologize for my own personal absense from Lea, but school and life definately come first.

    I think we should talk to STM and Ngatuny about their absence, I think they should be informed at the very least.

  20. #20
    Administrator Vidan's Avatar
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    I haven't received any e-mails or PM's from concerned members lately. Feel free to contact me if there are any problems, personal disputes, or otherwise.

    Lately I seem to be going for the more behind-the-scenes approach, but I'm always watching, and listening.

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