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Thread: Love Life

  1. #581
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    That's a rather cryptic, suspicious thing to say... so... who is this mysterious person hmmm?
    Well now.. If I told you- That'd not make it very cryptic and suspicious now would it?

    I don't quite expect you to know her anyways, unless by some Huge stroke of luck. x) Hehe..

  2. #582
    Senior Member Amaryllis's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Prince_Kivoru
    I never had a love life, I guess no one finds me attractive...or is it something wrong with me? I don't's kinda depressing really being single all my life...
    hey i agree with Xinithian, but also; youre young, you have many and many years ahead of you to get a mate, after all, Sharifu for example is 19 (i think,,, ore 20..) and this is the first time she's having a real relationship

    so my advice, wait patiently

  3. #583
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    I agree with Amaryllis...I am 21 and I still have yet to have a serious relationship...and I don't really plan on having one until I graduate from college...

  4. #584
    Super Moderator Azerane's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Twilight
    Well now.. If I told you- That'd not make it very cryptic and suspicious now would it?

    I don't quite expect you to know her anyways, unless by some Huge stroke of luck. x) Hehe..

    Hehe, it's ok, I don't expect you to tell me. Well anyway, seeing as there does seem to be a special someone in your life I wish you both all the best.
    That which you manifest is before you.

  5. #585
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    Originally posted by Azerane
    Hehe, it's ok, I don't expect you to tell me. Well anyway, seeing as there does seem to be a special someone in your life I wish you both all the best.
    I thank ya. ^_^
    Although.. It may be a while before she actually ventures into MY life again, but I'm still her friend, and she stills means alot more to me than she realizes.

    Again, putting up with the single-life. (Got past the devastating heart-break phase mostly already, or else I'm not so sure I'd be able to phrase it as "enjoying"...)

  6. #586
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    I've only had one relationship...a very bad one with a guy (which was a mistake on my part) that turned out so much worse than I wanted it to...and probably has affected some aspects of me making relationships in the future. Sometimes I think it would be nice to have a mate again...idk..its flattering sometimes...but im not really in a bad spot..and I dont get lonely much...but I m always open to anything really. For the most part I think i am pretty mediocre, so I don't really stand out much in having someone become interested in me or something. Maybe there is someone I don't know about, but I will probably never find out..hehe.

  7. #587
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    Nothing new happening with me and my boyfriend, coming up on 7 months though. I'm curious, I have no idea what to get him for Christmas, what are some of the things you guys have gotten a boyfriend/girlfriend for Christmas? I think I'm gonna (as a joke) get him a spatula as part of it... perhaps from Spatula City (if you've seen UHF you should get that, if not, well... go watch that movie).

  8. #588
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    Originally posted by Muruwa
    Nothing new happening with me and my boyfriend, coming up on 7 months though. I'm curious, I have no idea what to get him for Christmas, what are some of the things you guys have gotten a boyfriend/girlfriend for Christmas? I think I'm gonna (as a joke) get him a spatula as part of it... perhaps from Spatula City (if you've seen UHF you should get that, if not, well... go watch that movie).
    Get him Boxers! As a joke of course... ^_^ !!
    Spatula too... Make sure the boxers are Barbie

  9. #589
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    Originally posted by Muruwa
    Nothing new happening with me and my boyfriend, coming up on 7 months though. I'm curious, I have no idea what to get him for Christmas, what are some of the things you guys have gotten a boyfriend/girlfriend for Christmas? I think I'm gonna (as a joke) get him a spatula as part of it... perhaps from Spatula City (if you've seen UHF you should get that, if not, well... go watch that movie).
    Ehh... I got him some Iron Maiden guitar picks, a set of framed Metallica art work with actual film cells from some video or something, Chicken Run on DVD and some Jack Daniels. I'll probably pick out more random things as I find them. ;P *puts spatula down on the list*

  10. #590
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    Originally posted by Azerane
    Hey, you're only 16, you're still young... I'd say there are people who find you attractive, they might just be too shy to say so. Hey, I was single at 16. Enjoy the freedom of not having those sorts of complications at your age.
    I never thought of it like that I guess because all my friends were happy and snuggling with their bf/gf I was sorta jelous that no one ever had feelings for me....that I knew about, I guess some are just shy about coming to talk to me like you said.

  11. #591
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    Is wonderful. ^_^ That long time before she ventured back into my life ended earlier than expected- not that it was expected- And we are together again. ^_^ !!

    She's new to the forums, since I dragged her into the open... She's Sadira Her name's Danielle (to Azerane) And I couldn't be happier...
    Everything's back to normal- Much better actually heh
    (Daniii if you're reading this *most likely you are.. * lufff ya ^_^ )

  12. #592
    Super Moderator Sharifu's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Amaryllis
    hey i agree with Xinithian, but also; youre young, you have many and many years ahead of you to get a mate, after all, Sharifu for example is 19 (i think,,, ore 20..) and this is the first time she's having a real relationship

    so my advice, wait patiently
    Yup... I didn't fall in love until I was 19.

    Less then two days, STM will be here again.

    Originally posted by Muruwa
    Nothing new happening with me and my boyfriend, coming up on 7 months though. I'm curious, I have no idea what to get him for Christmas, what are some of the things you guys have gotten a boyfriend/girlfriend for Christmas? I think I'm gonna (as a joke) get him a spatula as part of it... perhaps from Spatula City (if you've seen UHF you should get that, if not, well... go watch that movie).
    I can't say now, well because my b/f posts here, duh. But I guess I'll say so after Christmas.

    Hey, since this is the love thread, look at this pic Eva Janus did for me as part of our art trade, it's Sharifu and STM as anthros... I think it's beautiful. ^^

    She's such a great artist.
    Thank you to the talented KanuTGL for my avatar!
    My Lion King Fan-Art

  13. #593
    Super Moderator Azerane's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Twilight
    Is wonderful. ^_^ That long time before she ventured back into my life ended earlier than expected- not that it was expected- And we are together again. ^_^ !!

    She's new to the forums, since I dragged her into the open... She's Sadira Her name's Danielle (to Azerane) And I couldn't be happier...
    Everything's back to normal- Much better actually heh
    (Daniii if you're reading this *most likely you are.. * lufff ya ^_^ )

    Awww, that's so sweet. I'm so happy for you Twilight, that's really good that you can be together again, and hopefully for a long, long time. Best of luck to you both.

    And Sharifu that's simply fantastic that you get to see STM in just 2 days, hope you two have a great time, also that pic that Eva did for you is simply beautiful, it's so sweet.
    That which you manifest is before you.

  14. #594
    Super Moderator Sharifu's Avatar
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    Azerane I really like your new banner. How cute.
    Thank you to the talented KanuTGL for my avatar!
    My Lion King Fan-Art

  15. #595
    Super Moderator Azerane's Avatar
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    Thankyou Sharifu =)
    That which you manifest is before you.

  16. #596
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    *dances* Do a little dance....make a little love...duh duh dum...get down tonight *stares* That was a little uncontrolled.

    Love life. I've been reading the stories, most of them. Okay, I wenmt a page back and skimmed. I got the picture. Smooch smooch. Sex...babies..cocnuts and lawn chairs. I mean it's the big rush, I can see why too. It lasts for about 5 seconds at my school mostly.

    Originally posted by Prince_Kivoru
    I never thought of it like that I guess because all my friends were happy and snuggling with their bf/gf I was sorta jelous that no one ever had feelings for me....that I knew about, I guess some are just shy about coming to talk to me like you said.
    Well I'm not shy, and I find you attractive. However -*snaps fingers* I barely know you. Most people here are good looking. I'm looking for the good within the heart.

    If I was to be getting involved with anyone, it'd have to be a Godly man. I mean
    somebody who would bring me up, and not down spirtually speaking. They'd have to be pretty 'up-there' with God, and know the Bible, and not be like, "Oh yeah I've heard about the Bible. Consider the lillies of the f***** field!"

    Yeah that kinda, nulls and voids that verse. Point of it is, I'd want to get onvolved with a man of Christ, and to get married to understand the body of Christ fully. I don't think love is simply an 'emotion' provoked by lust or looks or knowledge. I think it's a decision. Alot things today, nah they tell you to go with emotion and looks. It's all the rave. Eh, not in my book.

  17. #597
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    Well that's a fair opinion. But to me, there's something beautiful about love being something we can't entirely control or predict. If it was, that would take all the wonder out of it.

    Love is not a simple black and white choice. It's not like deciding which shirt to where, or which book to buy, or what restaurant to goto. It's love, and there ain't nothing else like it. That's part of what makes it so wonderful.

    And Utora, you say that you don't like people deciding on who they love based on emotion and looks. But you also say that you won't want to be with anyone but someone who is extremely religious and spiritual. Isn't that a bit hypocritical? I mean no offense of course. But it's not really fair to try to hold someone to such a high standard so that they're "good enough for you."

  18. #598
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    Originally posted by Kintaru
    And Utora, you say that you don't like people deciding on who they love based on emotion and looks. But you also say that you won't want to be with anyone but someone who is extremely religious and spiritual. Isn't that a bit hypocritical? I mean no offense of course. But it's not really fair to try to hold someone to such a high standard so that they're "good enough for you."
    Yeah, agreed. For instance, the thing I thought when I saw my boyfriend for the first thing was "oooh, long hair!", and I don't necessarily think that makes my feelings any less vaild. In all honesty, look are important to me, albeit not the most imporant thing. I don't understand what you mean Utora, when you say not to go with emotions... could you explain please?

    On the other hand, personally I wouldn't want to be with someone who was highly religious, simply because I am very much anti-religious (excluding Buddhism), though I'm sure I could- I would just rather not be with someone who was overly religious.

  19. #599
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    I see it this way, if you're looking for the PERFECT man\woman, you're not going to find them. It's what one of the traits of love is, it's found in all the strangest places sometimes. Love will Always be an opinion- you can't love someone and say it's true for everyone else. So however you think you'll find love is your own idea.

    And Utora, you say that you don't like people deciding on who they love based on emotion and looks. But you also say that you won't want to be with anyone but someone who is extremely religious and spiritual. Isn't that a bit hypocritical?

  20. #600
    Senior Member Amaryllis's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Nephilim
    Yeah, agreed. For instance, the thing I thought when I saw my boyfriend for the first thing was "oooh, long hair!", and I don't necessarily think that makes my feelings any less vaild. In all honesty, look are important to me, albeit not the most imporant thing.
    i was thinking exactly thesame when i saw Ragoom. But i dont know weather you have to believe in /love at first sight/ i think its more like /liking eachother on first sight/. Because love is something thats grown, and not like a thing you get in a drive-in x)

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