"Well Asha has to look after all those cubs after your extremly active love stuff and her just being maybe a little too active there" Twilight replied looking up at Katai; water dripping off his furs and mane in heavy ammounts.
"But Katai I don't want to tell I mean I don't want to lose Shine if she thinks I'm like that I mean shes going to kill me knowing that I went away all that time yesterday when I should of been with her you know...maybe we should keep it as a secret thing I find it more loving you know...makes it more exciting and all that" he said tilting his head shaking it once more sending water into the air.
"Look Katai I rather keep this thing quiet...I don't know how I will feel after this...I don't want to end up not loving both you and Shine cause the feeling will go...and I don't want that" he said turning around padding out of the waterfall shaking himself once more sighing.