Oh I didn't even notice people had posted here. I been pretty tired past few weeks... pretty much ever since I got switched to day shift as I'm not morning person at all and needing to get up 5.25am is just never going to get easy for me XD...

Anyways what comes to moving... I haven't made any moves on it. It does seem majority of people prefer going to Proboards. I mean it seems to me besides me and handful of other members that is pretty much the way people do want to take the board to. It will mean starting over thought as they don't allow databases from other boards so it would be Lea mk4. Staying here is fine now, but whenever something will happen I cannot restore anything even if I'm taking backups now. So yeah I'm currently just sitting on tight and waiting to hear that the community talks it over and weights every possibility so we can do what gotta be done.

What comes to the corrupted database if anyone is interested... Sadly it cannot be restored... the backup got interrupted leaving the database without thread and user info making it pretty much impossible to import posts into the threads without writing pretty much the whole user and thread table from the scratch and with amount of threads there is it would take probably months if not years to rewrite it.

What comes to the database error... unless the problem persists for hours I'm not really concerned about it.