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Thread: Love Life

  1. #501
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    Kiara and Me?

    Originally posted by nathalie
    Looks like Lea is THE ideal place to find/get yourself a boy/girlfriend.

    Is it like this on any other forum aswell? *lol*
    Well the only thing I know is Kiara & I like to chat to each other so I know there is someting there.

  2. #502
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    I think we call this phenomena... WEBCEST.

  3. #503
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    I was kind of down this weekend a bit because well, rumors have said that chris told his best friend kody who told my friend ashley that he wanted to date my her if she became single but he's too afraid to cause he thinks i'll hate him. Well, i WON'T hate him if he dates ashley or any of my friends. I realize the consequences of me taking my stand against dating. So i thought about it all week and i was slightly sad, cause i thought that maybe he didn't like me anymore. So finally yesterday i emailed him and said, "Okay here it goes. I've heard some stuff from some people, i'm not going to name (But don't be angry with anybody, promise?) and i guess it probably should be delt with, cause it's not necessarily fair to you. I don't want you to feel obligated not to like or date any of my friends just because i like you. I don't own you or my friends and i'm not like that anyways. I know stuff like this is gonna happen but i don't want you to feel bad or scared because i would never hate you for something like dating a friend of mine. Ever. I'm serious, that's not how i am. I don't know if you still like me or not and i know i can't date and all, and i realize the consequences of that. I don't want you to feel obligated to like me either. You're my best friend, and all i would want for you is to be happy."

    I was very happy with his reply, and i only hope he was telling this to me truthfully, "I don't feel obligated at all. I really do like you. But, you cant date. But I just want you to know. I'm not going to date any of your friends because they're your friends, I'm not going to date them because I don't like them like that. I just want you to know that. We will always be friends and sooner of later I'm sure your parents will let you start dating and when that day comes let me know. Until then we can still be best friends."

    It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. But at the same time, it makes realizing that i can't date him now even harder to face. And tempting to do.

  4. #504
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    Re: Kiara and Me?

    Originally posted by Talli
    Well the only thing I know is Kiara & I like to chat to each other so I know there is someting there.
    I chat with myself. Alot. Like, all....the time. Like in the shower, when I'm out grazing on grass, when I'm sleeping, when I'm working, even though I barely work, on the computer, at church, when I'm thinking, when I'm walking, when I'm reading, when I'm singing, when I'm burning bits of cars on fire, when I'm tying fireworks to my cat, when I'm arguing with the police, when

    But, I guess I'm going somewhere. Oh Kuzco I'm so happy for me!

    @ Alli : Well CONGRATS girl!
    Though I'm sorry to hear you can't date him quite yet. When the time comes, I think you'll feel happy for the patience.

  5. #505
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    Originally posted by Nephilim
    I think we call this phenomena... WEBCEST.
    ...I agree....And I must take advantage of it and find myself an Internet Wife...or three...

  6. #506
    Aka STM (Administrator ) Sadiki's Avatar
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    well this is a bit late but anyways, Me and Sharifu have been together 6 months now ( or well in 11-03 )
    so this is the longest time I have ever been with the same person... but I really wish it will last forever. I don't really know what else to say. Happy anniversary dear!? ( even thought I did say that in the day already )

    Lea members I have met: Fuzzy, Naline, Boos, Ruska, Tima, Talfasi, JambaB, Sharifu, Vidan, Muruwa, Taneli, Shadow, nathalie, Lucy , Amaryllis, This Land, Daniel, Lion King Stu, King Simba, Nephilim, KanuTGL, Lion_King_300, 2DieFR, Kenai, A-non-a-mus, Eva Janus, dlb138, Levin, HasiraKali, Revo, Simba The Enigma, Azerane and Xacheraus.

  7. #507
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    Aw, STM, that's so sweet It doesn't matter how many times you say it, I don't think she'd get tired of hearing it. And if this is the longest relationship you've been in, then you know that she's definitely THE one. Good luck you two ^_^

  8. #508
    Super Moderator Sharifu's Avatar
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    Oh wow... I didn't even know STM made that post about our anniversary...

    But Happy Anniversary to you too. <3
    Thank you to the talented KanuTGL for my avatar!
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  9. #509
    Senior Member LunarCat's Avatar
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    Happy Anniversary Audra and Petteri!

  10. #510
    The Yorkie Lioness King Simba's Avatar
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    Happy anniversary, Fu and STM. I hope you stay together for years to come and wish you both luck for the future. <3

    Lea members I've had the pleasure of meeting in person: Sharifu, Sadiki, This Land, Nathalie, Lucy, Lion King Stu, Taneli, KanuTGL, Shadow, Revo and Leorgathar

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  11. #511
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    Congrats STM and Fu ^^ I hope you have many more happy months together

    As for me and my gf, it was our 2 year anniversary on November 1st

  12. #512
    Super Moderator Azerane's Avatar
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    congratulations STM and Sharifu, you two are so lucky that you were able to meet each other and that it all worked out for you, I really hope it all works out for you both.

    Also congrats Tiikeri, 2 years is a great amount of time to have beeen together, you are very lucky. All the best for you two.
    That which you manifest is before you.

  13. #513
    Aka STM (Administrator ) Sadiki's Avatar
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    Congratulations Tiikeri, you have been together a long time indeed and it seems it works great for you too sinse you are still together and lets hope many happy years follows.
    I also want to thank wishing luck for me and Audra. Speding time sure is hard to find and expensive to get, but no price is too expensive of that happiness we both feel when we are together.

    Lea members I have met: Fuzzy, Naline, Boos, Ruska, Tima, Talfasi, JambaB, Sharifu, Vidan, Muruwa, Taneli, Shadow, nathalie, Lucy , Amaryllis, This Land, Daniel, Lion King Stu, King Simba, Nephilim, KanuTGL, Lion_King_300, 2DieFR, Kenai, A-non-a-mus, Eva Janus, dlb138, Levin, HasiraKali, Revo, Simba The Enigma, Azerane and Xacheraus.

  14. #514
    Super Moderator Azerane's Avatar
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    Originally posted by SimbaTheMighty
    Speding time sure is hard to find and expensive to get, but no price is too expensive of that happiness we both feel when we are together.
    You sure are right about that. You have so far both been very lucky that you've been able to spend time together already, I hope you get the chance to see each other again soon.
    That which you manifest is before you.

  15. #515
    Senior Member LunarCat's Avatar
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    congrats Tiki! all the best to you are your gf

  16. #516
    Senior Member Sombolia's Avatar
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    Congrats on all you're guys' anniversaries.

    Eh - I'm going to tell this person that I like that I like them.. soon, but it's hard, I have no clue what to say. =/ I'm not going to get an "I feel the same way" answer - and don't say I'm being negative because I know, for a fact, that I'm not. But I'm at least hoping that they'll be okay with it - I don't want anything to change between us..

  17. #517
    Super Moderator Sharifu's Avatar
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    Congrats on your 2 years Tiikeri. And thank you everyone for congradulating STM and I. And Sombolia, I hope everything works out after telling this person how you feel about them.

    Originally posted by SimbaTheMighty
    I also want to thank wishing luck for me and Audra. Speding time sure is hard to find and expensive to get, but no price is too expensive of that happiness we both feel when we are together.
    That is so true... I really feel so lucky that Petteri thinks that I am so special to work so much to be able to afford to see me... Seriously none of my friends would travel that far to see me. When I moved to Oregon, none of my friends I had when I lived in California, would travel to Oregon to visit me... This made me sad because I traveled to see them. It was only about a 6 hour drive too. (Like around 400 miles)

    But Petteri is so right... No price is too high for the happiness we feel together... Chatting online, can't even compare to being together in person. The more time passes, the more I miss him. Well, in little over a month, Petteri will be here again, we'll be spending Christmas together. ^^ And I'm going to be saving up to go to Europe next summer, and spend my summer with him.

    I told my dad last night how Petteri was coming for Christmas, and he was like... "What? Where is he getting all this money to come here?" And I said, "Well he's working a lot." (Duh) I told my dad that he's coming on December 16. And he said, "What?! You're not working until Christmas?" And I said, "Well on my application it asked me about any upcoming vacations... And I put on December 16 to like January 4" The time Petteri would be staying here. And my dad got annoyed by that. He said, "What if Target won?t let you get the time off?" and I said to him, "Well I'll deal with that when the time comes."

    For crying out loud I love Petteri and we rarely get to see each other and all my dad can think about is the money I would be making. My dad doesn't know anything about love... He thinks men can only fall in love after having sex. (Well obviously not all men think like that, thank god! I don't even care what he thinks anyways...)

    Anyways I can't wait to see you again Petteri.
    Thank you to the talented KanuTGL for my avatar!
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  18. #518
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    Aww Congrats Tiikeri, StM, and Sharifu. I'm really happy for you all.

    But that is kinda lame--your dad bein' worried about money n' all.

  19. #519
    Aka STM (Administrator ) Sadiki's Avatar
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    I wouldn't be able to get that much money if I would be living alone or if my parents would have that good saleries. Actually for this time I probably have around 400$ with me but I hope that is enough, because I have worked as much I have been able to and actually few times even sick and durning the exams. I'm not going to say anything about what your father thinks and well if targets want you to work it's ok with me. I will be able to spend some time alone... even though it is quite boring especially if there is no laptop to get online with.
    oh and by the way... it is not 16th - 4th... it is 14th - 5th

    Lea members I have met: Fuzzy, Naline, Boos, Ruska, Tima, Talfasi, JambaB, Sharifu, Vidan, Muruwa, Taneli, Shadow, nathalie, Lucy , Amaryllis, This Land, Daniel, Lion King Stu, King Simba, Nephilim, KanuTGL, Lion_King_300, 2DieFR, Kenai, A-non-a-mus, Eva Janus, dlb138, Levin, HasiraKali, Revo, Simba The Enigma, Azerane and Xacheraus.

  20. #520
    Super Moderator Sharifu's Avatar
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    Sorry I got the dates mixed up. XD And don't worry you'll have enough money.

    Originally posted by FCSimba
    But that is kinda lame--your dad bein' worried about money n' all.
    Ugh yeah he owes me $550 and now he says he might not be able to pay me before Christmas... Well I mean I need that money for my trip to Europe.

    He could of just not gone to Mexico recently to go fishing... :mad:

    Sorry I get mad at my dad for so many things. Even Petteri doesn't like my dad and you know how STM is, he likes to try to get along with everyone...

    But yeah, I'm not sure what I'll do about working but I'll see closer to when the time comes and when I start working there.
    Thank you to the talented KanuTGL for my avatar!
    My Lion King Fan-Art

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