I don't know how much my two cents really counts since I'm so new, but I will still come back if there is a server move. I will go anywhere there are LK people to talk to!

I haven't had any errors since joining here, but, again, only just joined. From what I can tell though everything is working just fine and you head honchos are doing a fine job. :3

Also, this is probably a super fandom faux pas or something and I'm just not aware of it (and if it truly is, then feel free to ignore everything I'm about to say), but if there are so many problems with servers here for whatever reason and it comes down to moving but everyone is tired of starting over, why not just mutually agree to reconvene at another pre-existing forum like Lilymud or something? Or is there some kind of ancient rivalry between the two that I am not aware of? xD If so sorry to even suggest it. I only say Lilymud because, from what I've heard, the MLK forums are terrifying and that's the only other fandom forum I know about, hehe.

The only reason I suggest this as an alternative to moving (again, only if it comes to that) is because, at the end of the day, it's all TLK fandom. Why not gather together in the same place? And if one server is historically more reliable than another and already all set up, why not just slide on over? It'd be all the same Lea people anyway, plus whatever lurkers that still hang around over there...and who knows? Maye seeing posts every day on Lilymud will bring them out of hiding. xD Not to mention encourage new members to post if they see active topics. It has certainly encouraged me being with you all! I have never been so active on a forum in my life as I have been since coming here. xD

Maybe I'm saying something super offensive somehow, so sorry if the answer to this is an obvious "no" due to bad blood, loyalty to Lea, etc. it just makes sense to me to put everyone together if the decision to move is going to deter so many people from hanging around. Not to mention there is a link to Lilymud on the FAA main page so I feel Lilymud is a lot easier to find for new people.

Aaaanyway, before I get things hurled at me, I like Thia's idea of a support/backup crew if that is the main problem. If I knew the first thing about what that even meant I would volunteer to do it....but it sure sounds helpful! xD