I'd much rather be at home. My old room. Just a better feeling of being comfortable and feeling safe.

I also don't get people saying "UK should go on lockdown" but it's mainly them people who are still out in groups.
You really don't need the prime minister to tell you, to wash your damn hands, to stay away from people, just use your own common sense. All the deaths in the world due to this wasn't obvious enough already?

My parents & sister have been inside for 2 weeks now.
My mom gets 30 minutes inside the supermarket, and the one she goes to, has 2 by 2 meter squares on the ground, and only 20 people inside at a time.
And not allowed to stand in the same square as someone else.
I'm sure most of the country is doing it like this, I don't really know anyone anymore back home who lives elsewhere then my parents do.

I've been having like, a cough, like once per hour, so naturally, I'm already starting to think I'll be dead within 2 weeks. As that's just what my brain does.
But, I've just had a bit of a nasty cold over a week ago, and usually, it ends with having a bad cough, so it's probably just that lingering.
Thankfully, I have about 90 chill-pills left, haha!

Kanu, I'd wait until next year then to go to Disneyland Paris. Pretty sure it'll be back next year summer! (somewhere between June & September).
As the festival prooved to be very popular last year. That's why they were doing it again this year.