So, I should be writing a criminology essay right now, but just can't get motivated to start it (it's not like it's due in tomorrow or anything!! =/) so i thought I'd make use of the time. I noticed on the favourite games thread that a few people listed Portal and Portal 2 amongst their favourites, myself included, and I thought I'd make a quick thread for discussion

I stumbled across Portal quite by accident, I had no interest in it when I bought The Orange Box - I got that for Half Life 2: Episode 2 (no football score jokes, please ) A few of my friends were going on about a really funny game with cake and companion cubes, but I didn't make the connection initially. Before starting on Half Life, I thought I'd explore the rest of what was on the disc. Team Fortress 2 didn't really interest me (being a multiplayer FPS game, which I generally shockingly bad at) so I stuck Portal on.

The first thing that struck me was was that it was a puzzle game, and more importantly a GOOD puzzle game, one that really made you think, I spent quite a bit of time on some of the more complicated tests, and you get a real sense of achievement when you finally get the lightbulb moment. It was also one of the funniest games I've ever played, only two other games have made me laugh like Portal - Conker's Bad Fur Day and Psychonauts (and I didn't play Psychonauts until quite some time after Portal) so that made a refreshing change as well. The one little negative is the game's short length, but I can overlook that.

Anyway, I've played through the first one several times now and can breeze through it in about an hour, so I was really looking forward to Portal 2 coming out. This one was just as funny as the first, introduced a couple interesting new game mechanics and importantly was longer! I really enjoyed playing through that one as well (and got just as stuck with some of the puzzles ) I've not played the co-op yet, fraking PSN, but quite looking forward to that when it comes back online.

So ... err, discuss ... didn't really think that one through.