Originally posted by Sonkakee
Billy West, Katey Sagal, & John DiMaggio. Modern-day 3 stooged voice-over eccentrics. The divinity of these estrange characters gave the new meaning of "comedic geniuses."

Futurama is one of the funniest cartoons around; next to Family Guy, these two are always in comparison.

Unfortunately, FOX & Matt Groening; likes to cancel great shows, and put on crappy ones. (I'm still blaming, Matt! XD -- David X. Cohen, is a great executive producer, he tried, he tried...)

Thoughts, anyone?
I know! Futurama is soo cool! Really funny--usually not 'slapstick funny' but real funny. I like the older 'Simpsons' better but Futurama is waaaay better than the past 5 or so seasons. Why the hell don't they cancel 'Simpsons' and put Futurama back on??? Okay, I know why they won't cancel it...they are ending it around the 'Simpsons' movie slated for 2008. I've lost faith in Matt Groening, he's lost touch with 'The Simpsons'. Which is just AWFUL now except for the rare gem. And even the gems don't compare to gems of older seasons. There's even a 'Futurama' reference in 'The Simpsons' in the episode where Mr. Burns is buried under the rock but lives, and takes over the media to try and clean his image after people celebrate after his supposed death. Anyway, the pimple-faced teenager (cameo character throughout the series) jumps off a cliff yelling, "why did they cancel 'Futuramaaaaa!!!" lol (he doesn't die, but lands in a car where a girl and boy are making out, kills the bf, and the girl demands he make out w\ her really well...rotfl).

Anyway, now that I've gotten my dissapointment in 'Simpsons' over...yeah, that show is GREAT. I've only seen a few episodes (long story), but one of my fave quotes is where that Jamaican guy gives his son a penny.

"Invest it in whatever way you want"
"Thanks, Dad! I'm gonna buy 5 shares of Amazon.com"
"A risktaker, eh?"


ADDS: just read about the new episodes! YES!