That is the kind of attitude I fire people for. Nobody HAS to sacrifice their days off, but as a supervisor, I want the kind of employee that takes pride in what they do, not the kind that work for the sake of satisfying their parents and looking good for their girlfreinds. People like that do nothing but hold down the business and make things difficult for everybody else. I want dedicated and loyal employees who won't hesitate to help out when needed. I want employees who wnat to work their way to the top of the chain, not ones who are going to skip out when they get board of the job. I want employees who are willing to sacrifice days off when we suddenly find ourselves short on staff for unexpected reason, not one who will make up excuses to avoid extra hours. If someone wants to say no to me, that's fine. I will find someone else, or pick up the shift myself if I need to. However, the person who continually covers for others when they are unable to work will be promoted and raised much quicker then the one who doesn't.

Tikerri, if you dislike your job enough to call it a 'hell hole", then you ned to get out of their. Find somthing that suits you better.