Originally posted by SimbaTheMighty
I have nothing more to add on that sex before marrige issue so I leave it there...
instead I wanna say that it have gone 6 full months ( or well 5 months 29 days and 13 hours ) sinse me and Audra met in person, but still we haven't been in relationship from the beginning like she said.. it took about a week before we got together... and now that is probably happiest day in my life... I do have to admit that I was confused and quite silent the first time I was there but now I am a lot more open and with Audra I can surelly talk about anything.
So I just wanna say I have loved you Audra over a year and missed being near you every moment after we met and when I'm away from you also before meeting you in person I long to be near you.
Aww, that's really sweet STM. =) She's really lucky to have you, vise-versa. You guys are an awesome couple and I'm extatic for you. I adore love stories. *le sigh* Congrats.